Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Brokenness: More Than A Weapon.

Brokenness is the highest level of spiritual maturity and a weapon on the ultimate journey to greatness. A place where you get to where any man or woman can insult you using negative words or accuse you falsely and rather than retaliating you go on your knees asking for their change. It is a good feeling when you can practice brokenness in the midst of anger and unkind words. I listened to the most unkind words in the midst of artificial anger poured out on me yesterday. I expected better words because of the title of the accuser, but anger had reared its ugly head. It does not matter what people have called you, but how you respond will make a difference.

Sometimes, agents of darkness cooperating with internal enemies want to convert your glory to shame, but the Lord looks at them from his lofty place of splendor dashing them into pieces.

Sometimes, witches and wizards go on a long fast to bring you down, but God turns it around for your elevation and promotion.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them from it all.  
Keep your head up and let God keep fighting for you.

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