Friday 15 April 2016


Panic At OAU Teaching Hospital As Doctors, Nurses Run Home After A Doctor Dies From Vomiting Blood.

The first page of The new day newspaper, wedenesday 13.04.2016 issue 33 reveals a staggering 82% of doctors in England admit they have had symptoms of mental illness - but less than half seek help. The stigma of mental health like any other illness makes them afraid to address it.  

Queen Ama says

Who does the patient turn to especially when the Doctor cannot save you?GOD is truly real and we must constantly prepare to meet with him.

Food For Thought: Supernatural Healing
There are so many strange happenings across the world especially as it concerns the wellbeing of people. The truth be told not every doctor can help you. I believe in supernatural healing and have seen many miracles in my life-time. I want you all suffering from one problem or another to believe in something greater than yourself. What do you truly believe and can it save you when you need it most?
Do not give up and keep believing in your God-given dreams.
I have watched many dead and hopeless plants comeback to life in spring and trying to understand who gives it life. How do you begin to explain a tree that has lost its leaves and body parts begins to breathe new life again? It is indeed a diseased tree going through regeneration. The fear and psychological trauma associated with many diagnosis is what makes many give up on life. The trial and error drugs are taken with fear too. 

"Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these". Luke 12:27

We are like plants and must leverage on their own victories too.
Supernatural healing is indeed real and many are trying to fight the truth about it.

I want you to keep believing and do not give up. Queen Ama says we must end the stigma associated with mental health in the link titled, heritage.

I love you all,

Queen Ama

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

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