We have all being born into the world
with a mission.

Death happens to you when you start
living another man's mission. Every mission comes with empowerment at an appointed
time. True signs and wonders would follow you when that time is here. A General mission is not the same as unique missions.
In a lifetime not many prophets would prophecy to the point of accuracy being unique missions.

In a lifetime not many prophets would prophecy to the point of accuracy being unique missions.
It would seem many are not bothered to find their unique mission and would followa crowd to get there.
Wisdom for daily living is applicable for who wants your mission.
Wisdom calls when you have veered off completely from General to specifics.
Specificity is a plus for General missions which are so broad.
United Kingdom under the leadership of David Cameron moved from General to a focal point. A call -out strategy moving from general to the specifics.