Many are actually suffering from the best form of attack, which cannot be represented in any court of law. The famous malicious method used to control the victim until they surrender all they have included their dignity. A man who is left hopeless financially, physically, emotionally and mentally probably has little or nothing to live for and would wish final death.
Some are going through such manipulation or those who have been lucky enough to escape such brutal forms of injustice are probably wondering can this be true. There is nothing wrong with asking questions like me but my answers came when a little Caroline of 10 made true confessions openly she was responsible for the break down in her aunt Mina’s marriage, an incurable disease and the financial constraint they suffered over-time. The smartest news Caroline was expected to live free after the confessions but who could prevent her from doing so. A few days apart not enough to handle the first shocker when Mrs Kali who had just one daughter Monique who became blind at the age of 15; her teenage years devilishly difficult meant a devoted mother fully responsible for everything she needed. Mrs Kali terribly desperate by now and fatigued looking after a blind teenage daughter sought solution. She took Monique along with her, and they were both asked to do a dry-fast praying for three days in a well-known Church. Monique and Mrs Kali were asked to say a few prayer points, “OH GOD I was not created this way by you and was not born blind from birth anything responsible for my blindness leave me now and receive blindness". Mrs Kali as expected by any dutiful mother was interested in getting her daughter's sight fully repaired, but became blind herself. Mrs Kali who cried the most and highly sympathetic was responsible for her daughter’s loss of sight.
I obviously sought answers as a member of the congregation where I saw this happen and was indeed frightfully confused. It could not have been one amongst millions because each week there was another surprise awaiting onlookers.
I decided to invite others to share their experiences or observations of what they had seen over time and how the court of law can help with such matters.
How does one provide evidence to the court of law for spiritual attacks, which has destroyed so many across the globe. Most Churches understand the language but the court of law will only tender exhibits visible to the eyes with the cause seen in the physical. Worst still is the medical field which gives, name for all forms of sickness and disease but no cure for them.
The concept of spiritual attack and the celebrated case of somebody being attacked in the spiritual realm is tilting towards religion fanaticsm. I subscribe to the idea of believing in your creator-THE ALMIGHTY GOD, I also take seriously my faith in the LORD and pray tremendously for strenght and the need to do that which is favourable in the eyes of the LORD and by extension-human beings.Providing evidence for spiritual attack is in itself complex as the subject matter. How can one who is being attacked proof beyond resonable doubt that you are being attacked.? It operates in the spiritual if at all, it does exist! It is beyond the physical which makes it complex for human beings not gifted with the ability to see beyond to understand.My take is that no human being living on earth is left without the power to oppose any form of " attack". This is achieved by living aright( according to the dictates of your creator) and taking your belief seriously. The court of law is defective and deficient in their understanding and judgement most times!They subject everything to the abstract technicalities of the law based on the evidence brought before the court".Matters of spritual inclination are better left out of the premise of the court of law. For the medical science, we live in turbulent times where the medical field is tasked beyond their marrow.Truth is the world is at a stage where most of the diseases /ailment are beyond the medical practitioners. (please pardon me, i am not a profesional in this field, i cannot give an objective opinion).From my layman terms, we have far more ailment /diseases in the global economy than what the medical professionals can contend with.thank you
March 5 at 9:19am
Ama Kachikwu
@ Augustine good morning, I am happy you are aware there are spiritual attacks and many suffering as a result therein. However, Your choice to define it in this case as religion fanaticism is not the subject matter of debate today. The question is quite clear," How does one provide evidence to the court of law for spiritual attacks, which has destroyed so many across the globe. Most Churches understand the language but the court of law will only tender exhibits visible to the eyes with the cause seen in the physical. Worst still is the medical field which gives, name for all forms of sickness and disease but no cure for them". So many believe in GOD like you and indeed very close to him. They even go the extra mile of doing that which is good and praying for others to do good as well. In spite of the will to do good and asking others to do so, praying to that effect many are under attacks and have lost their life in the process. Perhaps their decision to regard this one as religion fanaticism has led them into bondage which cannot be explained and cured by doctors, lacks physical and clear evidence in the court of law. Now, people are still suffering from such attacks but which is regarded as outdated and religion fanatism as you call it. How can such people be helped?
March 5 at 10:37am ·Augustine
My summation of it is in line with the subject matter.It is not possible to provide evidence in court for what is purely spiritual , We have equally agreed that the court is particular to work with what they can see as physical evidence. Since we cannot provide spiritual evidence in the court of law, it logically follows that" spritual attack" as a case brought before the court of law cannot be deliberated upon since we cannot provide physical evidence to substantiate any position.It can be better addressed and treated in the spiritual realm. Liaising it with the medical field, name must be given to any medical occurence, It is borne out of clinical manisfestation( please pardon me, I am not a medical doctor). AMA, lets be specific, can we name any of such attacks ,? may be that can even assist in our understand and appreciation of this attacks.thanks
March 5 at 12:53pm ·
Ama Kachikwu @Augustine, spiritual attacks are done in the spiritual realm but with clear manifestations in the physical. The problem is having to provide the court of law with clear cut justification that a physical body damage internally and externally has be done spiritually. Perhaps, the need to have spiritual consultants in the law court will be needed in the nearest future since the medical field have failed to provide solutions. Some doctors agree certain problems have gone beyond the medical field and do agree some need spiritual intervention. Therefore, I ask who is responsible? Many attacked already see those responsible for their problems and the attacks some are about to launch out on them. These attacks include madness, paralysis of the limbs and fingers, diseases, skin infections etc. The list is quite long and we see this in churches. However, many deal with spiritual matters in the spirit realm even-though the resultant damage can be seen in the physical. I ask do we ignore the physical implication of spiritual attacks when you know the culprits responsible for ones problem. Assuming one had evidence would this do in a court of law and can judgement be given.
March 5 at 1:38pm · Like · 1 person
March 5 at 3:20pm ·
Roseline Ekune It is only a spiritual mind that can understand what goes on in the spiritual realm, and it is only spiritual weapons that can be used to fight against the forces of darkness, that is why it is not surprising if a carnal mind does not understand what goes on in the spiritual realm, and would want to use carnal weapons to fight against spiritual forces and to prove the dreadful works of spiritual, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal! Spirituality is not limited in anyway way, Christianity is spiritual but not all Christians are spiritual. for example when jesus said that you have to be born-again, to enter into the kingdom of God, some of the people understood it as entering into the mother womb and being born again, which a carnal mind will understand that way, that was why jesus came on earth in the physical form, because who was coming to the physical realm but that did not limit God in any way to destroy the works of darkness spiritually, just as a lawyer, a medical practitioner can be spiritual to destroy and to prove the works of darkness, for example a woman had a tumour of 70kg growing from her spine to her waist and belly,at Augustine just a glance of a photo of that tumour,you would have said it was impossible,or better still that it was photoshopped,lol! inclusive of several other people who would have acted like Thomas also they would want to see for themselves and touch to believe that a tumour would grow as large as that size,surprisingly this lady had operated on this tumour as large as this size several years back,but it grew back again,at this point all hopes was lost that the woman would die like that on the operating table,as about 50 doctors had rejected to operate on this lady as the location and size of this tumour was just too invasive.but a doctor who believed that God would use him to prove and defeat the works of darkness regardless of his medical knowledge, even the doctor himself had said that since all his years as a medical practitioner he has never come across such a case as this was just abnormal,before they operated on the woman they prayed for hours for a successful surgery, because they knew this was a spiritual force of darkness at work! they simply would have gone ahead to operate solely depending on medical knowledge, this similar scenario can happen in a law court also,where the culprits come out themselves and confess what had happened and how it had happened,without any form of evidence to the physical eyes this happens because the lawyer has seen beyond law suits and physical evidence but to kneel down and pray against the works of darkness, a carnal mind would ask how does a lawyer praying,present evidence,??? it is only a spiritual mind that would understand how that works! because the spiritual realm are not meant to be understood by a carnal mind,because it only sounds foolish to the ears no matter the dimensions of a million explanations and impossible, but it is real! it is only if someone has experienced it for themselves that they can understand, prayer is a spiritual tool which can be used by anyone who is spiritual and is a Christian regardless of his profession. Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen, but yet people have faith inclusive of even unbelievers believing that what they desire would manifest in the physical realm without wanting to know how that happened in the midst of impossibilities, but as long as they get what they want…then why should they question that the evidence of spiritual attacks can be proved, that is the result of so many doubting “thomases” in the world as seen in the bible ! lol
March 5 at 3:25pm ·like · 2 people
Ama Kachikwu @ Dosomah it is for this same reason that many keep practicing witchcraft and using sorcery and magic. God obviously is the final Judge like his the final Judge in other court cases tendering physical evidence. The rate at which such occultic practice is bringing harm upon people in the physical realm with their culprits known is just unbelievable. I know in the nearest future we will have a court for such to pass judgement on people practicing them. What I find most of them sent on assignment who have constantly failed end up confessing before they die.
March 5 at 3:29pm · Like · 1 person
Larry Chukwuma Aboy The court has no say concerning spiritual or occultic attacks. I don't think science's invented a technology to detect such cause. So what the court of law has to do is to throw such cases out or should be settled out of court between both parties...
March 5 at 4:31pm ·
Sandra Spiritual matters cannot be carnally discerned at the same time we must wisely understanding and spiritually interpreted by the guide of the Holy Spirit what is the truth. While it is true that spiritual attacks can destroy people and their homes, some of the worse attacks come from those the pulpit who exploit the vulnerability of their members who are not real 'pastors'. Diseases or sicknesses that do not have a name must be addressed and we must remember that only God can heal.
Ama Kachikwu @ Sandra I agree with you, but those false pastors belong to the kingdom of darkness as those who are inflicting pain on people through the spiritual medium. Likewise many doctors you and I visit in the hospitals belong to the same kingdom. How about the pharmaceutical Industry who do not wish for your recovery and would rather you take drugs for the rest of your life. We need to truly make sense of the times we operate in. Those undergoing spiritual attacks and understand what they are going through, have their problem half solved. Many do not even know they are attacked spiritually and would move about as vagabonds in the physical realm from one doctor to another. Do they make progress? of course not. Yes, GOD is the genuine balm of Gilead who has made the doctors, fake pastors and pharmaceutical companies. You and I have the choice of developing ourselves spiritually, it requires hard-work and prayers, genuine repentance. However, I see this happening in the nearest future where the court of law will need to work closely with genuine pastors and victims of witchcraft attack. Witches have a span after they have launched their attacks several times on the wrong person who might be prophet or a chosen one of GOD. Guess what? they eventually confess but it will make sense to have such exhibits tendered in the law court. Jehovah Jireh is the ultimate Judge in court cases involving physical evidence and spiritual evidence with visible manifestations in the physical. Something has to be done, many are being killed through this means and destinies cut short.
@ Ama...........I agree and disagree with you and I will explain why. Many times people repeat what they see other ministers do wrongly does that make them false? No, it makes them uninformed or misinformed and hence they destroy the lives of people. A friend was talking to me and asked what I thought of America separation of State and Church and I said I totally agree with the founding fathers on that notion. Why, because the founding fathers knew that some day a radical whether it would be a Christian, Muslim or otherwise would plunge the country into a religious idealogical war. To prove that these men were undoubtedly inspired by God to write American institution, we can see what religiously imbalanced mad leaders have done globally, from Arab countries to even George Bush who allowed a bunch of pastors to convince him to bomb Iraq and lied about it to places like Nigeria and Ghana that Christianity has become the most easily and cheapest way to make money.
Sunday at 12:15pm ·
Ama Kachikwu You can easily identify a fake prophet from a real one. A fake prophet would tell you GOD said but God did not say. The good news, GOD grooms a prophet people have never heard of and people are not likely to believe the Judgement is about to bring upon his people. People are able to distinguish such individuals by unprecedented happenings which they had predicted long beforehand. It takes the spirit of discernment for one to know who is true and false prophet or pastor.
Sunday at 12:30pm ·
Sandra Dear have said several things in your response. 1.. That is is easy to identify a false prophet then the question begs, why are so many bible believing people being deceived in giving their mortgage money, car note, house rent and children's school fees to such men (false prophets seemed to be more cornered by men than women which does not mean that there are not false women out there). Should this not be easy for people who have common sense to see the falseness? Now does God groom prophets, yes but He normally uses another prophet to groom a person even one whom He has left such as Eli-Samuel relationship or the great prophet Elijah-Elisha. You are VERY correct when an authentic unknown prophet speaks about judgment to his people because many people have itching ears. Finally you are correct that it takes a spirit of discernment to discern who is really a prophet but also one who is living a true Christian lifestyle....I cannot see a crooked Christian receiving the spirit of discernment from God, to practice more
Sunday at 12:39pm ·
Ama Kachikwu @Sandra to digress a little from the topic of discussion just like you and I have done in our last 2 statements. It is written, Judgment would start from the house of GOD. In other-words, nothing is new under the son, Jesus over-turned the table of the money-changers in the temple. I hope it rings a bell. Thanks for your contribution.
Sunday at 12:42pm ·
Ama Kachikwu Dear Sandra, please read Ezekiel 13:17-23. It has the answers to why bible believing Christians fall in the hands of false prophets and priests. It also says what will happen to those false prophets. They would not go unpunished. Trust me!
Sunday at 2:46pm ·
Tony Ogbechie Very simple people! Just take him to the court of God and ask Jesus to be your This is so bad that even when the so called evil man confesses, counsel will say he's is suffering from a mental disorder.
43 minutes ago · like · 2 people
Larry Chukwuma Aboy It's a complicated african culture that's dificult 2 proof...
39 minutes ago ·
Ama Kachikwu @Tony you might just be doing the work of a true pastor here with your understanding of the deep issue at hand. You are dead right with the last paragraph of the synopsis on spiritual attacks requiring the attention of the court of Law, which happens to be a court of GOD with Jesus the counsel.. Lol!
Many are enslaved for years making little or no progress out of life, yet they do not know they are under a spell and have actually been jinxed. I am talking about Men and Women who are in their 40's, 50's, 60's and even 70's.
It almost sounds criminal to be addressing spiritual hot attacks done in darkness with utmost secrecy in a modern world. Why are people dabbling in devilish occultic arts (Sorcery, divination, Magic, spells, enchantments, charming, wizardry, witchcraft) and are members of the occult requiring evil covenants with human sacrifice?
One would be amazed the victims of afflictions, pain and suffering normally see their oppressors when asleep. However, once the oppressor has been warned directly they start using the faces of others very close to the victim. Hence, the spirit of discernment is very important and revelation power.
Many Women/Men end up without a partner for the rest of their lives, simply they have a husband/wife who comes to them at night leaving their bed linen wet from secretions and one wonders where the husband/wife has gone in the morning with nobody in the physical.
How can this be addressed in the court of law knowing most times the messenger/agent of wickedness and member of the occult is likely to make true confessions on the number of people destroyed and killed on a yearly basis when the end game is near.
It is advisable for those going through spiritual attacks to “put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:11-12).
One wonders can a human being like me inflict pain and long-suffering, it is quite straightforward there are powers, principalities and influential men and women in every country who are rulers of darkness behind Divination, fortune-telling, mediums, spiritism, necromancy, familiar spirits, wizardry, seances, channeling, clairvoyance and spirit-guides.
Many have dirty foundation involving idols created by men and need to cleanse it.
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