Showing posts with label COLORAMA FASHION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COLORAMA FASHION. Show all posts

Saturday, 12 March 2016


I have met nice people in Los Angeles and their weather is fantastic. I wonder if it has anything to do with their weather. We can carry out research to find out if weather plays a humane role and affects attitude too.

I love you all, Queen Ama

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016


Jesus-Christ encourages us in this season of lent especially for Catholics. This is a period of reflection from his birth to his suffering point and ultimate redemption. Thus, Our own lives are given meaning to genuinely walk in our God-given assignments too. The cross of Calvary is a symbol of God’s love and assurance as we learn to commit everything into his able hands. We must be patient in time of lent where our true beauty would eventually radiate after giving away ashes (love, peace and unity). Thus, Lent is more than ashes but also reconciliation.

We must imbibe the culture of brotherhood looking after each other. Mary, the mother of Jesus-Christ and some of his disciples looked after him.

Three days ago, I walked into the bank premises here in Abuja and saw a young Hausa man holding a fresh packet  containing 20 sticks of Dunhill cigarette and about to light up one extra stick he was holding in his hands. I engaged him in a conversation and reminded him of what he had to lose by smoking away his lungs. He gave up his new packet of Cigarette and was looking shocked that a woman could move him to that level. I call this brotherhood where your skin color and race does not matter in helping a brother arrive at the acceptable destination.

A season where we learn to partake in our brother’s suffering and understanding we have not come to this world alone. Holy spirit our helper needs to be ignited afresh in our lives for empowerment and a fresh start.

We must go back to history and begin to undo some of our wicked past as we reconcile with those we have offended.

“ Please forgive us our sins as we forgive those who trespass against us.”

I wish you a blessed and fulfilled lent season.


Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Sunday, 31 January 2016



Queen Ama wearing a gold dress which depicts the miracle of living beyond this present world.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016


 Queen Ama provides Intelligience on Security:

You may seek to amend what fits the bill where lives are at risk about their next step with violence constituting a nuisance. Who would benefit in the long run? What sentiments are we playing into to avoid that fit. A world where we cheer the wrongs and make the ills politics. Thus, I believe we can play our cards right and the joker is truly how we can maintain one peace. I am not forcing this on you but look at the cards of war, trouble, hostility and racism. Perhaps, if we reversed the trend we would find something better than the ills. What are those ills tormenting us as individuals, families, and communities? How do we seek to protect our rights without causing harm to a majority also trying to achieve twin purpose? You are right and am also right but what is the main objective. Two rights is equal to a right and that is our stability and comfort. We are maintaining our borders and keeping it safe from harm. We can do this more effectively as we establish firm rules about who takes charge of these boundaries. Honest men and women who are motivated in the necessary standing and full understanding of implicit costs.

Note: These are Queen Ama's original statement and not copy.

For 360 degrees Image revamp send email to or

Queen Ama is looking to gamble with cards addressing humanity issues. I love you all.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Thursday, 17 December 2015


There are so many ways to deal with fear, but here is Queen Ama's secret. I try to dress up my heart with what matters in love whilst turning a deaf ear to the sounds of counterfeity.
If we must live again then let us look for life in pure love.
I love you so much and wish you strength and peace.

Fear of the unknown: What have you made your focus at this time?

Queen Ama's new look for the holiday season. Picture taken today, 19.33pm, thursday 17th, December 2015.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

French Style: One of Jesus-Christ Signature Looks.

The french style is feathers and glamour which I love so much. One of my signature looks is the french style. 

Today 25th of November, I have changed my profile picture on facebook to this image, which is also the colour of your flag. It was this image people sold Jesus-Christ for 30 pieces of silver wanting his look by all means. It caused so much hatred and envy which led to unrest, imbalance and unhappiness for so many people. They took the image and distributed to different people who decided to become their counterfeits. They could not carry over the look even with imitation and all the luxuries. It has been years of hardship and a painful journey for people trying to fit so hard in another man's shoes. A deadly massacre that has cost so many families their joy and peace.

The day I got coronated and my first too was in Paris at moulin rouge by an elderly french woman whom I met for the first time. You gave me a big hug full of love and assurance.  You gave me so much warmth and mercy being a foreigner in your land. Your culture did not permit that you hate me for fame which you made everyone see at that event.

I love you all. I wish I can meet you again but angels lead us to our destinations and say goodbye. Thank you so much.

It is making sense to me and thanks for decorating me with a colourful purpose. 

I want to encourage you at this time of the November, 2015 paris attacks which has left 130 people dead. I want to encourage those affected from the extremist attack in Paris all over the world. The dark clouds would not last forever. I want you to keep that faith working for you. I like the french style and would love to visit again.I like your culture too. 

My last memories of Paris was eventful and beautiful. I had a wonderful meal in one of your gastronomies. I enjoyed my romantic dinner in eifel tower. A boat ride at about 8 pm eclipsing the city of light also known for panache. 

I want you to get back to the burstling acivities of light and nothing else. Your flexibility is appreciated as we become more accomodating to different people's needs.

I love you all.

Queen Ama

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Thursday, 24 September 2015


I was asked by Doctor Sharon, who do you pray to when seating in front of your mirror. I pray to God, the greatest force was my reply. She asked another question of intent, so do you feel you are unique or possess special powers. I said to her my name means Gold and do not know if it rings a morning trading bell.

Gold whether seen as physical or spiritual is a precious commodity at all time high properly valued without sell-offs.

To order a copy of Ultimate Journey to Greatness, call Jason Fletcher, Book sales representative xulon press 1-855-234-2487.

Author is available for book signing too.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.


My Egyptian is a masterpiece of her own and uniquely different. Who is your Egyptian? How do you see the Egyptian Queen or Global Esther, Ama Josephine Esther Kachikwu?

I believe in miracles exemplified in every part of my life and fully showcased in numerous titles. I bear many titles and humility has just been a way of life for me. I have seen sufficient proof to back up many titles which I cannot hide anymore my true identity. I have lived the story in the new book on change titled, Ultimate Journey to Greatness and still living up to it by the grace of heaven. Alongside, other partners, friends and families that have made my journey to greatness worthwhile.

I have been asked by many tongues, languages, races and cultures in various locations where are you from. My answer has never changed being transfigured with my new birth which took place in London, United Kingdom and my first birth which took place in Nigeria.  The monumental altar where my transfiguration took place in London is now called, Miracle Transformation.

Moreso, "He came from heaven to show the way" is a profound statement". A miniature in the form of  a woman carrying the full grown spirit and image of Yeshua. 

My race is well defined and cannot be mistaken anymore. Multi-Cultural Ascent, First Orientical (Ancient of days).
Although descent describes a person's origin or nationality. My own race dimension is ascent and not descent because I came from heaven.

In time past, A song writer had written and sang the future, "he came from heaven above to show the way." 
It explains his transfiguration, full proof victory and second coming for world settlement leadership Government, walls of hope: upward movement.

A recent picture of Queen Ama taken on the 15th of September with canon EOS 600D. EF-S 17- 55mm. F/28  IS USM.

To place an order of Ultimate  Journey to Greatness call Jason Fletcher, 1-855-234-2487, Xulon Press. We wish you the best of luck as you make this timeless resource available to others.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015


What are you waiting for to thread your own needle? How long is your thread made to measure for that pattern which blesses generations yet unborn? 

Ultimate Journey to greatness is that thread which fits the exact pattern blessing present, past and future generations. A world established class guide on ultimate freedom.

My gift to you this season is an autographed copy and my blessing for your understanding.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015


You would be given a second chance to get it right all over again. It is not your ninth chance as nothing may be left for you to salvage.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015


·     Good-morning,  August is a “wakeup” to that part which already existed within you. What have you done with most part of you if it would ever exist again? Your senses are more than perceptory organs to evacuate that place which needed to be reached before now.

Soaring in business would never make sense in August, but wait until you begin to wake up that part which you have left behind.

Wakeup is magical, but physical at the same time for third quarters that require a total turnaround.

August is a ballerina dance, tzelma in cirque du soleil to wake up that part and another stage that is waiting for you.

Colorama Fashion is making the bits and pieces work together for you.

Good-morning, August is a “wakeup” and do not ever stop until you get it.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Monday, 20 July 2015


Many men meant to be great visionaries are shrubs because of the way they have maltreated the wives of their youth. A mansion, fleet of cars, a strong balance sheet and concubines does not equate greatness or respect.

You may not understand how you have lost out from being somewhere else. You were not intended to go there the first place. The fleeting pleasures of life have taken you to a far distant land, a mid-point.

You would eventually return back to where you ought to go long before now.

Although, you have been discarded by society, but picking up the broken pieces of an incomplete journey is going back to where it all began.

There is no status quo to be defined without you not being part of it again.

You may be made to walk outside of your jurisdiction looking like a wall gecko. The Lion who heads the jungle understands it has many parts to rule a peaceful world.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.