An introjection/introspection: The Present, Past and Future. Nigeria celebrates 57 years of Independence. QUEEN’s message to Nigeria on the 1st of October 2017.
A livid hope for a nation forming part of a continent. We owe ourselves the core duty of unity, peace and progress. The families have a key role in the distribution of the dividends of democracy. A nation cannot arise without a community and asociety cannot stand without families. Nigeria as you turn 57 today we have a conscious moral obligation to evaluate along the lines of RESPECT rule.
Truth must be told, we can do better across various forces, zones, institutions, levels, and grades. Nobody is too small to reflect upon the progress we have made so far. Success is not absolute and would come with hitches which we suffer from many and trying to be solution providers as opposed to problem machinators. We are bouncing back after decades of sell-offs because of blurry vision and mediocre occupancy of sacred roles. There has been much abuse on the center with devolution and restructuring claiming grounds. According to Myles Munroe the great philosopher and teacher, “When the purpose of a thing is not known abuse is inevitable”. And so, the center suffers from lack of purpose. Every African nation has a role to play in the continent of Africa. Duties and empowerment remains ambiguous. The universe was not created in the absence of vision. The qualities you would see is harmonization, congruency and order these are results of careful plan and a visionary who is a problem solver. Today, I stand in solidarity with my fellow Nigerians to reflect upon our strides, our tenor which is not forever and the results. We are in the awe-inspiringtime of challenges and monumental truth with broad smiles. We would. Or fail as we recognize our faults and making necessary amendment to our constitution which is the law of the people. Guiding chapter on performance, and steps to association to bringing about the fulfilment the people need. On this day being 1st of October 2017 which earns us
57 years in the exclusive stock market of
liberation. I call upon every Nigerian: man, woman, sister, daughter, father, nephew, and sons of our land including friends to join us in making history which our forefathers paved the way for us to do so. What are we waiting for in this struggle, race and journey to Greatness? Every land ought to be green indicative of our flag and national anthem.
Nigerian cows are a true reflection of what is currently happening in the country. The animals never lie when a situation is bleak or joyous.
Lazy people look for Agriculture after it turns into Oil and gas.
Glory is the food of champions who live daily by principle regardless of the circumstances. We may have been receiving signals in the market that our glory may be exchanged for a lesser duty and bleak hope. We collectively have work to do but am sure some confused about this daily effort. Vision would guide us from mediocre rules, purity would steer our boat more smoothly amid storms, values would shine our path to fame. We will not rest until we answer a name truly given to us by GOD. Nasiriya means confusion in heavenly language and the last time I quizzed directly on way forward it was so and has been the case for such a long- time.
We have missed out a big time on talent acquisition required to move this nation from a point of confusion to a place of clarity. I peeped into the clouds of Abuja yesterday and for the first time I am spending Independence Day with you. The message of the moon was unsettled waters and instability. We cannot keep sleeping but pretending to be working. We cannot be praying but doing the opposite in our backyard when those responsible for calling us to action are also asleep because they are tired of our recklessness and stupendous faith without values. How many married men who have committed to their wives have shown discipline over time to stay faithful to thier wedding vows. Many in situations across the globe are not working after vows, promise and commitments. The urgency of now to fulfil the desperate needs of our anxious spirit and the drive to belong to a class which is non- existent. The chase of vivid shadows, false hope dressed as clouds, castles in the sky and foundations made of salt with temperatures melting counterfeit. We are going somewhere with vision over used by the one who shouts it the loudest but has none. We have been awaiting the coming of Jesus-Christ which states clearly for bible readers the Government would be on his shoulder. The question assuming,
he came at this moment, would you make room or give way or continue in your false hope and dreaming in wiiwii land. The signs are everywhere for you to allow the will of heaven to avoid being wiped out or disappear into thin air. We have witnessed Giants being wiped out because big is no longer the game if Quality has developed legs running faster than Usain Bolt. Excuses are for men who were never born to live thier dreams. Where do you belong now of Kingdom reconciliation and acceptance? Until absolute purity seats in Aso Rock to rule and not necessarily serve we are far from a distance where GOD is watching us. A child can be set aside to change a Nation and you may see the signs but you make ugly remarks how is the weather. The child is asking how is your Economy? How is your community? How is your society? How is your Family? I want every Nigerian to pick up the book, Ultimate Journey to Greatness and read it. It is a roadmap to rule this country by a Child. The spirit of a man is more powerful than his flesh and that is why you cannot judge a man's intelligence by his age or experience at his place of work. Miracles do exist but not for everyone because the creator is not a cheap as you make Him seem. The air you breathe every day is for free but your thanksgiving is failed because purity is not your hallmark. A house is not completed until it faceshurricane Irma or Harvey just like Katrina. It is the story of Nigeria and other nations across the globe.
Congratulations, because you are breathing and making effort to exist too.
Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.