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Let us stop blaming our religious heads for being religious. We must step out of the zone of being religious people and start practicing spirituality.
When we have more spiritual people across the globe greed; poverty in the midst of plenty; occultism destroying many young men at their prime; prostitution; murder; human insecurity; diseases and other vice struggling to wipe off men and all what we have worked hard to remember our name would be long gone.
There is a stark difference between being religious and being spiritual. Most religious people adhere to religion in both belief and practice. It may be part of their rule not to heal on a Sunday and even if they come across a dying Man they might walk past him because it is Sunday. They have no true love for what they believe in. On the other hand, A spiritual person has a soul and not influenced by material or physical things.
A man who adheres to christian beliefs and practices is not different from a banker who adheres to the bank's policy and procedure. However, when an opportunity to cook up the bank's balance sheet comes such man would waste no time in doing it. A religious person has no regard for what he adheres to and has no real attachment to safeguard it.
On the other hand, a spiritual person that adheres to the bank's policy and procedure would not even think of cooking up the bank's books because he knows that will affect generations yet unborn. He guards what he believes in with so much integrity and true love. These level of integrity and true love are products of a transformed heart.
Let me give a brief illustration of what being religious as opposed to being spiritual can do.
Although, they religiously adhered to the bank's policy and procedure. Lehman brother one of the oldest investment bank is nowhere to be found. What happened? I guess spirituality, which has to do with the heart and soul of Man would have kept that bank alive and strong. They practiced greed and wanted to show all was well through physical and material assets. Thus, they were ready to do anything. Does it not surprise you when regulatory bodies creatively come up now and then with different frameworks and methodology on how things should be done. It does not make sense to train people on your policies and procedures, but yet when they find loop holes to manipulate the system for their selfish benefits they would do anything to get it. They need to focus on the spiritual side of their staffs.
On the other hand, a spiritual person that adheres to the bank's policy and procedure would not even think of cooking up the bank's books because he knows that will affect generations yet unborn. He guards what he believes in with so much integrity and true love. These level of integrity and true love are products of a transformed heart.
Let me give a brief illustration of what being religious as opposed to being spiritual can do.
Although, they religiously adhered to the bank's policy and procedure. Lehman brother one of the oldest investment bank is nowhere to be found. What happened? I guess spirituality, which has to do with the heart and soul of Man would have kept that bank alive and strong. They practiced greed and wanted to show all was well through physical and material assets. Thus, they were ready to do anything. Does it not surprise you when regulatory bodies creatively come up now and then with different frameworks and methodology on how things should be done. It does not make sense to train people on your policies and procedures, but yet when they find loop holes to manipulate the system for their selfish benefits they would do anything to get it. They need to focus on the spiritual side of their staffs.
We have accused our pastors and religious heads for too long. It is time to take responsibility for our spirituality. When you see a spiritual man or woman, you would know instantly. It is not by what they write on face-book or what they say in public. Spirituality transcends physical and material things. Unfortunately, many have sold their soul to the Devil, in order to acquire those physical and material benefits at all cost. Yet this same people are religious and would keep the Sabbath holy at all times; they even give alms to the poor and have all philanthropic organisations to assist the poor. When such person gives or assist you; the news network makes out a slot to showcase such alms. Some even have chapels and altars at home: After calling God during the day they also call other gods at night. It is called showmanship of religion and not spirituality.
You cannot be spiritual and dress like a harlot.
You cannot be spiritual and be listening to a certain kind of music.
You cannot be spiritual, and be soliciting for positions God has not called and chosen you for, although you may speak well, manage a group and even be an author.
You cannot be spiritual, but have no respect for authority especially those called and chosen by God.
You cannot be spiritual, but mocking God and his servants with your children.
You cannot be spiritual and be a strong witch practicing sorcery and magic with all kinds of incantation done at your will and by your bedside.
You cannot be spiritual and enjoying praise from men on face-book when you are a married woman or man.
You cannot be spiritual and a chronic gossip at the same time.
You cannot be spiritual yet looking to fill-up a position quickly in another man's divine appointed marriage and a regular customer on his or her page on face-book.
You cannot be spiritual and hate people created by God.
You cannot be spiritual and have diarrhoea of the mouth.
You cannot be spiritual and diabolical at the same time.
You cannot be spiritual and be listening to a certain kind of music.
You cannot be spiritual, and be soliciting for positions God has not called and chosen you for, although you may speak well, manage a group and even be an author.
You cannot be spiritual, but have no respect for authority especially those called and chosen by God.
You cannot be spiritual, but mocking God and his servants with your children.
You cannot be spiritual and be a strong witch practicing sorcery and magic with all kinds of incantation done at your will and by your bedside.
You cannot be spiritual and enjoying praise from men on face-book when you are a married woman or man.
You cannot be spiritual and a chronic gossip at the same time.
You cannot be spiritual yet looking to fill-up a position quickly in another man's divine appointed marriage and a regular customer on his or her page on face-book.
You cannot be spiritual and hate people created by God.
You cannot be spiritual and have diarrhoea of the mouth.
You cannot be spiritual and diabolical at the same time.
I dare say to everyone across the globe: We truly need to be more spiritual as opposed to being religious.
What does it profit a Man, if he gains the whole world and suffers the loss of his soul? I ask the same question asked by the greatest Man that as ever lived on Earth who died with nothing, but for something. He came back to life with spiritual gifts for you and I to practice spirituality, as opposed to religion. Jesus-Christ emphasized the importance of a Man's soul because it is the seedbed for spirituality and meeting with his father. He also emphasized on the physical and material gains that Man seeks to acquire at the expense of their soul. What benefit would you get after acquiring the whole world and unending mass scale destruction awaits you?
Who would meet with the most powerful man in the world and not prepare himself? You need to prepare your soul to meet with God. You are time waster to think by practicing religion you will ever meet God.
What has it profited Lehman Brothers after gaining the strongest balance sheet at all cost, but suffered the loss of his soul? Where is Lehman Brother?
You would see men and women who have sacrificed one or two members of their family through the male or female, pagan cults for wealth, power and position. However, you see such people occupying front rows in Churches on Sunday morning without fail. Most times, they would even carry the communion cup to the altar. This outward showmanship of piety without total transformation is being religious.
A true encounter with God makes the difference when crossing the border of religion to spirituality. This is where people become empowered to witness for God like never before.
It is not an experience based on being religious, but one that has to do with spirituality. It involves a heart surgery and transplant from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh. It is an experience God grants you because you have been called and chosen to witness for him. The best witness you can give about God is one that affects your life directly. A man cured of HIV, cancer, hepatitis B and C have a different story to tell from one who has witnessed the actual cure.
Religion is something you can be taught based on experiences of our fore fathers having a relationship with God. What about you? However, when you are spiritual you have an encounter directly with God and your life just never remains the same.
Being religious means less responsibility for true things of God; lack of true love for God and having little concern about doing the will of God.
A true encounter with God makes the difference when crossing the border of religion to spirituality. This is where people become empowered to witness for God like never before.
It is not an experience based on being religious, but one that has to do with spirituality. It involves a heart surgery and transplant from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh. It is an experience God grants you because you have been called and chosen to witness for him. The best witness you can give about God is one that affects your life directly. A man cured of HIV, cancer, hepatitis B and C have a different story to tell from one who has witnessed the actual cure.
Religion is something you can be taught based on experiences of our fore fathers having a relationship with God. What about you? However, when you are spiritual you have an encounter directly with God and your life just never remains the same.
Being religious means less responsibility for true things of God; lack of true love for God and having little concern about doing the will of God.
Spirituality is an inside-outward transformation, which you must work on a daily basis. A surgical operation is done on the heart of the one who is truly spiritual. A fleshy and flexible heart becomes the final output from such surgical operation. When Jesus-Christ said to a Man you must be born-again. Many thought it had to do with re-birth through the womb of a woman. Far from it is a total transformation of your soul, spirit and body. People may even begin to ask questions when they see that change. You are no longer the same man or woman.
Get it somebody!Repentance comes with spirituality. It brings about transformation. You cannot be repentant and remain in the old ways, which brought about repentance in the first place. This is where the true state of your heart matters as opposed to your head.
I have secret to share of what happened to me at the dead sea in Masada at Jerusalem, but it would be saved for a later time as the right platform presents itself. I am sure you can see a double-rainbow above. A double rainbow is symbolic of transformations in our life. I want you to do a research on Google on what double rainbow signifies.
You cannot be spiritual and not have a relationship with the ultimate source of life and death. You cannot be spiritual and be entrenched in fraud, adultery, lust, pornography, hatred, unforgiveness, lies, Jealousy, theft, abortion and greed. You cannot be spiritual and act like a complete enemy of God by what you do in secret. You cannot be spiritual and be disobedient to the will of God for your life.
A man may be hard-working and become rich, but not in will of God for his life. Most times, such man has no peace of mind and devilishly unfulfilled struggling to fill a gap, which his yet to understand. Please permit me to introduce you to the spiritual side of you that you never thought existed.
It is time to start practicing spirituality and not religion. You owe yourself spirituality, and nobody owns your soul except God or Satan. As for me and my household we will serve the Lord most high born in Bethlehem. Now, you choose whom you want to serve, and you cannot serve the devil and be spiritual. It is called religion because Satan also has his beliefs and members of his body practice those beliefs laid down for them.
Father in heaven forgive me and my household for being religious all along rather than being spiritual.
Father to whom nothing is hidden please uncover the darkest secrets of my spirituality. Usher light into those areas Satan and his agents have held me in bondage for a longtime.
Father let there be a total inward-outward transformation in my life almost symbolic of a double rainbow.
Father let my heavenly(spiritual) being increase and become greater than my physical and material being. Amen.
I love you all.
Copyright © 2013 Ama Kachikwu All rights reserved. "Are You Religious or Spiritual?". GIA Media Multimedia Productions. No part of this program and the associated materials may be reproduced, presented, published or leveraged in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the written consent of the author.
Very interesting.But there are two types of spirituality namely satanic and godly.Agents of darkness are spiritual also but of the negative.God's children on the other hand are also spiritual in Christ Jesus.But I get your point.All those who claim to identify with Christ should reflect the real true spiritual nature of the Lord Jesus.