Wow! Just one day to go and we did be celebrating the world-wide love, but yet not many of us including me have truly grasped the concept Love. It made sense when a woman who had been married for over 20 years could re-affirm that love had packed up in her son’s barely 8 months marriage. Where there is no love dispute is the order of the day, but where plenty of love is made available it absorbs all flaws including anger, infirmity, insecurity, class and poverty. When love disappears or fades away it was never true love, but lust and lies.
Lust is an intense feeling and craving for a living or non-living object of temporary satisfaction. When the moment of satisfaction fizzles out lies are required to keep up with the game, which eventually comes to an end. It is no surprise a Man who claims to have loved a Woman can wake up from slumber giving excuses as to why he has given up on love. It was lust he had for the woman, and not true love. Whatever is a lie would never stay, but what is true is permanent. Love is all-embracing and make no excuses. It is not a feeling, not a mistake, not a game and is not an action item. To die for others and set them free without taking from them is true love. This was exactly what Jesus-Christ did for all, but not many have understood and can make sense of the true love showcased by Jesus-Christ. The true love Christ gave was given to us even without asking for it.
Love is not a Bed of roses, made with the most expensive linen. Love is sacrificial and it involves giving without expecting anything in return. When anyone begins to cry out I love you, but yet I do not get the same feeling from you they are just small kids who are still learning how to crawl. You often find such people looking for alternatives few weeks before valentine. The excuse some give to cheat on their spouse is they are not getting back love in return.
True love engulfs your whole being transforming your personality to the point you are called foolish. It waits and by its real nature, there is light at the end of the tunnel. True Love makes the one who gives it mad and almost at a cross-road.
The world sets a day aside february 14th that declares and celebrates Love, but I mean an encompassing true love, which is ready to give up the gift of life just for others to reach the pinnacle of their existence. Nelson Mandela is another living Icon of true Love who gave up most part of his youthful and energetic days to liberate the people of South Africa. I am just wondering if Love is not a prerequisite required for our leaders who have been called to shepherd their flock. Those who practice love can never be hindered by the negative forces in heaven and earth. Now, I am sure you understand why death could not hold Christ in the abyss where he was sent with no hope of return. Jesus-Christ bled patiently to death because of true love. True Love conquers even a murderer holding a gun and ready to pull that trigger. The man capable of killing millions and stealing millions from people through fraud could be transformed through love. The criminal condemned justly to death with christ was set free and ushered into paradise without hardwork because of true love.
True love is not what you perfect in one day it grows as you grow in experience doing those things expected of you to freely give it. True love gives an inner satisfaction of peace knowing you have made others better to become less of importance. It is remarkable whilst Nelson Mandela was in Jail many were already enjoying the "freedom from segregation"; he made himself available to become the sacrificial slave ending apartheid in South Africa.
The greatest thing about true love is the end result as many can agree why it is called true and love. Whatever is true cannot be hidden forever and because truth is light everything concerning love would be revealed.
Count down to the day many have established deliberately for love, but let this guide you if that is a memorable day you have chosen just to exchange gifts you have not even began to love.
The love capable of bringing peace and healing to a hurting world is the one showcased by Christ, which is worthy of emulation by our leaders in position of authority or anyone occupying leadership position.
"Husbands love your wife just as christ loved the church." Christ first loved, but did not get love and respect back in return.
"When love is from the head it is lust and lies".
"True Love would be tested".
"True Love waits forever without seeking options".
"Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it."
"Flowers are not a true representative of love, it captures just a portion of true love which is beautiful and bright, but its dying nature is that of lust."
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.