Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Health and Fitness: Your Goals and The Routine

Ama Kachikwu JP

May 1, 2013 · ·

Food For Thought: What Are Your Health and Fitness Goals?

The mistake most men and women of God and even others make is to think because you are called into a ministry then you don't have to look after yourself or look good.

You have a Body, Spirit and Soul. Your Body is what holds the spirit and soul. You must look after it, while you feed your spirit man and your soul with the right ingredients,. Your body needs to be alive too to eating the right things at the right time. It needs to be alive to exercise, but needs to be dead to the worldly things such as fornication, lies, theft, anger, Jealousy, Murders and Heresies. This is what the bible means when it states do not be of the world.

I was not surprised when a Man of God known here in London started teaching the congregation about setting goals at the beginning of this glorious year. One of the goals that drew my attention was our health and fitness goals. He said, "we must honor God with what we do with our bodies. What you do with your body now will later report in future. Exercise is about thinking better, functioning at the optimal and exercise is not terminating your life before heaven intended. You do not have to get older to start imbibing the culture of being careful."

Let me make it very clear, A Pastor does not need to lay hands on you when you are overweight and suffering from high-blood pressure or diabetes. Your cure is to get on a 90 days challenge ad shed that weight and be in shape,. Your cure for lack of confidence is to look well both within and external. Somebody, needs to get it and hope we do not lose our deliverance and healing because of being Judgmental and sentimental.

I was so glad when the 90 days challenge came into the UK to assist people in three areas Health, Life and Prosperity. I already started my 90days challenge and see many people wondering why am doing it and encouraging others to do it since am a woman of God.
I laugh as when God gives a prophet instruction he makes it so clear. I have no regrets about my 90 days challenge and it is Vigor4Life for those who understand God who has made the Heavens and Earth. Most, important are those who understand my mission.

When God gives a solution he makes it available for the Masses. The Blood of Jesus-Christ is a worldwide solution for deep rooted issues in the spiritual realm when a saint uses it. The problem is, many of us are not humble and willing to become a saint for that blood to be effective. The 90days challenge, which is free and a solution for so many things is also free when you get three friends to join you and do it for 90days. It is available for everyone. However, rather than finding out how and when. You begin to Judge others doing it and already getting results. Some, rather than get their health back and live a more balance lifestyle are not open to solution. Are you sure this is not one of those pyramid things they think in their mind.

Now, If you really want to use it and have no money and three friends looking to live a healthier and more balanced lifestyle to join the 90 days challenge with you. You can send a message through my website and I would pay for you as long as you are disciplined to stay on that routine for 90 days. Most, important if you cannot afford to buy

1. McDonalds that cost £4.50.
2. Starbucks Cofee, Bagel, small Orange Juice that cost £4.95.

Here is my website and am a full supporter of the bodybyvi 90days challenge.

I pray this message gets to the right people.

I thank God for a solution that is free and available to all.

Have a great day.

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