A wise woman is one who understands beauty lies not on the surface, but a deep rooted wonder, which emanates from the heart. A simple beauty given to women, which is about the best thing God invented.
A beautiful woman is one with a good heart and cannot be hidden. She is beautiful inside and radiates on the external. You cannot hide a beautiful woman as her good works will speak for itself.
You cannot hide beautiful flowers especially during spring when they blossom.
Even blind men smell the aroma from such flowers and feel the enlivened atmosphere of joy, hope, love, power and strength such flowers bring forth.
This is the true atmosphere the true beauty of a woman creates. It gives a good feeling and not a bad aura.
John keats states, " A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: Its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness.'
Thus, Decent Men come to her because of the internal values she has developed overtime.
Agents of darkness on assignment to dissolve her beauty get converted quickly because of the revelational light her beauty exposes.
A beautiful woman is a catalyst for true change and reconciliation.
It is not beauty enhanced by luxury, which fades fast in the valley.
It is beauty enhanced by deep values of truth, compassion, love, long- suffering, patience, respect for humanity, determination and strong faith to sustain the mountain top life where you worship God like never before.
Fading flower of luxurious beauty is not God's intention for women across the globe. The beauty of a flower fades away, but it's roots remain. These roots are the values which sustains the beauty of a woman. It is God who preserves the root because of our deep relationship with him.

Why are men disrespecting women across the globe? Some even take laws into their hands by pulling the trigger to a gun sending them to the land of no return before their time. How do men really see women? What really attracts a man to a woman? How do men see the beauty of a woman? Do women carry themselves properly? Do women dress appropriately? Do women act cheap and have no deep values? What is the problem?
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