My master, Jesus-Christ is the first born of my heavenly family, but I am the last born of my earthly family here on Earth. I can hardly do anything as the last born of my family based on my ranks within the society.
It is for this reason I go to consult with my master, Jesus-Christ when I need anything. He has set the pace for others to follow and led a good life. I have not called myself Jesus-Christ, but those made in the image and likeness of God should exhibit some of his attributes. Forgiveness, compassion, love and unity no matter the circumstances. A man who died to save the world not because of his own fault, but he had to pay the price and reconcile the world back to their father. "No greater love than a man who laid his life for others to become better and experience freedom". I remember going back to Jesus-Christ after being lost for years and I found my peace and freedom after meeting with him. It is for this reason I cry when I worship him and could imagine what he went through to save a wretch like me. The fact I can go to the cross of Jesus-Christ and identify with my circumstances and get solution to all my problems. There is none compared to you and your mission to save the whole race.
I love you Jesus-Christ and thank you for showing we too can exhibit selflessness and service in accordance to the will of God for our lives. You did not engage in man-made assignments, but only did what your father wanted of you. Please, teach us to grow in love and forgiveness as we walk with you on a daily basis.
Master, nobody can ever equal your rights as firstborn because that is where you have been placed in the kingdom of God. I come today as your servant and asking for more of your direction and guidance in a world where people are ignorant of the truth and would want to kill anyone sent to say the truth.
Master, you were different and taught the scribes and pharisees what they did not want to hear. You were even accused of calling yourself God and they hated you because of it. They even put a mark of hatred on you and stripped you bare of your clothes and cast lot among your garments. They forgot you did not call yourself, but God called and chose you for a specific assignment to liberate the world. They showed you so much hatred where ever you went and you were even treated with disdain for no reason. Today, we all celebrate you and it shall remain so forever as you raise up more men and women with the mission to spread freedom, love and unity.
I love you so much Lord and can never be equal to you being the first born of the kingdom of God.
Let those who want to fight me because I call myself a daughter of your kingdom meet with you in a special way just like I met with you.
From Your Daughter,
December 16, 2013 at 2:35pm
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.
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