Saturday, 2 March 2013

Nigeria: Security Issues


Food For Thought:  Ama josephine-esther Kachikwu also known as Queen Ama says Nigeria is set for war as 29- Member states house of assembly have voted for outright death penalty of kidnappers.

My Dear Leaders have you tried to understand what drives kidnapping in Nigeria? Does it not make sense to empower the youths to contribute to the development of the country? What is the root cause of kidnapping? How do you handle corruption, which is a crime committed by the elite? I have never seen any country who tried to resolve insecurities with military force that did not end up in war or further war.

You cannot keep making laws that empowers the elite and leaves out other strata of society to suffer.

I see further trouble, if you do not utilize the empowerment and protection framework suggested by UNDP Annual Human Development Report in 1994.

I see trouble and am afraid for the nation!
I see trouble and am afraid for the nation!
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Commentator 1
Alex Ander Miles Well said but i think we should help ourselfs too. We don't have to depend our dead government. My parents ain't rich but i still school and do things right, the fact that our government doesn't care does not mean we should become kidnappers and armed robbers.

March 2, 2013 at 11:45am · Unlike · 1

Commentator 2
Ifeanyi Michael Success U are Right Alex!

March 2, 2013 at 1:59pm · Like · 1

 Moderator's Comment                 Ama Kachikwu JP:

Ifeanyi Michael Success &Alex Ander I totally agree with you we should help ourselves, but death penalty is not the solution to insecurity in Nigeria.

March 2, 2013 at 2:10pm · Like · 1

Commentator 3
Sandra Ekpenyong Do not worry Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama)  the same men who propose death will be met by the same people that they propose it for. These entitled politicians that steal money and cause the youth to be homeless and hungry think that they will escape unscathed, they refuse to learn from their predecessors around the world that the future belongs to the youth. You can either mentor them or be killed by them, but you cannot have both.... and these are men that call themselves fathers and grandfathers, they are no better than the beasts that roam in the wild. In fact those have more integrity then these men.

March 2, 2013 at 2:55pm · Unlike · 1

Commentator 3
Sandra Ekpenyong Alex and Ifeanyi... you can only help yourself when there are viable structures in place. Alex your parents time was a different time, a time of integrity, a time that England use to send their medical students to UI as an exchange students, a time that Dubai leaders came to Nigeria for medical treatment. That time has past, that season dead and a generation of bigot, fat cats who claim to be either Christians or Muslims are raping Nigeria and leaving the country desolate. What opportunities do the youth have? God will have to judge them and the religious leaders of the country as well, because if he only judges the kidnappers alone he will have to apologize for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Let us remember that God is a fair God,

March 2, 2013 at 2:59pm · Unlike · 1

Commentator 2
Ifeanyi Michael Success Yea Sandra, but most cases the Kidnappers go for Struggling men and women not the people that kept them in that situation and that has been the issue on Ground. Most at times, these People are so Equipped that even the Kidnappers and Armed Robbers will not have Access to them but the Innocent Citizens suffer it Most

March 2, 2013 at 3:51pm · Unlike · 1

Commentator 1
Alex Ander Miles @ifeanyi You've said it all

March 2, 2013 at 3:53pm · Like

Commentator 4
Ose Uduebor Kidnapping and any form of violence can and should never be justified. It should be fought and resisted on all Frontiers. Its almost like saying indecent dressing is a good excuse for rape. My mother is a hard working business woman who has never worked for the govt and a victim of kidnap and robbery. Is she the one that caused unemployment? In all countries terrorism and kidnapping are violent Crimes against humanity and attract maximum punishment. We know our leaders are corrupt but they are not the ones being kidnapped and are also a Product of the system bcos they're are elected out of the Nigerian populace. I can bet if u throw a stone into the market place the probability of it hitting a honest Nigerian is nil. Kudos to the National Assembly for helping to deter the scourge of kidnapping in Nigeria. Its just one step next stop is Anti-corruption bill.

March 2, 2013 at 4:36pm · Unlike · 1

Commentator 2
Ifeanyi Michael Success God Bless U Dear for that, Lets Kick Corruption Out of Nigeria, U and i can do it if only we agree

March 2, 2013 at 4:44pm · Unlike · 1

Moderator's Comment
Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama)   @Ose Uduebor The fact there is nobody without sin including those in house of assembly voting for a death penalty to be passed into law makes it non-achievable and worse still one that would backfire so badly. Deal with the root cause of issues and watch your problems melt off like the morning dew. The united nations after so many years of study came up with a framework for dealing with issues as it concerns different countries on human insecurity. Military force as a means to handle violence results in further violence. Afterall, the young man: Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was a rich man's son from Nigeria caught in America for terrorism. Human security is a very sensitive issue and requires a botttom- up approach and having consultations with the most vulnerable. It requires wisdom and can see that the national assembly is not displaying that level of wisdom right now. I hope they can put out that fire they have already started.

March 2, 2013 at 5:48pm · Like

Commentator 4
Ose Uduebor Like I said extreme circumstances call for extreme measures. In Asia they give death penalties to corrupt officials and drug traffickers. I bet the UN would have a problem with such laws but in Asia based on their population,they've come to accept that maximizing resources is key to ensure they survive hence they don't tk lightly to corruption and have damned all UN interventions to change that Law. It has worked for them and is still working. Governance and crime vary from country to country and no manual on earth will sufficiently address security situations accross all countries. If you're currently in Nigeria I believe you'll understand where the Lawmakers are coming from. This bill isn't meant to protect them because kidnappers can't come near them but to protect the ordinary Nigerian who works hard for his daily bread. Okonjo iweala wasn't kidnapped but her mum was, mikel obi wasn't kidnapped but his dad was, the list is endless. Nigeria has never being the best economy but there was no kidnapping. Have you ever asked yourself what the huge sums of money demanded by kidnappers are used for? The youths that kidnap don't use the millions paid to them to create jobs or engage themselves in business, they squander and go back to their trade. Its very easy to blame government for everything but I don't hear of kidnapings in egypt, mali, ivory coast and other countries sharing similar problems with Nigeria or don't they also have youths? If you do your researh you'll discover that there's no govt in the world that employs up to 60% of its youths but Nigerians expect the govt to provide jobs for all its population. I'm not exonerating the NASS members from contributing to under development of the country but neither am I justifying the act of kidnapping and terrorism. Plus even if infrastructures are put in place the success of a Nation goes beyond infrastructures but dwells solely on the mentality of the people. Greece has all the infrastructures in place but Nigeria economy is far better and ill rather live in my village than go to greece right now. The bible says only a fool pours new wine into old wine skin or sews new fabric with old one. New infrastructures should come after new mindsets or else they'll all be destroyed, stolen, burnt or abandoned by the same poeple clamouring for them.

March 2, 2013 at 6:22pm · Like · 1

Moderator's Comment

Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama)
Ose Uduebor let us go through all the points highlighted above:
1.In Asia they gave death penalties to corrupt officials and drug traffickers because they recognised because based on their population they have come to accept that maximising resources is key to ensure they survive hence they do not take lightly corruption and have damned all UN interventions to change that law.
Response: Asia understood the root cause of their problems and dealt squarely with it. They understood the importance of a strong and stable institution. Most important, is one that is accountable before any other thing. It is working for Asia because they dealt with the root cause of their problem.
2.Governance and crime vary from country:
Response: Without a shadow of doubt governance and crime varies and that is why the UN Human security concept makes it clear each country should look at their own problem as you cannot utilize the policy of another country for your own. You must understand the root cause of issues within your own country.
3.The bill is not meant to protect the lawmakers as it is meant to protect the ordinary Nigerian.
Response: The bill is not going to protect anyone in Nigeria, but will end up causing further turmoil.
I do not need to ask myself what the huge sum of money demanded by the kidnappers are used for when Government cannot be accountable for maximizing of our resources in a manner that ensures development. Birds of the same feathers flock together. Kidnappers and corrupt officials have similar feathers and go well together. The reason why they squander the money and go back to their trade is because the root cause has not been dealt with. Remember it worked for Asia because they identified the root cause of their problem. Repeated stubborn problems have a root cause and you must deal with it. Asia has done a good job of identifying the problem with the head before addressing the members of its body.
4.You do not hear countries like Egypy, Mali, Ivory Coast and other countries sharing similar problems with Nigeria.
Response: Governance and crime vary from country just like you mentioned earlier.
5.There is no Government in the world that employs up to 60% of its youths, but Nigerians expect govt to provide jobs for all its population.
Response: What impact has the employed population made to development and what impact has the unemployed population made to development? Perhaps, this is why it looks like a huge number are actually unemployed and it makes no difference.

March 2, 2013 at 7:20pm · Like

Commentator 4

Ose Uduebor Well its obvious we both agree on some issues and differ on others. Nigeria needs great institutions not great people. Policy gives rise to great institutions. Let's hope they make other policies that will strengthen the economy and nation at large but I totally support the kidnapping bill. My problem is if it will be implemented because only 1 governor has signed d death warrant since 1999 even for other heinous crimes like murder and armed robbery. Corruption should attract at least 25-life. Nigerians should countinue to advocate for stiffer penalties against crimes against humanity and corruption. It may not be employed now but God knows 1day a leader will riseup and all policies and laws will be implemented to the last letter.

March 2, 2013 at 7:32pm · Like · 1

Moderator's Comment

Ama Kachikwu JP ( Queen Ama)
Strong Institutions make great policies. It is not the other way round. We are lacking in that regard and need to understand why our institutions are weak and deal with it before any other thing.

March 3, 2013 at 7:07pm · Like

Commentator 4
Ose Uduebor I think I disagree because its policies that give birth to institutions. Institutions and MDA's are only best after guiding and founding laws have been put in place. Its these policies that form basis of operation of Institutions and are the strength of these institutions.

March 3, 2013 at 7:15pm · Like

Commentator 4
Ose Uduebor Est=formed(typo)

March 3, 2013 at 7:17pm · Like

Commentator 2
Ifeanyi Michael Success U are Right Amalaonye, but let the Right Things be done so that we dont Keep doing ourselves thinking we are hurting those in Power Who sold there Conscience long ago that no calamity that befalls the people they are Ruling Bother them in anyway except if it happens to their own Person. Our Destiny is in Our Hands My Dear, lets make good use of them

March 3, 2013 at 7:17pm · Unlike · 1

Moderator's Comment

Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama)
Ose Uduebor you are entitled to your opinion. Are you saying Nigeria's problem is the policies we have pursued in the past or the weak institutions that have failed to put into good use and implement strong polices?

March 3, 2013 at 7:19pm · Like

Moderator's Comment

Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama)
@ Ifeanyi Michael Success I would rather you address me as Queen Ama for further debates. Thanks as that is my name on facebook.

March 3, 2013 at 7:21pm · Like

Ama Kachikwu JP Ose Uduebor, please go and do your research well and find out what makes a strong institution. The policies should be good enough to manage loop holes within the system that can cripple it. Insitutions, policies and people are interconnected. We need a more integral approach. Cheers

March 3, 2013 at 7:29pm · Like

Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama)
@   Ose Uduebor have been having them for such a longtime and with people from different fields and cannot understand what you mean by tone. What do you mean by tone. You do not have to agree with me and I do not have to agree with you . At the end of the day we are working towards a better Nigeria.

March 3, 2013 at 7:32pm · Like · 1

Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama)

Ose Uduebor, Before Lehman brother filed for bankrpuptcy they had experts like you who advised they had good policies and strong institutions. They were experts from the best universities across the globe and some had higher positions than you. However, even with their detailed review of such policies to identify loopholes in the system the bank failed. Why? Today, the regulatory authorities are now gunning for more stringent policies. I wonder why.

March 3, 2013 at 7:41pm · Like

Moderator's Comment

Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama)
 @Ose Uduebor the banking regulatory authority have gone for a more stringent policy and that should drive home a clear message. I am just wondering if you have a master's degree or PHD apart from being a certified PMP.

March 3, 2013 at 7:46pm · Like

                                                          Moderator's comment

Ama Kachikwu JP   (Queen Ama) It is a very simple question and thought you answered it.

March 3, 2013 at 7:52pm · Like

Moderator's Comment
Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama) 
Ose Uduebor It is quite clear you do not have them. I would encourage you to get it. Do you know the people that provide policy guidance. I am not talking about people who implement it.

March 3, 2013 at 7:57pm · Like

Moderator's Comment
Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama)
Ose Uduebor when you are done with your Phd your reasoning will definitely be different. You would really need it for what you are trying to do and believe you are so good with. Unfortunately I do not get the vibes and could immediately identify the areas you need improvement. I wish you the best of luck with your PHD. It was great having this debate with you.

March 3, 2013 at 8:09pm · Like

Commentator 5
Chiedu Oranye Interesting kidnappers get life, terrorists get 3 yrs.

March 3, 2013 at 8:21pm · Unlike · 1

Moderator's Comment

Ama Kachikwu JP (Queen Ama)


"In the 21st century, capable, reliable, and transparent institutions are the key to success, strong parliaments; honest police forces; independent judges; an independent press; a vibrant private sector; a civil society. Those are the things that give life to democracy, because that is what matters in people’s everyday lives." - Barack Obama (in Ghana 11th July, 2009)

"President Obama's Comment Adapted from Queen Ama's blogger".

March 6, 2013 at 7:07pm · Like

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Dream Amputators, Emptiers and Wasters.

A Lady from Nigeria Asked:

Hi Ama, how can one deal with friends and family that are always negative, spiteful, pessimistic and dream killers?


Determination! Determination! Determination!

Many are given dreams of greatness; talents and resources to fulfill their dreams. However, we do not live in isolation because we are part of families, communities, societies and a nation. 

On the horizontal level, you have the society where you need to branch out and contribute to the development of the state. On the vertical level, you have family and community where the seed of greatness is planted, watered and germinates .

These complex networks rather than serve as transmission channels on both horizontal and vertical levels to move lives forward create strong barriers in the spiritual and physical realm. To the point, where your dreams are almost being amputated, emptied and wasted.
Thus, it would seem your resources and talents are not making a way for you. It is not God's intention for humanity as the bible states in proverbs 18:16, 'A Man’s gift makes room for him and bringeth him before great men.' Therefore, those gifts should open doors of breakthrough for you and give you room to expand your creatvity and ideas. 

Why are your dreams not being fulfilled?

Similalry, This is what some scholars termed as 'resource curse hyphothesis', where your talents and resources neither contribute to your personal development nor the society's development. The attendant consequences of such wickedness amongst others are human insecurity on the community and state level plus terrorism on the global level.

The activities of longtime enemies abound within these transmission channels serving to make your resources and God given dreams frustrated and unfruitful.

Whenever, the storehouse of heaven is opened unto you and begins to shower blessings upon you they place an umbrella representing clouds of darkness, unbelief and doubts. This evil covering over you are there to prevent any good thing from manifesting in your lives, if you are not prayerful and diligent. You need to be determined and believe in your dreams. Do not allow that seed of doubt that you did never make it stay with you. You must fight them back and gather your resources, talents and dreams stolen from you. The only way to do this is by being a true friend of God and taking the battle to the spiritual realm where you tread upon the heads of snakes and scorpions until they are dead. You will see the manifestation of your victory almost immediately.

This is why many people start fighting unnecessary wicked battles with envious rivals who believe your dreams do not belong to you. Furthermore,  they can fly better with implementation of your ideas, dreams and ambitions. Here are some activties of dream amputators, emptiers and wasters:

1. Taking urgent actions and steps to fulfill other people's dream and accumulating the proceeds for yourself and giving the originators nothing.

2. Converting the positivity in others into negativity by making every effort to see they do not achieve their dreams.

3. Selling off their assets behind them and rendering them ineffective to pursue positive dreams given to them by God.

4. Living another Man's dream because you see the great potential that lies therein.

5. Engaging in all kinds of diabolical and satanic means to dislocate the positive dream owner from their land of fulfillment.

I come to tell you friends and fans: I see this all happening in Nigeria, within our families, communities, societies and across the globe. They have kept you in the valley of unfulfillment and taken away your source of livelihood for such a longtime. I call them long time enemies. However, there is no problem without a solution. Do you know what Jubilee and Passover means? The angels of destruction are already in our land and some cannot even understand their mission, but it is gradually doing what it ought to do. The right people scattered all across the globe and within the country of Nigeria would eventually occupy their land and fulfill their dreams.

Have a great day.

Connect with me and Like my page on Facebook.

Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved. "Dream Emptiers, Amputators and Wasters". Food For Thought Publications. No part of this program and the associated materials may be reproduced, presented, published or leveraged in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the written consent of the author.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Dream Amputators, Emptiers and Wasters

February 26, 2013 at 7:00pm

A Lady from Nigeria asked:

Hi Ama, how can one deal with friends and family that are always negative, spiteful, pessimistic and dream killers?

Determination! Determination! Determination!

Many are given dreams of greatness; talents and resources to fulfill their dreams. However, we do not live in isolation because we are part of families, communities, societies and a nation. On the horizontal level, you have the society where you need to branch out and contribute to the development of the state. On the vertical level, you have family and community where the seed of greatness is planted, watered and germinates.

These complex networks rather than serve as transmission channels on both horizontal and vertical levels to move lives forward create strong barriers of opposition in the spiritual and physical realm. To the point, where your dreams are almost being amputated, emptied and wasted.

Thus, it would seem your resources and talents are not making a way for you. It is not God's intention for humanity as the bible states in proverbs 18:16, 'A Man’s gift makes room for him and bringeth him before great men.' Therefore, those gifts should open doors of breakthrough for you and give you room to expand your creatvity and ideas.

Why are your dreams not being fulfilled?

Similalry, This is what some scholars termed as 'resource curse hyphothesis', where your talents and resources neither contribute to your personal development nor the society's development. The attendant consequences of such wickedness amongst others are human insecurity on the community and state level plus terrorism on the global level.

The activities of longtime enemies abound within these transmission channels serving to make your resources and God given dreams frustrated and unfruitful.

Whenever, the storehouse of heaven is opened unto you and begins to shower blessings upon you they place an umbrella representing clouds of darkness, unbelief and doubts. This evil covering over you are there to prevent any good thing from manifesting in your lives, if you are not prayerful and diligent. You need to be determined and believe in your dreams. Do not allow that seed of doubt that you did never make it stay with you. You must fight them back and gather your resources, talents and dreams stolen from you. The only way to do this is by being a true friend of God and taking the battle to the spiritual realm where you tread upon the heads of snakes and scorpions until they are dead. You will see the manisfestation of your victory almost immediately.

This is why many people start fighting unecessary wicked battles with envious rivals who believe your dreams do not belong to you. Furthemore, they can fly better with implementation of your ideas, dreams and ambitions. Here are some activties of dream amputators, emptiers and wasters:

1. Taking urgent actions and steps to fulfill other people's dream and accumulating the proceeds for yourself and giving the originators nothing.

2. Converting the positivity in others into negativity by making every effort to see they do not achieve their dreams.

3. Selling off their assets behind them and rendering them ineffective to pursue positive dreams given to them by God.

4. Living another Man's dream because you see the great potential that lies therein.

5. Engaging in all kinds of diabolical and satanic means to dislocate the positive dream owner from their land of fulfillment.

I come to tell you friends and fans: I see this all happening in Nigeria, within our families, communities, societies and across the globe. They have kept you in the valley of unfulfillment and taken away your source of livelihood for such a longtime. I call them long time enemies. However, there is no problem without a solution. Do you know what Jubilee and Passover means? The angels of destruction are already in our land and some cannot even understand their mission, but it is gradually doing what it ought to do. The right people scattered all across the globe and within the country of Nigeriia would eventually occupy their land and fulfill their dreams.

Have a great day.

Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved. "Dream Emptiers, Amputators and Wasters". Food For Thought Publications. No part of this program and the associated materials may be reproduced, presented, published or leveraged in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the written consent of the author.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Violent Change

Food For Thought: Violent change!

It has been less than two years since a fruit vendor in Tunisia set himself on fire to protest the oppressive corruption in his country, and sparked what became known as the Arab Spring. And since then, the world has been captivated by the transformation that’s taken place.

Nigeria you are next in line, but Boko Haram and Ansaru is not the answer.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Violent Change

It has been less than two years since a fruit vendor in Tunisia set himself on fire to protest the oppressive corruption in his country, and sparked what became known as the Arab Spring. And since then, the world has been captivated by the transformation that’s taken place.

Nigeria you are next in line, but Boko Haram and Ansaru is not the answer.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Fading Beauty of Luxurious Flower.

A wise woman is one who understands beauty lies not on the surface, but a deep rooted wonder, which emanates from the heart. A simple beauty given to women, which is about the best thing God invented.
A beautiful woman is one with a good heart and cannot be hidden. She is beautiful inside and radiates on the external. You cannot hide a beautiful woman as her good works will speak for itself.
You cannot hide beautiful flowers especially during spring when they blossom.
Even blind men smell the aroma from such flowers and feel the enlivened atmosphere of joy, hope, love, power and strength such flowers bring forth.

This is the true atmosphere the true beauty of a woman creates. It gives a good feeling and not a bad aura.

John keats states, " A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: Its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness.'

Thus, Decent Men come to her because of the internal values she has developed overtime.
Agents of darkness on assignment to dissolve her beauty get converted quickly because of the revelational light her beauty exposes.
A beautiful woman is a catalyst for true change and reconciliation.

It is not beauty enhanced by luxury, which fades fast in the valley.
It is beauty enhanced by deep values of truth, compassion, love, long- suffering, patience, respect for humanity, determination and strong faith to sustain the mountain top life where you worship God like never before.

Fading flower of luxurious beauty is not God's intention for women across the globe. The beauty of a flower fades away, but it's roots remain. These roots are the values which sustains the beauty of a woman. It is God who preserves the
root because of our deep relationship with him.

Why are men disrespecting women across the globe? Some even take laws into their hands by pulling the trigger to a gun sending them to the land of no return before their time. How do men really see women? What really attracts a man to a woman? How do men see the beauty of a woman? Do women carry themselves properly? Do women dress appropriately? Do women act cheap and have no deep values? What is the problem?
Connect with me and Like my page on Facebook.

Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved. "Fading Flower of Luxurious Beauty". Food For Thought Publications. No part of this program and the associated materials may be reproduced, presented, published or leveraged in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the written consent of the author.

Thursday, 7 February 2013


Food For Thought: Africa does not need a prayer of restoration, but a prayer to be set free from oppressors. The angels of destruction are already doing their job in the Land. Repentance! Repentance! Repentance!
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Medicine Administered to a Sick Patient in The Mortuary.

It is absolute madness to be taking Malaria drugs for Cancer. It is quite simple put the right people in the right position. Do not become Saul hindering the cause of Justice in a Land that requires immediate solution by David to get the masses out of poverty. Do not cast your pearls upon swines or else they did trample upon it and turnaround tearing you into pieces. It is for this reason we allowed the wrong people and God approved our wrong decisions for years because we lacked the values required to put the right people in power and position. Do you know Nigeria’s oil exports were worth $100 billion which is more than the total net aid to the whole of Sub Saharan Africa? In other words, we do not need aid from other developed countries if we can kill corruption or give a death penalty to those caught doing it. Bill Gate made it clear relative to our wealth we have entrusted to thieves and occultists we should have gone far by now. This set of people are now dealing with us and using our power and resources against us. How many truthfully would refuse a bribe that would change their lot within a short period of time? Friends, we have work to do especially with some of the senators we had in the past who lack morals and values capable of raping and drugging young girls to get in between their legs. We have a problem, but there is a solution. We need to act fast!

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Should A Man Look After his Wife?

The bible clearly states," but if any provide, not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith and is worse than an Infidel."- 1st Timothy 5:8. Charity starts at home. This is biblical. 1st Timothy 5:8 warns that failing to provide for one's own family makes a man worse than an unsaved heathen. A Man who cannot provide for his wife, but wants her to look after him is doomed for failure. A woman who cannot complement her husband in terms of maintenance lacks the quality of a virtuous woman. A Man who goes into a Marriage because of self interest in the wealth of his wife's family and needs business connection would soon flee and be left single again. A Man must live up to what the bible states and a Woman must support her husband. The problem we have in our society is women who are now Men carrying out a Man's God-given assignments and Men who now live like women carrying out a Woman's God-given assignment. It pays not to usurp positions as in the end separation, and divorce is the case. Sometimes, the people we go to for advice lack the spirituality for empowerment or the wisdom to provide the right solution.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love. Copyright © 2012 All rights reserved. "Family Duties and Responsibilities". Food For Thought Publications. No part of this program and the associated materials may be reproduced, presented, published or leveraged in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the written consent of the author. Queen Ama is a living vision of freedom and womanly strength which cannot be denied. Witness the globalised 21st century personified Spiritual, hot, spicy, loving, female and totally African.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Role Model

Most young people are confused because our environment lacks true role models.
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

21st Century Role Models.

Most young people are confused because our environment lacks true role models.
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

The Powerful and WorldWide Spread Influence: The Mother of Harlotry.

Queen Jezebel in the bible was a highly influential woman who controlled her husband and destroyed many prophets of God who taught the truth and exposed evil. She was more interested with self and pursued her selfish ambition ignoring the interest of common men. She killed and stole to take possession of what did not belong to her. Her royal position was a curse to humanity. She lacked depth required for meaningful change and progress. She was not united within herself. Thus, her supposedly position of influence could not instill justice and unity in the land. She was full of vengeance against righteousness and justice. She wielded so much power through witchcraft practice; made many lives miserable and manipulated their destinies. She destroyed a generation of prophets in order to conceal the truth that will instigate change and progress for many generations. 

There was nothing good about Jezebel's prostitution. A mother of harlotry and her identity of fake nails, hair, and eye make up covered the true purpose of women. She usurped her husband's position and rendered him ineffective as a King. Her sons followed her stinky ways and also died an ignominious death. Her villainous example spread throughout the kingdom, and many women followed the trend as you will see today.

With all her false beauty and negative intelligence she ended up as food for dogs and not even her remains could be found for a befitting burial. A queen was thrown down from the windows of a high building comparable to the high altars she erected for her dirty and stinking gods. She could not save herself and not even her worthless idols could save her from a shameless and worthless death. 

Someday we will all die, but let it be for something, which makes a significant difference to humanity. It does not take anything to go into high class prostitution, but count the cost as it is not worthwhile. It does not take anything to follow the path of evil, wickedness and witchcraft because we were all born from sin. However, the redemptive power made available through the shoot from King David gives another option of eternal life with dignity. 

A new world and new order are fast approaching. Power of the Bottom can only get you so far. Preparation and genuine track record based on merit would set you apart. It is a world of deep values influenced by the ability to unlearn unwholesome habits and relearn good habits. It is a world of transformation that enjoys true growth and totally new experience. Have a fantastic day.

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Copyright © 2013 Ama Kachikwu All rights reserved. "Being a Woman and Living Beyond This Present World?". GIA Media Multimedia Productions. No part of this program and the associated materials may be reproduced, presented, published or leveraged in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the written consent of the author.Author of Ultimate Journey to Greatness.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Living Beyond This Present World.

Without a shadow of doubt, there is so much pain recorded right now in the world. Do not be afraid of anything if you are right with God. Death is the worse thing that can happen to you, but maximize the chances of where you go next.

Do not be afraid of death, but rather prepare for it and where you did like to go next.

Great men and women prepare for their departure to a permanent residence whenever they may be called whilst fulfilling their purpose in accordance to the will of God.

What differentiates real men are those ready for the final call to glory. According to Abraham Lincoln, "Die when I may, I want it said by those who knew me best that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower where I thought a flower would grow".

Copyright © 2013 Ama Kachikwu All rights reserved. "Living Beyond This Present World?". GIA Media Multimedia Productions. No part of this program and the associated materials may be reproduced, presented, published or leveraged in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the written consent of the author.
Author of Living Beyond This Present World.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

The Electorates

Thought for the Day: Leadership, Progress and Society.

We must do it right this time. Remember this, a nation will only be entrusted with leaders they deserve because of their attitude, belief, morals, ambition, strength, determination, respect, humanity, wisdom and Inspiration for progress. Are you ready?
Photo: Thought for the Day: Leadership, Progress and Society.

We must do it right this time. Remember this, a nation will only be entrusted with leaders they deserve because of their attitude, belief, morals, ambition, strength, determination, respect, humanity, wisdom and Inspiration for progress. Are you ready?
Photo: Thought for the Day: Leadership, Progress and Society.

We must do it right this time. Remember this, a nation will only be entrusted with leaders they deserve because of their attitude, belief, morals, ambition, strength, determination, respect, humanity, wisdom and Inspiration for progress. Are you ready?

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

The Heart-Shape

Do you ever wonder why love is represented by the heart shape? Do you ever wonder why love is pumped round the body from the physical heart? A heart that has learnt to love in truth will never die. I love you all.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Despise Not Small Beginnings!

Despise Not Small Beginnings!

We all need motivation, dedication and it is good to be ambitious in accordance to the will of God for your life. It is okay to write your success story, if you are still struggling in life. As a matter of fact God given dreams are success stories written by God in the heart of an Individual and others as confirmations.

Most times, if you do not write your success stories others who have eyes to see would do so for you.

Martin Luther King Jr wrote the success story of Barack Hussein Obama before he was ever celebrated as two time president of United States of America. The Stars identified with Jesus Christ spreading the news of his fame before it actually happened. The Stars, which identified with Christ attracted King Herod who wanted him dead at all cost because of his future greatness.

This is why many of us are able to persevere in times of hardship despite the constant threat of the enemy. God can tell a King or Queen from afar even before they put on that actual crown because he chooses them from birth. Even when some go astray they come back to their divine legacy to occupy their divine position.

The Man with a discerning spirit is able to build a deep relationship with the one who will eventually be celebrated because his vision works better than others. Many come late when the divine cake of connection has been long shared. Those who humbly come first have the first mover advantage and understood it is not what I see now that counts, but what I see in the future. MTN, the telecommunication company that became the first network to make a call following the globally lauded Nigeria GSM auction moved into Nigeria to develop a relationship at a time many perceived it as premature. They steadily deployed their services across Nigeria at a time many complained about a dangerous, corrupt and hopeless government. MTN is now enjoying the first mover advantage while others are struggling to get in now the ground has been prepared by them. Who is smarter MTN or others paying MTN to get a share of the connection? MTN did not look down on Nigeria’s small beginnings rather they saw the future.

Many live in the present without connecting it with the future. They risk the benefits of the future for the present. They get to the stage of desperation, hopelessness and frustration because there is nothing to hold unto.

They have stubbornly and jealously refused to correct their vision and would scramble for only the present resources.

The Ghanian writer, Ayi Kwei Armah says the beautiful ones are not yet born. There are concepts which are still ideas, but would become a worldwide product providing beautiful solutions to unending problems. There are beautiful ones in the making and many of us despise little beginnings including those going through it because of our fake environment, which celebrates only finished products. We need encouragement no matter how little and appreciation for our daily efforts in life. When you get to that point where you feel as if your little beginnings are being mocked go to God in prayer who has put that dream of greatness within you. Jesus- Christ, Joseph and some of his 12 disciples did it in times of mockery and pain. Martin Luther king did it when a bomb hit his frame house on South Jackson Street, while he was leading a group of people from slavery, inequality and segregation into freedom.

The air would sometimes be thick with doubts, dejection and impossibilities. Humans who hate small beginnings help to exacerbate these feelings within us. The fact your talent is not paying for your bills right now is not a reason to remain quiet. Dedication and faith should guide you on a daily basis. Do not give up on what you have seen and confirmations you have received about your life from the wise Men like Jesus-Christ. When you give up on yourself others would give up on you except those who are kind enough to see how difficulties in life have completely altered your ambitious personality. It takes courage, faith and love to continue despite your small beginnings; It takes Dedication, resilience and hard-work for a greater comeback after a major set back. It is only the bold that can lead the departure of an uncertain future. Keep going and keep moving as it is not over yet until you say it is.

There is a clause for those who hate you because they did know you did be celebrated no matter what just as David the Shepherd boy was celebrated by his enemies. "Haters need to deal with it or get accustomed to the truth about greatness'. There are some people set aside from the beginning for greatness and you must key into their greatness rather than hate them.

We all have missions and purposes given to us by God and never try to usurp another Man's position because you have an eye on their mission. You need qualities to carry out every God given mission and purpose. Find out what yours is and stop hating others and spreading false lies.

Never despise little beginnings even when you are a nuisance and can almost not pay your bills. There are many who would look for the fast way out and engage in fraud, corruption and prostitution not to be a nuisance, but eventually end up one. They simply rob peter to pay Paul: A vicious circle of pain, poverty and wasted efforts and celebration of the fake continues. You should put your hands together for yourself because you have chosen the process and procedure of sowing and watching to reap the due harvest. No matter how long it takes, it pays to ask nicely and you will receive in due course as you work towards it rather than kill, steal, or destroy to take what does not belong to you. 

You have heard the popular sayings, Rome was not built in a day: There are many things, which cannot be done instantly, but require patience and time. It requires patience and time because you need preparation for that task assigned to you by history. It becomes a problem, if you are not getting better on what you have been destined to do. Then it is time to go down on your knees and enquire from the Lord who has put in that success story before the building of its foundation. Those who contribute to the foundation stage of anything good would reap the rewards. Those who comeback to celebrate a finished work, product, programme or service are mere spectators they pay to get in and go out when you what them out. Now, it is a better time to do business and money guides the process after all they are spectators and not contributors.

We all need motivation, dedication and faith to achieve our God given dreams written by God In our heart and confirmed by many who do not know us. Write your success story even before it happens as long as it is from God it will surely happen. Joseph the dreamer had dreams, which came through. Do not be afraid even when people refuse to celebrate you because of your small beginnings. They would end up as spectators in the future paying and getting out after a time you have set for them while those who stayed on with you through thick and thin would be rewarded by God for being a source of hope and encouragement. Queen Ama ®™2013.

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Copyright © 2013 Queen Ama All rights reserved. "Despise Not Small Beginnings” Food For Thought Publications. No part of this program and the associated materials may be reproduced, presented, published or leveraged in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the written consent of the author.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Nigeria: What Is Truly The Way Forward?

What Is Truly The Way Forward?

We have come to the point in our nation, Nigeria and asking everyone deeply concerned about the economic, political, security and social crisis what is truly the way forward.

The young bullies the old as seen by the organised kidnappings of grandmothers for a huge ransom. Neighbors now oppress one another with power, position and wealth; the poor of the land are being crushed and isolated; the ignoble of the land insult and mock the honorable; many destinies have been manipulated and cut short; many have gone home before their time from human blood sacrifice needed by members of the pagan cults for protection, position and power.
The resultant effect of such human sacrifices are shrubs who grow into trees overnight recognizable with their gloomy wealth and positions. The resultant effect of such human sacrifices are servants who usurp their master's position. A strange experience witnessed in our time: servants riding horses; kings and queens begging for food and trekking under the hot sun. Highly educated and honorable men living in foreign countries. Manipulations of our era!

Dedicated and genuine leadership at the national level are almost non achievable. It is the time now where leadership is cheap, and anyone with money seeks it. The saying, Where money talks bullshit works is applicable. This man-made bullshit has gradually and overtime being translated into pain  felt by the people of the land, which goes beyond the physical. It is now a deeper and unstated pain of the heart that needs quick intersection. This pain has been experienced  before, but not in this magnitude. A national explosion of deep pain suffered by both the rich and poor. 

The catalytic agent for change and revolutionary point of departure is this deep pain experienced by the rich, poor, old, young, children and infants yet unborn.

Many are aware the heart beat of the nation is not functioning properly. Thus, many now seek solutions secretly and violently at all cost.

The receptivities of the moment (where anything not genuine works) would be long gone as that unstated pain spreads like wild fire causing mass scale destruction. This pain is hitting many in places they least expect like me in the case of my father. I remember it has not been the same since 2007 when he passed on in a mysterious way.

The receptivities of the moment cannot be held for too long. 

Nigerians are ready for a shuffling of the card that has been dealt with them over an extended period of time. 

Radical change that would rock the nation is not far- fetched. It does not matter your tribe or what community or cult you belong. The receptivities of the moment cannot be held for too long. Nigerians and especially the masses both home and abroad now seek one road. What is this new road?

I tell you brother and sisters: An epoch is around the corner where all the powerful men belonging to various political parties contesting for leadership positions would hate to be considered for any leadership role. None can boldly undertake to remedy the mounting external problems as the family front would have deep issues requiring immediate solutions. Therefore, it gets to that point where the external front would be ignored when domestic issues have not been addressed. There would be an interregnum: A period of groping and stumbling. Many would build houses, but would not live in them. The upper crust of the society would diminish in no time, and every kind of pride would be humbled. People would be confused and finding the next step to take and what road to take.

Many would run away from the same leadership, which many of them are fighting and killing to get in.

Conversations would be held within and privately: how do I put out fire burning outside when the internal fire cannot be quenched? How do I go to a more powerful war outside when I have been defeated within the mediocre internal war? This is the time where people would seriously consider cleansing first within the family unit putting away all those secret idols that have polluted the environment with human blood, corruption and immorality for such a longtime. 

Everyone would start looking for just one road to take: A road of justice, respect, humanity, values, love, kindness and peace. The former road that led to stumbling and groping would be closed forever. Where people begin to understand the deep need for the genuine as opposed to the short lived counterfeit. The mass mobilization for change period.

It is around the corner my people. Get ready!

Copyright © 2013 Ama Kachikwu All rights reserved. "Mobilization For Change” Food For Thought Publications. No part of this program and the associated materials may be reproduced, presented, published or leveraged in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the written consent of the author.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Queen Ama's Food For Thought: Do You Have Destructive Pride?

Queen Ama's Food For Thought: Do You Have Destructive Pride?: Pride: a haughty eyes is an abomination before God. We all have traces of pride within us. Find out what category you belong and do som...

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For ThoughtWelcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Do You Have Destructive Pride?

Pride: a haughty eyes is an abomination before God. We all have traces of pride within us. Find out what category you belong and do something about it before it is too late. 

The pride of all mortal will be brought low. Pride of the great; pride of the wise; pride of the mediocre; pride of the falsely humble; pride of the religious person who believes he knows God because he knows how to speak about him. pride of the mortal creature coming to the end of his days without having encountered the living God.

Although, some claim not everyone has pride, but there are different levels of humility.

Some claim everyone has some degree of pride in them.  You may not be aware of it but there are certain trials or tests that may come your way that would inevitably reveal it.

There are different levels of humility, which means there are gaps to be filled to achieve the highest level. The difference between one level of humility and another is an indication of traces of pride, which needs to be entirely eliminated to get to the highest level of humility. We need to get to the highest level of humility before we can claim we are pride-free. Pride of any amount is destructive and can bring you down when you least expect.

When was the last time you experienced someone being brought down by pride?

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Copyright © 2013 Ama Kachikwu All rights reserved. GIA Multimedia productions. Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Queen Ama's Food For Thought: Trust Not In The Arm Of Flesh!

Queen Ama's Food For Thought: Trust Not In The Arm Of Flesh!: An Arm of Flesh would fail you. What is the moral behind Lance Edward Armstrong's recent fall in the cycling sports? As the first t...

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

An Arm of Flesh Would Fail You.

An Arm of Flesh would fail you.
What is the moral behind Lance Edward Armstrong's recent fall in the cycling sports?

As the first three letters of his surname states, "Arm". An Arm of flesh would fail you. Naturally, the human strength is not responsible for 100% success. We need to start trusting in something greater than ourselves. Although he championed a good cause, Lance knew his strength would not give him 100% performance, but rather trusting in God that healed him he relied on an arm of flesh. 

Lance Armstrong a professional road racing cyclist had won the Tour de France a record seven consecutive times between 1999 and 2005. However, in 2012 he was disqualified from all his results since August 1998 for using and distributing performance-enhancing drugs and banned from professional cycling for life. A former champion now stripped of his titles and banned from what he loves doing for life.

This was a Man who was diagnosed in October 1996 with testicular cancer that had spread to his brain and lungs. His cancer treatments included brain and testicular surgery and extensive chemotherapy. In February 1997, he was declared cancer-free, and the same year he founded the Lance Armstrong Foundation for cancer support. I wonder what was responsible for his cure. I am sure it is beginning to make sense.

It is not a case of the truth would set you free because Lance never wanted to admit the truth he was doping to perform at a level human strength cannot hold for too long. Not even Oprah could bring out this fact. 

Any Man or Woman that relies on an arm of the flesh is one sure to crash badly In the short, medium and long- term. It does not matter what kind of business or trade. An arm of the flesh is sure to fail you.

Lance Edward Armstrong put his confidence on performance enhancing drugs to give him the performance he needed to be the best at all cost. It sure failed him four years later in the long run. He forgot about God who healed him totally. He trusted 100% in drugs and treatment because they once healed him in the past of Cancer. He went for another set of drugs to boast his performance. 

Today, God is telling Lance Edward Armstrong: I am the alpha and omega; the balm of Gilead and the highest performer. Trust me a 100% when you seek excellence and highest level of performance in Business, competitive sports or anything you know human strength cannot carry for too long. An arm of flesh would fail you my son, says the Lord.  Trust not in the arm of flesh.

A King or Queen is not saved by a powerful army nor a warrior rescued by his immense strength. Don't think that a horse will save you; its formidable strength does not assure victory. Do not think doping will save you, its high rated performance is no guarantee of sustained victory.

An arm of flesh brings about shame, but the arm of God makes a you a permanent victor.

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It is only a fool that relies on his strength to save him.
The lord's eyes are on those who truly fear him. He helps them in all fights against cancer.It does not matter what your ambition is, but the only thing that guarantees sustained Success is God. Tough times do not last, but tough people last because God is with them.Trust not in the arm of flesh, but in the arm of God for performance, creativity and excellence. An Arm of Flesh would surely fail all men. It is time to start believing in something greater than you who has made your flesh; spirit man; knows your thoughts and intentions.True Greatness lies not in winning at all cost. 

Copyright © 2013 Ama Kachikwu All rights reserved. "Trust Not In The Arm of Flesh” Food For Thought Publications. No part of this program and the associated materials may be reproduced, presented, published or leveraged in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the written consent of the author. 'Image adapted from wilkipedia and distributed according to GNU free documentation license.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Queen Ama's Food For Thought: Who Saves You In Tough Times?

Queen Ama's Food For Thought: Who Saves You In Tough Times?: It is only a fool that relies on his strength to save him. As a believer of the good news gospel, I know a King or Queen is not ...

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For ThoughtWelcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Who Saves You In Tough Times?

It is only a fool that relies on his strength to save him.

As a believer of the good news gospel; I know a King or Queen is not saved by a powerful army nor a warrior rescued by his immense strength. Don't think that a horse will save you; its formidable strength does not assure victory. The Lord's eyes are upon those who fear him. Whenever you are bent, broken or compressed from difficult situations enjoy it while it last as tough times do not last, but tough people last because God is with them.

Tough times do not last, but tough people last because God is with them.

Copyright © 2013 Ama Kachikwu All rights reserved. "The Fear Called Greatness". Food For Thought Publications. No part of this program and the associated materials may be reproduced, presented, published or leveraged in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the written consent of the author.