Showing posts with label Intellectual Debates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Intellectual Debates. Show all posts

Wednesday, 4 October 2017


I visited UK parliament yesterday after being invited for talks and a tour too. I must confess that United Kingdom is one of the greatest nations in this world. I am not making this assertion to get you carried away or lose focus on what you are already and destined to become. United Kingdom has a role to maintain peace across the globe. What is peace? Some say it is silence, others say it is happiness, but peace means just one thing for this kingdom and their mission. I have found that other nations fighting this kingdom directly or indirectly are faced with storms sometimes called hurricane. I have asked time and number the reason GOD came down here. The world would soon know the WHY’s. The world would soon know the HOW’s The world would soon know the WHEN’s. BREXIT was a defining moment for the Journey to Greatness. A global role that requires patience, focus and understanding. A pleasant surprise and newness for higher grounds. YESHUA says a man who is blessed by GOD cannot be cursed by anyone. They must work with you or lose out and the end would justify it all. I agree that a lot has happened to us over many years but we have grown and developed remarkably as a result. We are not looking back at our pains, sorrows inflicted purposely to deter us from moving forward and to make us fear from holding our NAME. RESPECT is just one thing and would use it here. RESILIENCE, EVOLUTION, SALVATION, PURPOSE, EVALUATION, CENTER AND TRUTH. IS IT THE END? It is time to quit worrying about everything…………. Stop thinking of what may happen. It is not the end yet! Begin the Ultimate Journey to Greatness and leave a lasting Legacy. A divorce between SOUL MATES is never easy if they were truly soul mates. When the law of specificity was revealed to me in this kingdom I knew it was for a unique mission. Please, read page 244, chapter 46 of ULTIMATE JOURNEY TO GREATNESS. Queen Elizabeth is a humble woman who knows how to gather and unite. Royalty does not come cheap anymore for those ready to leave a footprint that is Generational. House of Lords and House of Commons is a prestigious ground for the best and like mind. I am satisfied with the quality and result the UK parliamentary system has delivered so far. I would want to see the House of Commons renovated to an acceptable standard. I received great signs as I walked out of the parliamentary door and showers of assurance from the clouds. It is still raining but it is not just rain. You are a blessed KINGDOM and many know indeed you are blessed. I love you all, Queen Ama Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Friday, 5 February 2016


Queen Ama's Debate

Countries with high rate of poverty may be tempted to marry for wrong reasons. It is no surprise that some or most men may find their original wives at the age of 40 or beyond. What should men who are already married do when they find their original wives? Is it better to keep 2 wives or more to balance up your families?

1. We are seeing domestic violence on the rise each day and women even stabbing their husbands?

2. We have seen cases where men organised for their wives to be killed too.

What is the way forward for original families?

I love you all,

Queen Ama


Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Monday, 24 August 2015


People have been trying to make me talk out in different hotel rooms where I mann my operations as the world leader of leaders. 

I do not know if it is to build a record of insanity for me after attaining my ultimate freedom.

Assuming, I rented a building in Mayfair, London with all the strategic departments required for Governance and dealing with different nations. At what point do I begin to speak out without the intention to do so in-front of my partners.

The art of speaking out loud should be done when you are meeting face to face with your maker.

I believe that my wall connection, walls of hope where I speak out is when I connect in an altar praying to the greatest force.

What is walls of hope? A connecting angle that serves as a universal meeting point.  It is the sunlight's ray balancing many nations.

People who are currently connecting send me an email in advance and then steer their craft (skills) to me.

I strongly believe what you steer is eventually what you have perfected in doing overtime. What is your trade and what are you doing with it?

We also pray together to avoid any unforeseen danger and limitations to upward movement.

Where are you talking right now? Who are you speaking with?

Walls of hope is not a one woman's squad where dead spirits speak without physical bodies.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.


Where is the best place to construct a bridge outside of the human forehead?

What would you be carrying inside to drive free flow of turbulent waters?

I am currently carrying a scar from a bridge designed on my forehead.

An indelible mark should not be left on a man who has worn his own shoes.

I cannot think of one position I am trying to occupy that does not belong to me.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015



Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Nigeria: Security Issues


Food For Thought:  Ama josephine-esther Kachikwu also known as Queen Ama says Nigeria is set for war as 29- Member states house of assembly have voted for outright death penalty of kidnappers.

My Dear Leaders have you tried to understand what drives kidnapping in Nigeria? Does it not make sense to empower the youths to contribute to the development of the country? What is the root cause of kidnapping? How do you handle corruption, which is a crime committed by the elite? I have never seen any country who tried to resolve insecurities with military force that did not end up in war or further war.

You cannot keep making laws that empowers the elite and leaves out other strata of society to suffer.

I see further trouble, if you do not utilize the empowerment and protection framework suggested by UNDP Annual Human Development Report in 1994.

I see trouble and am afraid for the nation!
I see trouble and am afraid for the nation!
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Commentator 1
Alex Ander Miles Well said but i think we should help ourselfs too. We don't have to depend our dead government. My parents ain't rich but i still school and do things right, the fact that our government doesn't care does not mean we should become kidnappers and armed robbers.

March 2, 2013 at 11:45am · Unlike · 1

Commentator 2
Ifeanyi Michael Success U are Right Alex!

March 2, 2013 at 1:59pm · Like · 1

 Moderator's Comment                 Ama Kachikwu JP:

Ifeanyi Michael Success &Alex Ander I totally agree with you we should help ourselves, but death penalty is not the solution to insecurity in Nigeria.

March 2, 2013 at 2:10pm · Like · 1

Commentator 3
Sandra Ekpenyong Do not worry Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama)  the same men who propose death will be met by the same people that they propose it for. These entitled politicians that steal money and cause the youth to be homeless and hungry think that they will escape unscathed, they refuse to learn from their predecessors around the world that the future belongs to the youth. You can either mentor them or be killed by them, but you cannot have both.... and these are men that call themselves fathers and grandfathers, they are no better than the beasts that roam in the wild. In fact those have more integrity then these men.

March 2, 2013 at 2:55pm · Unlike · 1

Commentator 3
Sandra Ekpenyong Alex and Ifeanyi... you can only help yourself when there are viable structures in place. Alex your parents time was a different time, a time of integrity, a time that England use to send their medical students to UI as an exchange students, a time that Dubai leaders came to Nigeria for medical treatment. That time has past, that season dead and a generation of bigot, fat cats who claim to be either Christians or Muslims are raping Nigeria and leaving the country desolate. What opportunities do the youth have? God will have to judge them and the religious leaders of the country as well, because if he only judges the kidnappers alone he will have to apologize for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Let us remember that God is a fair God,

March 2, 2013 at 2:59pm · Unlike · 1

Commentator 2
Ifeanyi Michael Success Yea Sandra, but most cases the Kidnappers go for Struggling men and women not the people that kept them in that situation and that has been the issue on Ground. Most at times, these People are so Equipped that even the Kidnappers and Armed Robbers will not have Access to them but the Innocent Citizens suffer it Most

March 2, 2013 at 3:51pm · Unlike · 1

Commentator 1
Alex Ander Miles @ifeanyi You've said it all

March 2, 2013 at 3:53pm · Like

Commentator 4
Ose Uduebor Kidnapping and any form of violence can and should never be justified. It should be fought and resisted on all Frontiers. Its almost like saying indecent dressing is a good excuse for rape. My mother is a hard working business woman who has never worked for the govt and a victim of kidnap and robbery. Is she the one that caused unemployment? In all countries terrorism and kidnapping are violent Crimes against humanity and attract maximum punishment. We know our leaders are corrupt but they are not the ones being kidnapped and are also a Product of the system bcos they're are elected out of the Nigerian populace. I can bet if u throw a stone into the market place the probability of it hitting a honest Nigerian is nil. Kudos to the National Assembly for helping to deter the scourge of kidnapping in Nigeria. Its just one step next stop is Anti-corruption bill.

March 2, 2013 at 4:36pm · Unlike · 1

Commentator 2
Ifeanyi Michael Success God Bless U Dear for that, Lets Kick Corruption Out of Nigeria, U and i can do it if only we agree

March 2, 2013 at 4:44pm · Unlike · 1

Moderator's Comment
Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama)   @Ose Uduebor The fact there is nobody without sin including those in house of assembly voting for a death penalty to be passed into law makes it non-achievable and worse still one that would backfire so badly. Deal with the root cause of issues and watch your problems melt off like the morning dew. The united nations after so many years of study came up with a framework for dealing with issues as it concerns different countries on human insecurity. Military force as a means to handle violence results in further violence. Afterall, the young man: Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was a rich man's son from Nigeria caught in America for terrorism. Human security is a very sensitive issue and requires a botttom- up approach and having consultations with the most vulnerable. It requires wisdom and can see that the national assembly is not displaying that level of wisdom right now. I hope they can put out that fire they have already started.

March 2, 2013 at 5:48pm · Like

Commentator 4
Ose Uduebor Like I said extreme circumstances call for extreme measures. In Asia they give death penalties to corrupt officials and drug traffickers. I bet the UN would have a problem with such laws but in Asia based on their population,they've come to accept that maximizing resources is key to ensure they survive hence they don't tk lightly to corruption and have damned all UN interventions to change that Law. It has worked for them and is still working. Governance and crime vary from country to country and no manual on earth will sufficiently address security situations accross all countries. If you're currently in Nigeria I believe you'll understand where the Lawmakers are coming from. This bill isn't meant to protect them because kidnappers can't come near them but to protect the ordinary Nigerian who works hard for his daily bread. Okonjo iweala wasn't kidnapped but her mum was, mikel obi wasn't kidnapped but his dad was, the list is endless. Nigeria has never being the best economy but there was no kidnapping. Have you ever asked yourself what the huge sums of money demanded by kidnappers are used for? The youths that kidnap don't use the millions paid to them to create jobs or engage themselves in business, they squander and go back to their trade. Its very easy to blame government for everything but I don't hear of kidnapings in egypt, mali, ivory coast and other countries sharing similar problems with Nigeria or don't they also have youths? If you do your researh you'll discover that there's no govt in the world that employs up to 60% of its youths but Nigerians expect the govt to provide jobs for all its population. I'm not exonerating the NASS members from contributing to under development of the country but neither am I justifying the act of kidnapping and terrorism. Plus even if infrastructures are put in place the success of a Nation goes beyond infrastructures but dwells solely on the mentality of the people. Greece has all the infrastructures in place but Nigeria economy is far better and ill rather live in my village than go to greece right now. The bible says only a fool pours new wine into old wine skin or sews new fabric with old one. New infrastructures should come after new mindsets or else they'll all be destroyed, stolen, burnt or abandoned by the same poeple clamouring for them.

March 2, 2013 at 6:22pm · Like · 1

Moderator's Comment

Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama)
Ose Uduebor let us go through all the points highlighted above:
1.In Asia they gave death penalties to corrupt officials and drug traffickers because they recognised because based on their population they have come to accept that maximising resources is key to ensure they survive hence they do not take lightly corruption and have damned all UN interventions to change that law.
Response: Asia understood the root cause of their problems and dealt squarely with it. They understood the importance of a strong and stable institution. Most important, is one that is accountable before any other thing. It is working for Asia because they dealt with the root cause of their problem.
2.Governance and crime vary from country:
Response: Without a shadow of doubt governance and crime varies and that is why the UN Human security concept makes it clear each country should look at their own problem as you cannot utilize the policy of another country for your own. You must understand the root cause of issues within your own country.
3.The bill is not meant to protect the lawmakers as it is meant to protect the ordinary Nigerian.
Response: The bill is not going to protect anyone in Nigeria, but will end up causing further turmoil.
I do not need to ask myself what the huge sum of money demanded by the kidnappers are used for when Government cannot be accountable for maximizing of our resources in a manner that ensures development. Birds of the same feathers flock together. Kidnappers and corrupt officials have similar feathers and go well together. The reason why they squander the money and go back to their trade is because the root cause has not been dealt with. Remember it worked for Asia because they identified the root cause of their problem. Repeated stubborn problems have a root cause and you must deal with it. Asia has done a good job of identifying the problem with the head before addressing the members of its body.
4.You do not hear countries like Egypy, Mali, Ivory Coast and other countries sharing similar problems with Nigeria.
Response: Governance and crime vary from country just like you mentioned earlier.
5.There is no Government in the world that employs up to 60% of its youths, but Nigerians expect govt to provide jobs for all its population.
Response: What impact has the employed population made to development and what impact has the unemployed population made to development? Perhaps, this is why it looks like a huge number are actually unemployed and it makes no difference.

March 2, 2013 at 7:20pm · Like

Commentator 4

Ose Uduebor Well its obvious we both agree on some issues and differ on others. Nigeria needs great institutions not great people. Policy gives rise to great institutions. Let's hope they make other policies that will strengthen the economy and nation at large but I totally support the kidnapping bill. My problem is if it will be implemented because only 1 governor has signed d death warrant since 1999 even for other heinous crimes like murder and armed robbery. Corruption should attract at least 25-life. Nigerians should countinue to advocate for stiffer penalties against crimes against humanity and corruption. It may not be employed now but God knows 1day a leader will riseup and all policies and laws will be implemented to the last letter.

March 2, 2013 at 7:32pm · Like · 1

Moderator's Comment

Ama Kachikwu JP ( Queen Ama)
Strong Institutions make great policies. It is not the other way round. We are lacking in that regard and need to understand why our institutions are weak and deal with it before any other thing.

March 3, 2013 at 7:07pm · Like

Commentator 4
Ose Uduebor I think I disagree because its policies that give birth to institutions. Institutions and MDA's are only best after guiding and founding laws have been put in place. Its these policies that form basis of operation of Institutions and are the strength of these institutions.

March 3, 2013 at 7:15pm · Like

Commentator 4
Ose Uduebor Est=formed(typo)

March 3, 2013 at 7:17pm · Like

Commentator 2
Ifeanyi Michael Success U are Right Amalaonye, but let the Right Things be done so that we dont Keep doing ourselves thinking we are hurting those in Power Who sold there Conscience long ago that no calamity that befalls the people they are Ruling Bother them in anyway except if it happens to their own Person. Our Destiny is in Our Hands My Dear, lets make good use of them

March 3, 2013 at 7:17pm · Unlike · 1

Moderator's Comment

Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama)
Ose Uduebor you are entitled to your opinion. Are you saying Nigeria's problem is the policies we have pursued in the past or the weak institutions that have failed to put into good use and implement strong polices?

March 3, 2013 at 7:19pm · Like

Moderator's Comment

Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama)
@ Ifeanyi Michael Success I would rather you address me as Queen Ama for further debates. Thanks as that is my name on facebook.

March 3, 2013 at 7:21pm · Like

Ama Kachikwu JP Ose Uduebor, please go and do your research well and find out what makes a strong institution. The policies should be good enough to manage loop holes within the system that can cripple it. Insitutions, policies and people are interconnected. We need a more integral approach. Cheers

March 3, 2013 at 7:29pm · Like

Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama)
@   Ose Uduebor have been having them for such a longtime and with people from different fields and cannot understand what you mean by tone. What do you mean by tone. You do not have to agree with me and I do not have to agree with you . At the end of the day we are working towards a better Nigeria.

March 3, 2013 at 7:32pm · Like · 1

Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama)

Ose Uduebor, Before Lehman brother filed for bankrpuptcy they had experts like you who advised they had good policies and strong institutions. They were experts from the best universities across the globe and some had higher positions than you. However, even with their detailed review of such policies to identify loopholes in the system the bank failed. Why? Today, the regulatory authorities are now gunning for more stringent policies. I wonder why.

March 3, 2013 at 7:41pm · Like

Moderator's Comment

Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama)
 @Ose Uduebor the banking regulatory authority have gone for a more stringent policy and that should drive home a clear message. I am just wondering if you have a master's degree or PHD apart from being a certified PMP.

March 3, 2013 at 7:46pm · Like

                                                          Moderator's comment

Ama Kachikwu JP   (Queen Ama) It is a very simple question and thought you answered it.

March 3, 2013 at 7:52pm · Like

Moderator's Comment
Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama) 
Ose Uduebor It is quite clear you do not have them. I would encourage you to get it. Do you know the people that provide policy guidance. I am not talking about people who implement it.

March 3, 2013 at 7:57pm · Like

Moderator's Comment
Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama)
Ose Uduebor when you are done with your Phd your reasoning will definitely be different. You would really need it for what you are trying to do and believe you are so good with. Unfortunately I do not get the vibes and could immediately identify the areas you need improvement. I wish you the best of luck with your PHD. It was great having this debate with you.

March 3, 2013 at 8:09pm · Like

Commentator 5
Chiedu Oranye Interesting kidnappers get life, terrorists get 3 yrs.

March 3, 2013 at 8:21pm · Unlike · 1

Moderator's Comment

Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama)


"In the 21st century, capable, reliable, and transparent institutions are the key to success, strong parliaments; honest police forces; independent judges; an independent press; a vibrant private sector; a civil society. Those are the things that give life to democracy, because that is what matters in people’s everyday lives." - Barack Obama (in Ghana 11th July, 2009)

"President Obama's Comment Adapted from Queen Ama's blogger".

March 6, 2013 at 7:07pm · Like

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

The Unending Woes of The African Continent!

Food For Thought: The Unending Woes of The African Continent!

Is it right to blame every of the African continent's woes on the incidence of colonialism. Is it not debatable that the nature of the state inherited at the end of former colonialism or neo- patrimonial and particularistic orientation of the competing power elites who inherited the post- colonial states is the problem in Africa. We are looking at 3 things here:

1. The nature of the states inherited at the end of colonialism. Should these states be dismantled or preserved?
2. Are we experiencing a complete breakdown of these states through violent conflicts?
3. Neopatrimonialism.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

"An Unexpected Cure Found in 2011"

Queen Ama's Debate

Why would anyone want to stay in power for 41 years refusing to leave office by opening fire on protesters? Innocent Civilians have the right to vote in their leader, but does ones voice truly count in Africa. We are undoubtedly far from democracy and worst still a better positioning on the global map. How can the youths assist?


The answer is simple, African leaders suffer from Sit-Tight Syndrome(STS), just check the history of leadership in Africa since independence & u'll see that only a FEW haven't been bitten by the bug that spreads this disease.
The method that some African countries are adopting to enforce their rights...PUBLIC PROTESTS, seem to be paying off: Egypt is a leading example, Libya, Algeria are following suit, & I hope someday, Zimbabweans too, will wake up from their slumber.
Friday at 6:14pm · Like · 1 person


Power intoxicates. African strong men heard Obama when he visited Ghana, he did mention that we dont need strong men but strong institutions. From Tunisia to Egypt and Libya through Cameroun , Uganda and Sudan, the new wave of democracy is sweeping the bad spirit of dictatorship away.Its a new dawn in these countries.
Friday at 7:04pm ·

Cash Willis   Thats Ghadaffi for you
Friday at 7:38pm · Like · 1 person

Ama       ‎@Augustine I totally agree with you.
Saturday at 12:57pm ·

Kingzley 'Sleekkilla'

In as much as Colonel Ghadaffi is an eccentric nutter, and I want him removed. The US should also advise their best friend with one of the worst Human Right record in the world, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to give up monarchy. I hate d hypocrisy of d United states. They protect brutality when they want to in against d Palestinians and against d women of Saudi Arabia. Despite d talk of democracy by d US, they display a flagrant disregard for d intellect of pipo outside US. Free Libya, free Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and then free GAZA (PALESTINE)!
Saturday at 7:18pm · 

Ama        ‎@Kingzley good point but until the masses come under one voice crying out for change am afraid those in power to effect change would ignore n devote their resources to those pressing areas of need. It took Libya good 41years to realize they were backward in terms of governance. The same Ghadaffi was a good reference for African leaders who believe they have to be strong men n ignoring the importance of building a strong Institution, system n governance which involves respect for those who elected you into power.
Saturday at 7:37pm · 

Kingzley 'Sleekkilla'  Spot on, dats why I said earlier in ur post dat African leaders are Africa's shame. They are a disgrace to politicians d world over, of which they are no part of. African leaders are PHONEYticians.
Saturday at 7:40pm · 

Ama          Change will not be initiated by America as they have their own issues to deal with n not very perfect. However, those who have being marred from past dictatorship, poverty, stagnancy and held captive in all ramifications need to understand they have a problem. Then only can one begin to map out strategies on how to get back their right and territory. I find Ghadaffi,s tenor, behaviour, antics very similar to King Saul in the bible. It makes the holy bible so real, and true to say events are not based on fiction.
Saturday at 7:45pm · Like · 1 person


Ghadaffi sits in office for 41yrs?who is to be blamed??? the civilians or the economy itself,well unfortunately you can not separate the civilians from the economy, its obvious that there is a circular system of rule in Libya, if Ghadaffi has sat in office uptill now without anything being done, then i must say that the enthusiasm to remove him from office is great! but the timing is wrong, it is now that the people have the boldness to riot against their leader,because they have seen what had happened in Egypt,where were the people of Libya for the past 41years!!!they sat in silence all this while,who have been the people voting for the past 41yrs???ghosts!very funny,do the people expect that Ghadaffi would easily dust his feets and just leave the office without a fight??the people had left him in office for the past 41yrs comfortably without doing anything about it,why is now that they have decided to initiate a change?of course ghadaffi had thought that the people where fully satisfied with his system of rule,and yet did nothing to change so the people constantly voted for him,the future of Libya lies in the voice of the people,and yet the people of Libya have the guts to say that he his wicked,greedy,when they had given an open arms to captivity!for the heart of man is wicked,who can know it?we should not blame ghadaffi only for his actions,but the people of libya as well because they have been in active participation in whatever problems they are facing now,all these are rooted up with the sole decision of keeping him in office for 41yrs,the youths can only help if their votes are not corrupted with money!but a flawless voting system which only God can handle.
Yesterday at 5:17pm · Like · 1 person


@ Roseline remarkably true. It reminds one of the Israelites who were held captive for significant 430 years, of course their behavior put them into captivity. It Is shocking even when it was time for them to get out of captivity some wanted to stay. When they were finally out of captivity, just minor problems would trigger complaints and a small prayer for reinstatement of the previous status quo. That is human beings for you our wants and needs are insatiable. We are still finding it difficult to understand the difference between having a need and want. It is this obvious fact that has led to greed, killing, lack of morals and devilishly shallow behavior. It is no wonder why the networks were revealing the fact Ghadaffi had promised his supporters a handsome package and more to come. Some will prefer to satisfy an immediate need without complete assessment of the cost of the forgone alternative. This is elementary economics, which has practical underlinings. However, most choose to ignore. I ask, where do we go from there. This is a complicated problem which, has plagued different parts of the world. A feasible philosophy which institutions, organisations and Individuals, have totally ignored. I find any decision you take today will always have a forgone alternative. What is the cost of that forgone alternative, if giving the chance to reverse a long-standing decision to keep voting in the same Man into power for 41 years would you do the same thing taking back the hands of time by 41years? That is the problem. The same reason why people are still suffering and it is no rocket science you pay for a wrong decision. However, it is only fools who do not learn from past mistakes, striving daily in an opposite direction altogether different from the path which waged high-cost implications in the first place.

Yesterday at 6:04pm ·

Kingzley 'Sleekkilla'

@ Roseline/ Dont blame the Libyan people for leaving Colonel Ghadafi in power for 41 yrs, he ruled with an iron fist and he is the most unpredictable person I ever saw. He keeps even the US guessing. U (Roseline) would never start a revolution against someone like colonel Ghadafi. Lets be honest here, a tragedy is only a tragedy unless its close. Libyans were emboldened by what they saw in Egypt, its not as if they weren't tired of the tyrant. The question is not will Colonel Ghadafi be toppled? But how much damage will Colonel Ghadafi and his elite forces (tribal force) who are well trained inflict on Libya and her people. Colonel Ghadafi and his family have no where to go, so he's prepared to fight to d death. Lastly Roseline, why didnt u blame Nigerians for re electing Obasanjo? There are no elections in Africa, its just formality.
Yesterday at 6:43pm ·


Kinzley first of all,has any president in nigeria ruled for 41yrs in office???who elected and voted obsanjo out???what kind of economy do we have in nigeria??? if the Egyptians had no problems,would the libyans have rioted??? you say that Ghadafi has no where to go what a flimsy excuse!and that on the other hand is impossible, what has ghadafi been doing for the past 41yrs then if he had no where to go to,if i may ask you are you a libyian or a nigerian,have you been to libya before to experience for yourself how ghadafi ruled,we read the newspapers and swallow both hook,line and sinker,you think is everything you hear and read that is true!go to libya and experience things for yourself before you come here and tell me he ruled with an iron fist!you say that he rules with an iron fist and the people shut their mouths for 41yrs without any complains till now,they were using the egyptians as a form of salvation to their captivity,thinking that that is the easy way out,the tragedy you talk of was brought upon the libyans by themselves,and am very sure that right now some of the libyans would be contemplating why they had started the riot in the first place!
Yesterday at 7:26pm · 

Kingzley 'Sleekkilla' 

@ Roseline/ Am afraid we are getting our wires crossed here, let me clarify two things u misinterpreted. That he ruled with an iron fist and that Colonel Ghadafi has got no where to go. In no way am i a devil's advocate or holding brief forColonel Ghadafi.

Now, when a leader rules with an iron fist. The people of that country stand in awe of him. Because they are intimidated with torture and death. How do u expect anyone to question a dictator without thinking of death? Come on, lets be considerate. Those people werent happy seeing him rule for 41 years.

Secondly, that I said he has got no where to go means he knows he wont be accepted anywhere and he wud fight to keep his position. I didnt say he shud remain in power.

Am Nigerian, and have been to the most dangerous place which is Gaza. If u want to see suffering take a trip to Gaza at ur own risk, thats if the Jews will allow you in. What surprises me most about you people talking about freedom is you avoid the Issue of Gaza.

As for who elected Obasanjo for 2nd term, nobody.  The election was fraud. Show the Libyans example by standing up to Nigerian crooked politicians and police first. Before blaming the Libyan people for keeping him there. I reckon you would never do that, because you are talking from either an airconditioning room or office.
Lastly, d one question I want you to answer with honesty is CAN U START AN UPRISING AGAINST OBASANJO, TALK MORE OF TYRANT LIKE COLONEL GHADAFI?
Yesterday at 8:04pm · 


"laughing my ass off." lmao!! so I don't understand what ruling with an iron fist means or he has no where to go....there was absolutely nothing to misinterpret in what you had stated above, I clearly read and understood, and its obvious that you are comparing the rule of government in Nigeria with libya,and gaza,if you think they are the same then whats the point of the arguement , you yourself know that Nigeria would never have allowed Obsanjo to rule for 41yrs!
Yesterday at 8:18pm · 

Kingzley 'Sleekkilla' 

Lol...Nigeria would have not allowed Obasanjo to rule for 41 years? Would you have stopped him, is d question u avoided once again. And how come u were around when IBB and Abacha clung to power and we didnt see Nigerians starting an up rising?  The only one that happen was just for one or two days which was in 1991. Don't compare Nigerians, with the Arabs. Nigerians are, I meant that in a nice way.
Yesterday at 8:34pm · 


 I asked you a question which you didn't answer,has there been any president in Nigeria who ruled for 41yrs??? I personally only can not dictate the ruling system of Nigeria,and that alone requires the votes of millions of Nigerians,that is why there is a voting system which has always not been corrupt in the past years,until the rain of obsanjo!
Yesterday at 8:43pm · 

Kingzley 'Sleekkilla'

Hahahahaha! Voting system? Please dont make me laugh off my skin. You are obviously new or haven't been to Nigeria. Lmao! Come to Nigeria and face reality, and then you will know that candidates are forced on Nigerians and the winner is known even before going to the polls without Nigerians making a noise about. Unless, am the one who lives in a different Nigeria from yours.

And to answer your question, no. No Nigerian leader has ruled for 41 years, and if anyone wishes to do that, there's nothing U, ME or anyone can do about it. Now, can you please answer my question so we can stop going back?
Yesterday at 8:55pm ·


I answered your question already, read my previous comment properly!
Yesterday at 8:57pm · 

Kingzley 'Sleekkilla'

Well, I fail to see where u did. Anyway, if u say so. Nice chatting with u dear, I enjoyed your company. Have pleasant dreams and sleep among angels.
Yesterday at 9:09pm · 


@Roseline and Kingzley thanks for your contributions. I agree with Kingzley that Africa as a continent is corrupt. Who is responsible? What can be done to remove the mark of Slavery from Africa and getting well positioned on a global Map. I believe we are all responsible for the problem in Africa. We need to examine our conscience as human beings, what do we do on a daily basis that has led us into captivity. It is very straightforward. The Libyans voted in a tyrant to rule them for 41 years, nobody wants to die and people love their lives. A situation were I can save my life and my family totally ignoring the outer shell called "Society". So many have practiced complacency for years. It is no-longer working. Hence, the uprising and conflict in Egypt. The Libyans have seen this worked for Egypt. Therefore let us seize the opportunity and make hay while the sun shines and follow our Egyptian brothers to get out of slavery. No Man is above the law and with time those who have contributed significantly to the decadence in Africa will pay for it in due time. Coming back to your question Kingzley on who can match up to Obasanjo? It is very simple of course GOD but he uses human beings like you and I. Obasanjo is not above the law as a matter of fact if he was such a great Man or a dictator why did he not avoid going into prison in the first place. This is a period where so many events are unpredictable and many more to come. He who laughs last laughs best and those who have been stripped bare by poverty without their volition would laugh so hard later. Africa would not continue this way and so many strong men would be stripped off their ammunitions and ranks in whatever society they belong.
14 hours ago · Like · 1 person

Kingzley 'Sleekkilla'  ‎

@ Ama/ Very true, God is d greatest. They saw that fact in General Abacha's case, thats what even saved Obasanjo's life.
13 hours ago · 


We have exhausted all the possible angles looking at another hot matter on Queen Ama's Food For Thought. Thank you so much to all my contributors, Roseline, Kingzley, Augustine and Lindsey. This would not be possible without you all. Well going back to the house I am sure you have learnt so much from this weekends subject matter. Food for thought on the list is Freedom, Growth, Unity and Progress in Africa at all cost but with the support of the youth.  It is unbelievable Libya, Tunisia and Egypt have found the cure to "Sit Tight Syndrome", Who is Responsible? See you all same time next week.
5 minutes ago · 

Liberation comes at a price often involving mass scale destruction and new beginnings.

Labels: " The Long-Awaited Cure", "Diabolical Power", "Ruling at All Cost",