Ha ha ha!, a vibrant sound from the virgin.
She has defeated failure and ugly wishes not to carry her son into the world.
Dreamy King Joseph lost in thoughts to divorce a woman, and a Queen Mother now most blessed.
A family man king Joseph obedient to virtue and sticks with completion of promise.
It was shinning and almost blinding like a shooting star formed by a thermonculear fusion from element hydrogen converted to helium. A success to hold many destinies: 12 Stars looking radiant and glorious to be led by a king her son Jesus-Christ.
A sword will pierce Queen mother's heart but a pain not to kill her. Roses grow with thorns and a scent. Potpourri, health drinks and massage therapy for all.
A healing not to be overly critical but you will find benefits like mushroom growing out from dead logs. A Colourful Natural dyes from the Queen Mary Mushroom.
A Universal Queen noticeable because of her depth and height. A character is her beauty and so is Queen Mary Mushroom pure and white.
Queen Mother Mary, mama to many for the purposeful life you led.
Queen Mary a woman not to be forgotten because of her beautiful mission.
Queen Mary Mushroom with gills of life craftily in place, a series of closely spaced slits having pores to hold many other women, children and men. An intermediary causing joyful conversations between nature and man. Pure in heart and holy in nature producing a holy king. A Lightening for destinies growing Queen Mary Mushroom.
Goldish victorious birds announcing her pathway of glory. A glorious birth of a queen mother not to be mistaking for abuse.
A dancing Queen dresses up in opals of gold and robed in majesty.
A queen not common and will ever look white a pure handmade of the Lord.
Queen Mary not to be conquered by dark-dreary death and no form of controversial decay coming close to Greatness.
The aroma of greatness dancing around Queen with gifts of frankincense, myrr and renditions of a heartfelt praise.
Memories recovered remembering her day.
birth, mission, passion and living Queen Mary Mushroom.
Happy Birthday Queen Mary Mother of Jesus-Christ.
Author of Ultimate Journey to Greatness from Amazon online and other book shops online :
Ambassador Amalaonye Josephine Kachikwu (Queen Ama)
Email :Ama.Kachikwu@Giagroup.co.uk
Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.