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Despise Not Small Beginnings! |
We all need motivation, dedication and it is good to be ambitious in accordance to the will of God for your life. It is okay to write your success story, if you are still struggling in life. As a matter of fact God given dreams are success stories written by God in the heart of an Individual and others as confirmations.
Most times, if you do not write your success stories others who have eyes to see would do so for you.
Martin Luther King Jr wrote the success story of Barack Hussein Obama before he was ever celebrated as two time president of United States of America. The Stars identified with Jesus Christ spreading the news of his fame before it actually happened. The Stars, which identified with Christ attracted King Herod who wanted him dead at all cost because of his future greatness.
This is why many of us are able to persevere in times of hardship despite the constant threat of the enemy. God can tell a King or Queen from afar even before they put on that actual crown because he chooses them from birth. Even when some go astray they come back to their divine legacy to occupy their divine position.
The Man with a discerning spirit is able to build a deep relationship with the one who will eventually be celebrated because his vision works better than others. Many come late when the divine cake of connection has been long shared. Those who humbly come first have the first mover advantage and understood it is not what I see now that counts, but what I see in the future. MTN, the telecommunication company that became the first network to make a call following the globally lauded Nigeria GSM auction moved into Nigeria to develop a relationship at a time many perceived it as premature. They steadily deployed their services across Nigeria at a time many complained about a dangerous, corrupt and hopeless government. MTN is now enjoying the first mover advantage while others are struggling to get in now the ground has been prepared by them. Who is smarter MTN or others paying MTN to get a share of the connection? MTN did not look down on Nigeria’s small beginnings rather they saw the future.
Many live in the present without connecting it with the future. They risk the benefits of the future for the present. They get to the stage of desperation, hopelessness and frustration because there is nothing to hold unto.
They have stubbornly and jealously refused to correct their vision and would scramble for only the present resources.
The Ghanian writer, Ayi Kwei Armah says the beautiful ones are not yet born. There are concepts which are still ideas, but would become a worldwide product providing beautiful solutions to unending problems. There are beautiful ones in the making and many of us despise little beginnings including those going through it because of our fake environment, which celebrates only finished products. We need encouragement no matter how little and appreciation for our daily efforts in life. When you get to that point where you feel as if your little beginnings are being mocked go to God in prayer who has put that dream of greatness within you. Jesus- Christ, Joseph and some of his 12 disciples did it in times of mockery and pain. Martin Luther king did it when a bomb hit his frame house on South Jackson Street, while he was leading a group of people from slavery, inequality and segregation into freedom.
The air would sometimes be thick with doubts, dejection and impossibilities. Humans who hate small beginnings help to exacerbate these feelings within us. The fact your talent is not paying for your bills right now is not a reason to remain quiet. Dedication and faith should guide you on a daily basis. Do not give up on what you have seen and confirmations you have received about your life from the wise Men like Jesus-Christ. When you give up on yourself others would give up on you except those who are kind enough to see how difficulties in life have completely altered your ambitious personality. It takes courage, faith and love to continue despite your small beginnings; It takes Dedication, resilience and hard-work for a greater comeback after a major set back. It is only the bold that can lead the departure of an uncertain future. Keep going and keep moving as it is not over yet until you say it is.
There is a clause for those who hate you because they did know you did be celebrated no matter what just as David the Shepherd boy was celebrated by his enemies. "Haters need to deal with it or get accustomed to the truth about greatness'. There are some people set aside from the beginning for greatness and you must key into their greatness rather than hate them.
We all have missions and purposes given to us by God and never try to usurp another Man's position because you have an eye on their mission. You need qualities to carry out every God given mission and purpose. Find out what yours is and stop hating others and spreading false lies.
Never despise little beginnings even when you are a nuisance and can almost not pay your bills. There are many who would look for the fast way out and engage in fraud, corruption and prostitution not to be a nuisance, but eventually end up one. They simply rob peter to pay Paul: A vicious circle of pain, poverty and wasted efforts and celebration of the fake continues. You should put your hands together for yourself because you have chosen the process and procedure of sowing and watching to reap the due harvest. No matter how long it takes, it pays to ask nicely and you will receive in due course as you work towards it rather than kill, steal, or destroy to take what does not belong to you.
You have heard the popular sayings, Rome was not built in a day: There are many things, which cannot be done instantly, but require patience and time. It requires patience and time because you need preparation for that task assigned to you by history. It becomes a problem, if you are not getting better on what you have been destined to do. Then it is time to go down on your knees and enquire from the Lord who has put in that success story before the building of its foundation. Those who contribute to the foundation stage of anything good would reap the rewards. Those who comeback to celebrate a finished work, product, programme or service are mere spectators they pay to get in and go out when you what them out. Now, it is a better time to do business and money guides the process after all they are spectators and not contributors.
We all need motivation, dedication and faith to achieve our God given dreams written by God In our heart and confirmed by many who do not know us. Write your success story even before it happens as long as it is from God it will surely happen. Joseph the dreamer had dreams, which came through. Do not be afraid even when people refuse to celebrate you because of your small beginnings. They would end up as spectators in the future paying and getting out after a time you have set for them while those who stayed on with you through thick and thin would be rewarded by God for being a source of hope and encouragement. Queen Ama ®™2013.
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Copyright © 2013 Queen Ama All rights reserved. "Despise Not Small Beginnings” Food For Thought Publications. No part of this program and the associated materials may be reproduced, presented, published or leveraged in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the written consent of the author.
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