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Life Cross-Roads! |
Many of us will at some point in our lives arrive in a place where 2 roads merge and branch off in different directions. It is called a cross-road; that point where critical decisions need to be made on what direction to pursue. It is two roads, which have now merged into one and leading to different exits.
The merged road equals to a single one, but branching out now into multiple exits cannot be avoided since you need to get out of it to arrive at your ultimate destination. It is at this juncture many fail to function or become so frustrated to the point where they give up on their life assignments. The frustration lies in decision making on what direction to take since every point is likely to take you into a further mess.
A cross-road is not a childs play when compared to the regular straight road where you can drive at breakneck pace without a care for the road signs and buildings. The dimensions of the straight road implies you can adapt the same speed all through, but not so for a cross-road.
A cross road spells out all hell is letting loose for the one who does not believe he can come out of it. Some of us are smart enough to reach out for help, some hibernate and others commit suicide terminating their life assignments. Those who reach out for help on what direction to take will never loose, but find solution.
I was not surprised when beautiful Nkiruka going through one of life's cross-road reached out for deep thoughts from Queen Ama's Food For Thought.
Nkiruka Egbe
December 29, 2011
Hi Ama, compliments of the season. I am usually inspired by 'QUEEN AMA'S FOOD 4 THOUGHTS'. Am inspired by your love for Jesus and words of wisdom even though u look realy fabulous. I am 27, resigned my job few days ago (bcos of my faith) and I love Jesus (tryin so hard to fight my addictions) and very single. I feel like am at a cross road and any decision I take will affect the cause of my life. I live alone in a 2bedroom apartment, pay huge bills and have to support my brother who lives with me and am usually left with nothing because I have got 2 much responsibilities. Now if I take the offers am getting in Asaba, I have to live with my parents and I fear the new job will not be as challenging as I want. I trust God with all my heart and rarely talk to people about me because I did rather pray about it. But am choking at this point in my life. Getting pressurized to bring a man home when am not even in a relationship. Am a very principled person when it comes to morality. Dated someone am still in love with for 4years but we just drifted apart after awhile. Its over a year now but I havnt seen anyone that gives me butterflies and I really need a job that excites and challenges me to bring out the best. I wonder how far I can go in a country like our's. I hope this isn't a bore. Have a wonerful holiday and d best of 2012. I expect to hear from you. Thank you.
Ama Kachikwu
December 31, 2011
Hello Nkiruka,
I wish you a belated merry Christmas and a fun-filled promising new year. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and problems with me.
A Cross-road is usually not fun especially when you cannot find a solution that provides a free passage to link all the complicated issues and thus setting the individual free. You usually find you are dealing with numerous issues at the same time, but all you need is just a precise solution. Your ability to make a key decision is hinged upon certain gifts. These gifts could be acquired through dying to self. These key attributes to mention a few but not all are faith, wisdom, understanding, fortitude and knowledge. The good news about humans who exercise faith, which is the inner driving force taking you to the next level is they come out of such cross roads okay without blemishes.
Nkiruka let us list all the problems you have stated above in no particular order of preference. I have never seen any man who grew to heights that other great men never attained who was not in a cross-road and who did not take out time to think deeply. You are on the right track, which is encouraging since you have taken out time to think deeply and tap on external resources to assist you in the path of decision making.
1. You quit a job because of immorality expected from you to get promotion and probably increase shareholder value of the business.
2. You have addictions, but what can those addictions truly be?
3. You are living in a 2 bed apartment and paying huge bills.
4. You have to support your brother who lives with you.
5. The decision to take up a new job which means now living with parents.
6. The new job might not give you fulfilment as much as you would expect now.
7. You wonder how far you can go in a country like Nigeria.
8. You are expected to bring a potential suitor home to your parents.
You are at the discovery stage of your life where you are beginning to understand there is more to life than a job, which wants you to compromise your standards. You are also in an environment which is probably hindering you from reaching your full potential. Many of us are living in countries where we would not reach half of our potential.
When you are not sure, take out time to fast and pray and listen to that quiet still voice from GOD. Perhaps, I should be asking if you have a deep and solid relationship with him.
It would probably pay you more to be in a job than not to be in anyone at all. It is the gratitude in little things we have put into ultimate use that will usher us into the path of greatness. We should not wait to acquire the whole world before we move in the ultimate path of fulfillment.
I hope I have assisted you here a little.
The key answer is Self Discovery and Awareness.
Nkiruka Egbe
January 1
Thanks Ama, I feel really better now. I have deceided to trust God with all my heart even though I really do not know where he wants me to be but am sure he is taking me somewhere. I have tagged 2012 a year of multiple testimonies and am really expectant knowing that I can do all things through Christ who strengtens me. Secondly, I did like to know what you think bout spiritual battles and how one can overcome them. I dont understand why the devil persecutes me though i seek for the mercy of Jesus and i remind the devil dat he has nothing against me since Christ has atoned for my sins. What then does the devil want from me? Would he ever give up? Just wondering. Thanks for your care, time and advice. All the best, Nkiruka
Ama Kachikwu
January 13
Nkiruka a problem shared is one that is half solved. I am glad you are not putting a gun to your head trying to take your life. There is no problem in this world, which does not have a solution. What makes it intriguing, a cross road with multiple problems may just require dealing with the source of those problems.
In one of my quotations, "Multiple complaints are usually from one source. It pays to deal with the main source of the problem, and not the frequency at which those complaints come". It pays to identify the source of any problem or multiple problems. The best way to identify the source of our problems is through reflection, prayer and fasting. The first lady of America, Michelle Obama in her speech to the youth of wayne state university in detroit said, "Embracing your challenges and not shrinking from them is the surest way to succeed". Nkiruka I am happy you are embracing your challenges by asking questions and of course listening to authentic counsel. The success lies in doing and not just listening.
We must be careful not to attribute every problem in life to spiritual attacks. There are some which are direct consequences from the wrong decisions and the kind of life we lead.
Spiritual attacks are what they mean. They are attacks launched by the devil through people who are agents of his kingdom. They are able to do so because they have been equipped by the devil. Most times such attacks are launched through those who know you best, who know when you sleep, your best food, the size of your underwear and your weaknesses etc. It is for this reason you need to be on your guard. There is likely to be a Judas who probably dines with you in Love, but likely to betray you in every family be it extended or up to our ancestors.
The only way to deal with spiritual attacks is to put on the protective covering of the blood of Jesus, which is a potent Liquor shed decades ago but still remarkably effective. You must make every effort and utilise the grace made available every second to stay away from sin. You must study the word of GOD and make him your best friend. Please follow this link below.
What makes spiritual attacks amusing is that many do not believe they exist or are capable of harming anyone.
Nkiruka, please follow this link to learn more about spiritual attacks and how you can effectively counteract them.
Queen Ama's Food For Thought: Divine Navigation System! queenamafoodforthought.blogspot.com
Nkiruka Egbe
February 20
Hello Ama, I guess you are doing fine. I am writing to share my testimony with you. I have a job now and am so excited because God answers prayers. I know that he that has started these good things in my life will complete it.
I am so much better than the last time I wrote you, continue to put me in your prayers. Thank you
Ama Kachikwu
11 minutes ago
Hello Nkiruka I give GOD all the glory and ask the good Lord to multiply your testimonies in your life this year.
Queen Ama
You can effectively cross over any road when you have fully understood the dynamics of that road. You need to know where those barriers are likely to present themselves.
Wisdom is profitable to guide you when crossing a junction. You have got to look carefully and slow down as you drive in a cross-road.
When problems encompass you about like bees with no clue of how to solve them, it is time to look inwards for solution and surrender unconditionally to the ultimate source.
Cross-roads present opportunities to grow and become that victor with testimonies.
Labels: "Wisdom Calls"; "How To Come Out From Cross-Roads".
© 2012 Ama Kachikwu
Queen Ama is a living vision of freedom and womanly strength which cannot be denied. Witness the globalised 21st century personified Spiritual, hot, spicy, loving, female and totally African.
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