Saturday, 17 September 2011

"The Fear called Greatness"

The challenge we as humans are faced with on a daily basis is not trying to be another person, but taking that giant step to unravel what makes us different from another person. The trip to self-awareness; self-discovery; and self-actualization is a life-long process. Yet, it would seem not many of us have bothered to start this journey. Are you not tired of being someone else? What is that fear hindering you from making mistakes, learning new experiences and discovering yourself?

Many have lived, planning to live a life void of happiness and fulfilment by going against their unique identity, passion and purpose by failing to nurture the gifts embedded by their source during creation. Some do not know they can acquire extra gifts because they have failed to process this inner bonus already within them. Thus, they have no capacity to deal with the external.

It is regrettable that many of us will fall and are still falling into those traps elicited by ignorance, lack of understanding and pride within us to keep moving in the opposite direction from the long decided destination(LDD). It is not a joke to see that a Man would almost be 40 years old to start the endorsed journey of greatness. Meanwhile, he has less than 50 more years to live considering we are entitled to reasonable 100 years.

It is most applauding to even re-trace your step during your life-time as oppose to when one is in the cemetery which has no respect for raw talents, slightly processed talent and fully processed talents.

We are all destined for greatness, but how many would realise one quarter of that greatness within them? How many have even started the true journey of greatness which has nothing to do with fame and money? 

The fear which has hindered many to exhort themselves, be exhorted by others and their environment into greatness has made a mockery of many Men who had pursued greatness without setting boundaries, fully understanding the concept and allowing the natural gift to become a hindrance.

We have the power within to define and establish boundaries for whatever term be it "greatness", "happiness" or "success". Ambiguity should not be an excuse to ignore the facts which are extremely valuable. When a name has more than one possible interpretation, the problem is not the various shades of opinion but rather what we are willing to die for believing it is true. What is your spirit telling you about greatness?

I have tried to define greatness although an ambiguous term. I make no excuses for ambiguity of greatness preventing the inner voices of clarity saying to me get ready, row that boat to your destination. I find I often have to deal with that inner fear fighting against my desire to row at the destined level at each stride of the way to greatness.

I must confess what a rocky journey when you have made the decision calling that greatness forth within you. It requires self- awareness, self-discovery, purpose, commitment, extra hours, extra fuel to ignite your spirit Man. You will sometimes hear so many voices, but that serene voice saying you can do it, is what you should train yourself to hear. It will not advice you on money, fame or riches. It will say, Queen Ama when was the last time you exhorted another brother to greatness, when was the last time you assisted someone in need, when was the last time you prayed for others and not yourself, when was the last time you assisted in a charitable organisation. It is a voice which teaches, exhorts, directs and inspires you to be selfless and not selfish.

Jesus-Christ, Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, Apostle Paul, Oprah Winfrey amongst other inspirational voices, which have inspired and are inspiring me to be what I have been called to be.

What voice is inspiring you? How many of you are familiar with the windless voice? 

Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North and South America are simply hard on hearing that peaceful voice warning aggressively what is required of governments, institutions, authorities, councils, leadership, ministries and individuals. It is no wonder what was meant to be a gift from the beginning has caused fear in the mind of many individuals who although have pursued what they thought was equivalent to wealth, fame and riches but yet still remarkably poor, unfulfilled, empty and operating at the minimal capacity expected of those not created by GOD.

It is no wonder we have many surprises across the globe. Are they truly surprises? What can we make out from that fear called greatness?

Jane Austen in her work had expressed, "Surprises are Foolish things. The pleasure is not enhanced, and the inconvenience is often considerable". I totally agree surprises could be silly things especially when the thrill is intermittent and warnings are giving beforehand. One begins thinking if it were truly a surprise when the inconveniences caused should have been considered long before they are operational.

The fear called greatness is not what it should be in our soul, mind and body. It should strengthen these parts which forms the totality of our existence.

William Shakespeare was right to state,"but be not afraid of greatness: some men are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.

 It is when a wealthy man goes to the land of no return that many begin to realize that greatness has nothing to do with the accumulated material wealth overtime". The material wealth becomes instrumental for use as a remembrance park. 

It is when we have been asked to attend a friend's funeral that we bother to steer our boat in a different direction having wasted years of going in a wrong direction in the pursuit of fame which many equate to greatness.
Is Money a Touchstone, Guideline, Barometer, Criterion, benchmark for Greatness.
It is not how long we have lived in this world that matters but rather the length of time our influence would remain on Earth. 
Greatness is not about you, it is about impacting more lives and thinking less of self.
Label: "The Fear Called Greatness"; "Self-discovery, Self-actualization, The Finish Line".

© 2011 Ama Kachikwu is the author of The Fear Called Greatness.
Queen Ama is a living vision of freedom and womanly strength which cannot be denied. Witness the globalised 21st century personified Spiritual, hot, spicy, loving, female and totally African.

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