Friday, 21 January 2011

Why Does Love Have to Hurt so Much?

Julian from London:  December 25, 2009 at 11:58am 
You've got ur head so high its amazing....n you seem like the kinda person i could talk to..i hv an issue n i guess the only way i could get it off is by sharing.... holla
   Ama  December 26, 2009 at 1:25am
   Cool dear. email .
Julian from London:   December 26, 2009 at 10:57pm
Hi Ama, Merry Christmas. I wish I could be as merry as you are! I'm caught up in a war! I'm gonna give you a picture of what the situation is. I am torn between my family and the man I love. I have been seeing my boyfriend for 5years now. In all these years my parents have always made it clear that they don't like him. They've got loads of reasons why. their biggest fear is that his controlling nature will ruin me. Now he says we should get on and get married without them. I love him so much but I know I could never do that to my parents. I really don't know what to do.holla
   Ama  December 26, 2009 at 10:57pm
   Hello Julian,

Thanks for confiding in me. I must say I have been in a similar situation. Firstly, the decision to be happy is free and depends on the individual n the way they choose to control their mind. You should be happy and deserve to be happy. Make that decision today that no matter what you will be happy. Secondly, You should never fight with your family over a Man especially when he is fully aware of it. Your man should indeed be trying to make peace between you and your family by winning their love over. Please do not fight your people. Tomorrow that guy will use it against you. Please let him prove to your family beyond reasonable doubt that he will indeed be a good inlaw, a good father and a good husband. This will all show in his character overtime. Be wise and look before you leap!
 Julian from London:  December 27, 2009 at 3:56pm
Thank you so much Ama. Your mail brought a big smile to my face. Speakin about my issue something terrible happened yesterday. Now my family has every reason to say no. I just found out he has a daughter. My cousin who lives in missouri called my mom and told her about it. He never told me. Well I asked him and he said he was scared to tell me because he was sure I would leave him. I'm really upset by this but I still truly do not know what to do. Apparently he was even married to d lady who has the kid. I'm just so sad. Why does love have to hurt so much?

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