Tuesday, 5 February 2013

The Powerful and WorldWide Spread Influence: The Mother of Harlotry.

Queen Jezebel in the bible was a highly influential woman who controlled her husband and destroyed many prophets of God who taught the truth and exposed evil. She was more interested with self and pursued her selfish ambition ignoring the interest of common men. She killed and stole to take possession of what did not belong to her. Her royal position was a curse to humanity. She lacked depth required for meaningful change and progress. She was not united within herself. Thus, her supposedly position of influence could not instill justice and unity in the land. She was full of vengeance against righteousness and justice. She wielded so much power through witchcraft practice; made many lives miserable and manipulated their destinies. She destroyed a generation of prophets in order to conceal the truth that will instigate change and progress for many generations. 

There was nothing good about Jezebel's prostitution. A mother of harlotry and her identity of fake nails, hair, and eye make up covered the true purpose of women. She usurped her husband's position and rendered him ineffective as a King. Her sons followed her stinky ways and also died an ignominious death. Her villainous example spread throughout the kingdom, and many women followed the trend as you will see today.

With all her false beauty and negative intelligence she ended up as food for dogs and not even her remains could be found for a befitting burial. A queen was thrown down from the windows of a high building comparable to the high altars she erected for her dirty and stinking gods. She could not save herself and not even her worthless idols could save her from a shameless and worthless death. 

Someday we will all die, but let it be for something, which makes a significant difference to humanity. It does not take anything to go into high class prostitution, but count the cost as it is not worthwhile. It does not take anything to follow the path of evil, wickedness and witchcraft because we were all born from sin. However, the redemptive power made available through the shoot from King David gives another option of eternal life with dignity. 

A new world and new order are fast approaching. Power of the Bottom can only get you so far. Preparation and genuine track record based on merit would set you apart. It is a world of deep values influenced by the ability to unlearn unwholesome habits and relearn good habits. It is a world of transformation that enjoys true growth and totally new experience. Have a fantastic day.

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Copyright © 2013 Ama Kachikwu All rights reserved. "Being a Woman and Living Beyond This Present World?". GIA Media Multimedia Productions. No part of this program and the associated materials may be reproduced, presented, published or leveraged in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the written consent of the author.Author of Ultimate Journey to Greatness.

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