Showing posts with label Freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freedom. Show all posts
Sunday, 31 January 2016
Queen Ama wearing a gold dress which depicts the miracle of living beyond this present world.
Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.
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Your Memoirs

Sunday, 13 December 2015
I went through the most painful experience in AUGUST of this year. I am amazed on how my experience has not made me a bitter person. I am glowing so much and cannot understand where the glow has come from while my heart is fixed on something better. I love you so much and can see you almost coming back to life too. I Know the God has visited and looking forward to it. I am looking more like it too.
Queen Ama's natural spellbound look taken at 15:50pm, December13th, 2015.
Queen Ama in a black catsuit from Reiss fashion, London.
Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.
Family and Culture,
Food For Thought,
Wisdom Calls,
Wisdom For Daily Living

Thursday, 5 December 2013
A Tribute to Nelson Mandela (1918 to 2013) by Queen Ama.
Nelson Mandela your presence would forever remain with us. The world holds a record of you from 1918 to 2013, but I hold your leadership and greatness record in my heart forever.
I remember being asked in 2006, "if not you who would you be and why" when I was employed by Citibank after being called and chosen from recruits across the globe. My answer was very clear and straightforward: Nelson Mandela, the ability for forgiveness and to integrate both the black and white". Shortly afterwards, I lived and worked in South Africa for 1 year and 8 months. I had a taste of both working and living in South Africa. You made a great impact in the life of your people, and you attracted the world by your leadership qualities and style. I would not have migrated to South Africa if not for your freedom fight to integrate both the black and white removing the violence of apartheid.
Today, South African has become a better place and the path to leadership and freedom is very clear.
Today, South African has become a better place and the path to leadership and freedom is very clear.
A hero who has taught the world the true meaning of greatness and leadership.
Many die and are forgotten, but you would be remembered for something and forever. I rejoice you have gone to rest and, please send greetings to my father when you see him.
There is no vacuum in the spiritual realm and can now understand why I was awake at 3am. I tried to put on the television and could hear South Africans rejoicing that Africa's true icon has gone home to rest. I join them to celebrate because when great men live us beyond this present world we celebrate and not cry. I celebrate you, Africa's true leader and king.
Greatness: It produces an aroma recognizable from afar. Madiba you are an epitome of greatness just like Jesus-Christ and Victoria Soto. Men and Women who are ready to give up their life for humanity to become a better place. Selflessness and service against all odds.
Madiba, you have taught us when a man finally rules his people that selflessness against all odds is what would make a difference. You have taught us when a man rules his people that ability for forgiveness to integrate the poor and rich cannot be taken away from our agenda. You have taught us when a man rules his people preparation in the wilderness is a prerequisite. You have taught us how a Man's long walk to freedom can lead to the freedom of others. You have taught us if a Man goes to Jail let him comeback with a gift to humanity. You have taught us that a Man cannot rule without his head and heart as both were made to work together. You have taught us that fame is not about moving with the movers and shakers of society, but you have to earn it through preparation in the wilderness.
"Great men earn fame, not on the mountain top, but in the wilderness of life bringing freedom and life to a race once considered dead".
"Great men age gracefully until they raise their hand and the spirit departs from them going home in honour and gratitiude".
"Great men fall and get up because of the height they have to attain."
Madiba you have a left a footprint in the sand of times.
Madiba you have given us a secret weapon of love and forgiveness no matter the circumstances.
Madiba you understood leadership, you lived it, and you gave room for succerssorship.
Madiba when shrubs depart in the forest nobody recognizes it because of its size. However, when the tallest tree regenerates and gives room for other trees we celebrate them.
Madiba Madiba Madiba Madiba Madiba Madiba Madiba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Love you so much and bon voyage.
"Great men earn fame, not on the mountain top, but in the wilderness of life bringing freedom and life to a race once considered dead".
"Great men age gracefully until they raise their hand and the spirit departs from them going home in honour and gratitiude".
"Great men fall and get up because of the height they have to attain."
"You cannot kill a great man's voice because somehow it gets to the top."
"You can hijack the vehicle of greatness, but you cannot stop it".
"You can delay greatness, but you cannot stop it."
"When a Man goes to jail let him come out with a gift to humanity".
"You cannot kill a great man's voice because somehow it gets to the top."
"You can hijack the vehicle of greatness, but you cannot stop it".
"You can delay greatness, but you cannot stop it."
"When a Man goes to jail let him come out with a gift to humanity".
Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved. "A Tribute To Nelson Mandela ". Food For Thought Publications. No part of this program and the associated materials may be reproduced, presented, published or leveraged in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the written consent of the author. Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Monday, 23 September 2013
The Power Of Peace: An Era of Grace.
Who would have thought Africa would be dealing with issues of peace when our culture has to do with family, communal living, and love?
Individuals have failed to achieve inner peace in their own lives. Thus, they now extend their unrest to the outer shell called society. The value system is being eroded, and we blame our Leaders and Government for everything without any remorse as to where we have failed as Individuals,
Families and Communities.
Inner peace is gradually declining in our lives as we fail to connect with the ultimate source of life. The worst part of it: those who still dine with Idols, who have no hands to save and ears to listen when we meditate. Inner peace is gradually eluding man driving him into a realm of insanity where he brings down structures in a minute, which took decades to plan and build. The lack of inner peace has destroyed Individuals and families who now become a menace to the society. Inner peace is now a scarce commodity causing a surge in the price of other valuable items like National security.
Inner peace is gradually declining in our lives as we fail to connect with the ultimate source of life. The worst part of it: those who still dine with Idols, who have no hands to save and ears to listen when we meditate. Inner peace is gradually eluding man driving him into a realm of insanity where he brings down structures in a minute, which took decades to plan and build. The lack of inner peace has destroyed Individuals and families who now become a menace to the society. Inner peace is now a scarce commodity causing a surge in the price of other valuable items like National security.
Today, I tell you brothers and sisters no Man yet to attain inner peace would be able to make meaningful contribution to the collective peace of the Nation.
How can you attain inner peace in the midst of Poverty, Starvation, Insecurity and Joblessness? We have come to the era of grace where money cannot do it all for you. We have come to the era of grace where our values help us connect to our source. Everyone is affected in this era of grace: The Rich, Poor and average working class all need a measure of grace to achieve inner peace and collective peace. We cannot claim to have made progress when we cannot live amicably with our brother, sister and next-door neighbor. A man who holds the gun to your head pulling that trigger is fighting with unrest and has also caused unrest in another Man's life. We can run from one country to another in search of peace, but until you do the right things, peace would surely develop legs running miles away from you. The civil society, business, government and churches have work to do as we all strive to attain individual peace. The power of peace cannot be undermined in an era of grace. Today, where are you in terms of achieving inner peace.
We can achieve Inner peace as we key into the ultimate power that gives it freely and at no cost. Are you ready for inner peace? Shut your eyes for a moment and think of a GOD who is mighty to deliver and save.
Life does not promise stability, but you can achieve inner peace. True peace comes to men who believe in the ultimate power greater than themselves.
What is life without challenges, but great men achieve peace even in the midst of storms.
Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved. "The Power of Peace". Food For Thought Publications. No part of this program and the associated materials may be reproduced, presented, published or leveraged in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the written consent of the author.
Family and Culture,

Thursday, 11 April 2013
Change Factors
There are so many strange happenings all across the globe. Mysterious deaths and unfortunate circumstances happening to those we know. What is the reason behind all of these?
We need to dig deeper away from the fragile and non-solid surface and begin to acquire true Gold. It is a period of groping and stumbling especially in my country Nigeria, but many cannot even see it. Those who have negatively acquired fame would be brought down. Every form of pride would be dashed to the ground.
I did encourage every man and woman to get closer to God and let it not be lip service. The devil can even quote the scriptures and very eloquent. However, it does not take anything for anyone who is spiritual enough to understand the devil has a very short time and looking seriously to destroy many lives as much as possible.
We must be alert as those alarm bells are crying, get ready and prepare for a permanent abode. Living beyond this present world is a goal we must all strive for and it is a race won not by the strongest, the fastest and the skimmer. It is race won by those who have chosen and are travelling the road less traveled.
I pray that whatever grief we are experiencing right now that God gives us another chance to set things right in our own life. We need to look inwards and begin a new journey of fulfillment, which does not have to do with quick wealth accumulation at the expense of others. I totally agree with what the first lady, Michelle Obama had said, Success is not about how much money you make, but it's about the difference you make in other people's life. It is time to start making a difference first in our own lives so that we can be empowered as men and women to change a hurting and deep world. I tell you it is not easy, but with constant Inspiration, Positive Ambition, Strength, respect for Humanity, heavenly wisdom and respect we can all do the impossible. I love you all
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Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved. Food For Thought Publications. No part of this program and the associated materials may be reproduced, presented, published or leveraged in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the written consent of the author.
Prophetic Message,

Friday, 28 December 2012
A Hopeless Fight With Human Flesh and Blood.
We can call down fire from above to consume all our enemies in human flesh and blood, but the greatest man or woman is one who behaves like Jesus-Christ able to forgive those who have deeply offended you.
Ephesians 6-12 from the Christian bible states: "Remember we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places and powers in high places". NLT version states we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.
When you understand the above scripture it makes no sense to hate your mother, sister or brother for trying to destroy you or making successive failed attempts from preventing you from fulfilling your destiny. You deal with those powers behind them and arresting those powers in the spiritual realm. You understand the mandatory command: Honour your father and mother so that your days will be long. This still applies regardless of the negative circumstances even though your parents or siblings might have crocodile scales in the spiritual realm or move into animals to attack you in the spiritual realm.
I remember praying for a girl in Church with other prayer warriors. The prayer got quite intense and she stood with a good posture. Then suddenly something prompted me I stretched out the palm of my five fingers facing upwards and the whole length of my hands came out fiercely from a far distance towards her instantly, and she fell. I did not touch her or push her with my physical hands, but she staggered instantly and fell. Do you now understand that powers had caged her, and there was a release, not by mere physical fight with her flesh? I went home and pondered could my hand be a hand of fire, but not necessary physical fire that can be seen with the naked eyes, but spiritual power and authority. We need to understand things of the spiritual and work less with our flesh. Then the almighty God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel will move mightily on our behalf.
Let me give another clear illustration from the bible. A prophet of God from Judah following a command of Yahweh had arrived at Bethel while Jeroboam the king of Israel was standing and burning incense. The prophet of God shouted , cursing the altar, 'O altar of, altar , thus says Yahweh: There shall be born to the family of David a son by name of Josiah. He shall sacrifice on you the priests of the high places who burn incense on you; and human bones shall be burned on you. The prophet of God also gave a sign as a proof the message was from God. 'The altar shall shall be torn down and the ashes on it shall be scattered.'
When king Jeroboam heard him cursing the altar of Bethel and also indirectly telling him Josiah would succeed the throne. He stretched out his hand from the altar and said, 'arrest him!'. Immediately the hand which King Jeroboam pointed out against the man dried up and he could not draw it back. The altar itself crumbled and the ashes on it were scattered, according to the sign that had been given. Immediately the king said to the man of God, 'entreat the favour of Yahweh your God and pray for me so that my hand be restored.' The man of God entreated Yahweh and the king's hand was restored as it had been.
The prophet of God with the spirit of forgiveness simply said a short prayer. He had the authority to bind powers, principalities, wicked spirits on earth and heaven would respond accordingly. Likewise he had the same authority to loose any power, principalities on earth and heaven would respond accordingly.
I want you to say this prayer for those seeking more spiritual power and authority. You must repent of all sin before you say the prayer point below.
1. Father in the name of Jesus-Christ assist me to be totally broken in the area concerning human flesh and blood. Help me soar up with wings as an eagle in the spiritual realm and let their be instant manifestation of your power through me when I need to act as you have commanded me. Amen
2. Lord Jesus empower me so that whatever I bind here on Earth would be bound in heaven and whatever I loose on earth is loosed in heaven in Jesus mighty name. Amen
3. Heavenly father, may I not be carried away boasting that demons, principalities, powers and wicked spirits are subject to me, but let my name be written in the book of life. Amen.
I love you all and look forward to starting 2013 with you all with renewed hope, love, joy and on a bigger platform. Amen.
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.
Food For Thought,

Monday, 1 October 2012
Is 52 Years of Independence, True Freedom?
Dear citizens of Nigeria,
I congratulate you all for 52 years of Independence.
We wanted freedom from the colonial masters and God granted us that request in 1960.
We are 52 today: Funny how time flies for a nation blessed with renewable and non-renewable resources and truly has achievements to show for it.
Most, important is a compulsory celebration for peace, equality, true growth, liberation and empowerment of women, united families, communities and independent nation. These are true marks of celebration for a truly Independent 52 year old nation.
We are scattered across the globe; some are good ambassadors of the country and others help to give the country a bad name through fraud and other illegal activities. Most, important, I congratulate men and women who have truly assisted with the global positioning of Nigeria over the past 52 years of Independence.
You have all heard the saying, "a fool at 40 is a fool forever". A man or woman who lacks wisdom at 40 could be considered foolish and may never crossover to the side of wisdom, if not checked in good time. Proverbs 4:7 states; Wisdom is the principal thing and with all your getting get understanding.
"Independence”, according to the Oxford dictionary means; to be free from outside control not subject to another's authority. It means self-governing.
Other definitions of independence you may find: not depending on another for livelihood or subsistence, capable of thinking for oneself.
Where are we as a nation based on these definitions given by the Oxford dictionary?
Are we independent yet? Although, documented we got our independence 52 years ago.
We are walking the same road as Lehman Brothers, United States 4th largest investment bank responsible for the Global financial crisis in 2007 -2012 and the worst one since the Great Depression of the 1930,s.
Lehman brothers made rich by increasing its financial burden through illiquid assets, but not liquid enough to meet their daily operational needs. Thus, Lehman brother a top investment firm holding over holding over $600 billion in assets filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. One of the largest bankruptcy filing in the history of United States.
The unwise management of Lehman brothers made poor judgement and focused on bad assets that would make them very rich to the detriment of the external world forgetting time has a way of testing and revealing your true inner state.
Lehman brother founded in 1850, Montgomery Alabama was no longer in existence by 2008. Many employees whose destinies were tied to the daily operations of Lehman brothers, left the worldwide investment firm with nothing to show for it.
One would have thought being able to stand the test of time in business is an opportunity to remain and maintain market share. After 162 years of operation, Lehman brother said its last goodbye to the whole world leaving them with an indelible Mark.
Lehman brother: famous for its wealth and bonus given to staffs who made their balance sheet double in size had gone far into the land of no return. Nobody could bail them out of the financial mess they deliberately went into out of sheer greed, poor judgement and lack of truthful investment values. They gathered illiquid assets that could not be sold to anybody, but themselves. The reward was a great balance sheet that everyone could respect and adore.
Eventually, not even the government of the United States of America could stop the death of the 4th largest investment bank as at 2008.
The worldwide impact of Lehman brother’s weak investment decisions is still being felt even after their death in 2008. Economies are still struggling to come out of the financial crisis.
Nigeria we have been independent for 52 years; have been managing our resources recklessly; implementing weak investment decisions just like Lehman brother.
We are all responsible for an on-going blunder, and if not corrected in time would lead to a divided nation. A defunct Nigeria is neither impossible nor far from the future, if we do nothing to keep our motherland. The heartbeat of our nation is fast dwindling and in no time the eyes of our nation would be shut permanently never to open again just like Lehman brother.
There are true prophets and prophetess; God issues out warning through them to advice his people . These messages are likened to alarm bells, but many listen for a short period waiting for the loud noise to stop. They go back to the old ways of backwardness through stealing, oppression, manipulation and corruption once those alarm bells can no longer be heard.
Funny enough; it is not everyone with eyes and ears that make good use of them. Thus, A Man or Woman clinically deaf and dumb has nothing to feel bad about.
The importance of any alarm bell is not the unpleasant-incessant noise it makes, but the immediate actions required from authorities, government, private firms, learning institutions, Individuals, families and communities.
We have all failed to heed the warning signals for years. The punishment for disobedience, lack of depth and opportunity to gather quick wealth at the expense of the poor that only a few can utilize are here.
A 52 year old man is not a young man, but a mature adult with the ability to think and make decisions that would move families and communities forward.
We are talking 52 years of Independence. Where are we as individuals, family, society, community and independent nation?
Mr President, Jonathan Ebele Goodluck the destinies of every Nigerian both within and outside the country lie in your hands.
Today, I am asking with all due respect, who is your source?.
Is it by chance you became president? What is happening in your Government? Why is the resource- curse hypothesis applicable in our nation? Why is the gap between the poor and rich widening? Why are many still lacking basic primary school Education? Why can Boko Haram not be silenced? Why is corruption still eating up the fabric of the nation like a canker worm? Why are the young dying mysteriously?
Why is the divorce rate increasing at an alarming rate? Why is there hunger and starvation with the fertile soils in the Northern, Western, Southern and Eastern Nigeria?
Mr President you must answer your full name, Jonathan, Ebele Goodluck during your Tenor. A gift from God; who taps into his mercy daily should not bring badluck to the nation.
The citizens must benefit from your Government. You have work to do, but it is only the true living God that would empower you and have mercy on you.
Jonathan Ebele Goodluck you need to change your leadership strategy quickly before it is too late. The clock is ticking fast and not in your favour.
Hear the word of the Lord!
Author: Amalaonye Josephine Kachikwu
© Copy Right October 1st, 2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Queen Ama is a living vision of freedom and womanly strength which cannot be denied. Witness the globalised 21st century personified Spiritual, hot, spicy, loving, female and totally African.
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Queen Ama is a living vision of freedom and womanly strength which cannot be denied. Witness the globalised 21st century personified Spiritual, hot, spicy, loving, female and totally African.
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