Sunday 7 July 2024


He alone is GOD: he made the heavens and the earth. His footstool the earth like petals falling from heaven. The powerbase of green vegetation clapping and waving towards the sea.

Praise, glory and honor are wisdom bestowed upon many to enjoy the benefits of the Sea.

The sun is reflecting the blueish mood of love surrounding the sea like a cloak with the boundaries contained by GOD.

Many tribes resting in the sea: resumption to excellence after suspending the tangibles and intangibles. The golden charitable nature of man revealed in his relaxation helping one another with a warmth of smile and ambience of peace.

The horses galloping along the seashore embodying the glamour of freedom with the waves exuding torrents of joy.

Wooden, ceramics, leather bags traded on the seashore for dirham.

Death not a friend of man on Casablanca seashore and children playing with their floaters. Adults swimming away from the seashore into the depths of the sea looking for Gold and Silver.

GOD the new hope of Africa as tourists flock the country trying out every cuisine from French to American cuisine to MacDonalds.

GOD is to be praised he alone has made the Sea with his spirit.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Wednesday 3 July 2024


We have a collective mission as Christians under the umbrella of King Jesus Christ called to minister to us. We are strengthened from this truth of righteousness that bears the symbol of light.

For 1 Peter chapter 2 verse 9 states: But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

What is this light? Having undeniable Love for one another, intelligence in things of GOD and the spiritual, Greatness in you to do the impossible like your Chief priest King JESUS CHRIST,  The height of your mission which is praise of GOD and a life that reflects this praise of GOD. T of cause is truth which we must all uphold.

An excerpt from Ultimate Journey to Greatness a popular book on Amazon worldwide and other online bookstores states we all have the seed of greatness within us because our true image reflects God.  As stated in Genesis 1:27-29KJV

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Friday 21 June 2024


The world is getting smaller for a number of reasons: lack of love, global warming, technology and the love for money. The lack of love makes people destroy the values that GOD gave us through the ten commandments. Global warming is displacing people from their original place. Technology through the Internet is making communication faster. The love for money makes people look for alternative sources of wealth like rituals, drugs and smuggling for quick riches thereby destroying lives.

Genesis 19:24-25 KJV

Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven;

25 And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.

Genesis 6:11-13 NIV
11 Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. 12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. 13 So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth.

Food For Thought:

For GOD is not the author of confusion. He cannot be good to us and we are evil to each other.

Author: Ama Josephine-Esther Kachikwu, author of Ultimate journey to greatness.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Saturday 1 June 2024

JUNE: A Phenomenal Month of Excellence

June is the sixth month of the year and a sign we have come halfway our journey.
It is the last month of the second quarter of the financial year. My prayer for you is you will not get tired of the good work which you started in January. Justice will come for you as you humbly understand novelty is your portion and excellence.

For you to finish the remaining part of the year with success your originality will count and being at the top of your game, which is excellence.

Do not be afraid you are already halfway there. When fear starts to build up just remember your victory in January which can be replicated more in June.

Author of Ultimate journey to Greatness, Ama Josephine- Esther Kachikwu.

I love you all:

J: Justice 
U: Understand 
N: Novelty 
E: Excellence 

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Sunday 13 August 2023

Do Not Lose Hope

A failure, she is down and looking dejected and having so much rejections. There are periods of inactivity in our life when it feels like your Business, Career, and Ministry have become so slow and almost no result to show for it. Economies are currently going through it  According to ChatGPT 2023, The COVID-19 Pandemic (2020-present): The outbreak of the coronavirus led to widespread economic shutdowns, travel restrictions, and disruptions in supply chains. Many countries experienced sharp contractions in GDP, high unemployment rates, and disruptions in various sectors.

Greece: During the European Debt Crisis, Greece was one of the hardest-hit countries. It faced a severe economic downturn, with a significant decline in GDP, high unemployment rates, and disruptions in sectors like finance, tourism, and real estate.

2. Spain: Spain also suffered significantly during the European Debt Crisis. It experienced a sharp contraction in GDP, a surge in unemployment rates, particularly among young people, and disruptions in sectors like construction and banking.

3. Argentina: Argentina has faced numerous economic crises, including the one in 2001-2002. It witnessed a massive contraction in GDP, high unemployment rates, and disruptions across various sectors, leading to social unrest and political instability.

4. Venezuela: Venezuela has been facing a severe economic crisis for several years now. It has seen a sharp contraction in GDP, hyperinflation, widespread shortages of basic goods, and soaring unemployment rates, resulting in a deep humanitarian crisis.

5. South Africa: South Africa's economy has struggled in recent years, with slow economic growth, rising unemployment, and disruptions in sectors such as mining, manufacturing, and agriculture.

These are just a few examples of countries that have experienced sharp contractions in GDP, high unemployment rates, and disruptions in various sectors. The causes and impacts of economic crises can vary, but they often result from a combination of internal and external factors, such as mismanagement, political instability, external shocks, or economic imbalances.

Great Britain is about to enter a recession with rising interest rate, inflation, unemployment rates, economic growth, and financial stability concerns. On Thursday 3 August 2023, Bank of England, the Central Bank of United Kingdom raised the interest rate (Bank Rate) by 0.25 percentage points to 5.25%

The current report coming from Nigeria on fuel price increase, and inflation. Bloomberg source reports, Nigeria raised interest rates for an unprecedented seventh consecutive time to dampen inflation and support the naira, and signaled it’s prepared to hike further after research showed the increase in borrowing costs is yielding results.

When economic activities slow down it is an opportunity for social ills to increase such as Poverty, unemployment, unequal opportunity, racism, and malnutrition . Likewise are substandard housing, employment discrimination, and child abuse and neglect. Crime and substance abuse are also examples of social problems.

This is the case in so many parts of the World.

What to do during period of slow economic activity?
From the bible John 21:6
New International Version

6 Jesus-Christ said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.

1. Change your Strategy. This is the time to go back to your vision board and review those diagrams and commitments taking you to where you need to be. Strategy is what you do to arrive at your destination.

It is time to seek advice from an expert on life matters like a life coach, an economist, a mediator, an accountant, A doctor and other notable professionals who are knowledgeable and understand your problem. They can help you change your strategy to suit your solutions.

2. Be Attentive and Listen:

During periods of economic inactivity when you seek solutions, you must listen to advice and be attentive. What are the instructions from the expert is he asking you to do things differently from the usual norm you have known.

3. Increase Your Faith: It is not time to doubt when you have approached an expert who can help you solve your problems. Do not dwell on your problems but focus on the solutions.

4. Prepare for the period of abundance and results.

When you begin to change your strategy, being attentive and listen. Also Increasing your faith you will get tremendous results. You must make the necessary adjustments financially, and prepare for a monkey pot where you can make returns on the extras.

For example
In the treasury department, excess funds are typically stored in different financial instruments or accounts to ensure liquidity and security. Some common options for storing excess funds include:

1. Banks: Treasury departments often maintain relationships with multiple banks and may place excess funds in interest-bearing bank accounts. These accounts may include checking accounts, savings accounts, or money market accounts.

2. Certificates of Deposit (CDs): Treasury departments may invest excess funds in CDs offered by banks. CDs typically offer higher interest rates than regular savings accounts, but funds are locked in for a specific period, such as three months to several years.

3. Government Securities: Treasury departments may invest excess funds in government securities issued by the government, such as Treasury bills (T-bills), Treasury notes (T-notes), or Treasury bonds (T-bonds). These securities are considered low-risk investments and can be easily sold in the secondary markets if needed.

4. Repurchase Agreements (Repos): Treasury departments may enter into repo agreements with financial institutions to invest excess funds. In a repo, the treasury department sells a security to an institution and agrees to repurchase it at a higher price at a later date. This serves as a short-term collateralized loan, providing an investment option and generating interest income.

5. Money Market Funds: Treasury departments may invest excess funds in money market funds, which are mutual funds that invest in short-term, highly liquid securities like Treasury bills. Money market funds offer stability, diversification, and potential higher yields than traditional bank accounts.

It is important for treasury departments to carefully manage excess funds to optimize returns while considering factors such as liquidity requirements, risk tolerance, and regulations.

The period of abundance is the time to prepare for economic inactivity. 

Written by Amalaonye Josephine Kachikwu. Email: 

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Saturday 14 January 2023



Nova Iris *XBB variant*

 Let's pay attention to the following information:

 Everyone is advised to wear a mask because the new variant of the COVID-Omicron XBB coronavirus is different, deadly and not easy to detect correctly.

 The symptoms of the new virus COVID-Omicron XBB are the following:

     1. There is no cough.
     2. There is no fever.

   There will only be a limited number of these others:

     3. Joint pain.
     4. Headache.
     5. Pain in the neck.
     6. Upper back pain.
     7. Pneumonia.
     8. There is usually no appetite.

 COVID-Omicron XBB is 5 times more virulent than the Delta variant and has a higher mortality rate than it.

 It takes less time for the condition to reach extreme severity and sometimes there are no obvious symptoms.

 Let's be more careful!

 This strain of the virus is not found in the nasopharyngeal region and directly affects the lungs for a relatively short period of time.

 Several patients diagnosed with Covid-Omicron XBB were classified as afebrile and pain free, but x-rays showed mild chest pneumonia.

 Nasal swab tests are often negative for Covid-Omicron XBB, and cases of false negative nasopharyngeal tests are increasing.

 This means that the virus can spread in the community and directly infect the lungs, causing viral pneumonia, which in turn causes acute respiratory distress.

 This explains why the Covid-Omicron XBB has become something very contagious, highly virulent and lethal.

 Caution, avoid crowded places, keep a distance of 1.5 m even in open spaces, wear a double-layer mask, wear a suitable mask, wash hands frequently, even if everyone is asymptomatic (no coughing or sneezing).

 This wave of Covid-Omicron XBB is deadlier than the first wave of Covid-19.  So we have to be very careful and take several reinforced precautions against the coronavirus.

 Maintain vigilant communication with your friends and family.

 Do not keep this information to yourself, share it with other family members and friends.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Thursday 27 October 2022

US Alert: Authorizes Evacuation of Non-critical Staff in Nigeria Over Risk of Terror Attacks.

US Alert:  authorizes evacuation of non-critical staff in Nigeria over risk of terror attacks. 

According to Linda Ikeji blog 

Barely 48 hours after its embassy in Nigeria issued a security alert of a possible terrorist attack in Nigeria, especially Abuja, the United States government  (US) has authorized the evacuation of “non-emergency” employees and their family members in Nigeria.

The US state department announced the approval in an update on its Nigeria travel advisory on Tuesday evening, October 25.

The update noted that the US embassy in Abuja will have “limited ability” to provide emergency assistance to US citizens while the consulate in Lagos is still providing routine and emergency services.

On October 25, 2022, the Department authorized the departure of non-emergency U.S. government employees and family members due to the heightened risk of terrorist attacks.

The U.S. Embassy Abuja continues to have limited ability to provide emergency assistance to U.S. citizens in Nigeria. The U.S. Consulate in Lagos is providing all routine and emergency services to U.S. citizens in Nigeria.”

The advisory also indicated that Nigeria is rated Level 3 which means citizens should reconsider traveling to the country. It advised Americans to shelve travel plans “due to crime, terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, and maritime crime”.

Although Nigeria is a Level 3 country, some states are said to have a higher risk of attacks, and as such, are Level 4 — which means Americans should not travel to such places.


Americans were warned of possible terrorist attacks and kidnapping in Borno, Yobe, Adamawa, Bauchi, Gombe, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, and Zamfara states. Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross River, Delta, and Rivers states — with the exception of Port Harcourt — were also listed as Level 4 “due to crime, kidnapping, and maritime crime”.

The US state department warned that terrorists may attack with little or no warning, and will target public places like shopping centers, malls, markets, hotels, places of worship, restaurants, bars, schools, government installations, and transportation hubs.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Thursday 8 September 2022

Death of British Monarchy

Food For Thought : Death of British Monarchy.

Food For Thought : Rest Well

Elizabeth II of England may your soul rest well on a day we celebrate the birth of Queen Mary. Elizabeth II achievements can never be Brexit as she did not advise the British Government on Brexit. Queen Ama Kachikwu advised the Government this is one of her achievements and coaching prime minister Theresa May during a very turbulent period were direction was needed.

It is false news around Elizabeth II that she advised the Government and was going to chart a new era for Britain.

This 21 page document from Queen Ama titled Queen Ama Flow Quadrant and Brexit Resolution. 

The death of Elizabeth II is not automatic kingship for Charles her first son. Inheritance will never be a process to assuming the throne.

Where is Princess Diana, our value system cannot be eroded as the supposedly king cannot account for his wife Diana. Who killed Diana? 

Author: James Blake 

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Queen Mary Mushroom

Ha ha ha!, a vibrant sound from the virgin. 
She has defeated failure and ugly wishes not to carry her son into the world.

Dreamy King Joseph lost in thoughts to divorce a woman, and a Queen Mother now most blessed.
A family man king Joseph obedient to virtue and sticks with completion of promise. 

It was shinning and almost blinding like a shooting star formed by a thermonculear fusion from element hydrogen converted to helium. A success to hold many destinies: 12 Stars looking radiant and glorious to be led by a king her son Jesus-Christ.

A sword will pierce Queen mother's heart but a pain not to kill her. Roses grow with thorns and a scent. Potpourri, health drinks and massage therapy for all. 

A healing not to be overly critical but you will find benefits like mushroom growing out from dead logs. A Colourful Natural dyes from the Queen Mary Mushroom. 

A Universal Queen noticeable because of her depth and height. A character is her beauty and so is Queen Mary Mushroom pure and white. 

Queen Mother Mary, mama to many for the purposeful life you led. 

Queen Mary a woman not to be forgotten because of her beautiful mission.

Queen Mary Mushroom with gills of life craftily in place, a series of closely spaced slits having pores to hold many other women, children and men. An intermediary causing joyful conversations between nature and man. Pure in heart and holy in nature producing a holy king. A Lightening for destinies growing Queen Mary Mushroom. 

Goldish victorious birds announcing her pathway of glory. A glorious birth of a queen mother not to be mistaking for abuse. 

A dancing Queen dresses up in opals of gold and robed in majesty.

A queen not common and will ever look white a pure handmade of the Lord.

Queen Mary not to be conquered by dark-dreary death and no form of controversial decay coming close to Greatness. 

The aroma of greatness dancing around Queen with gifts of frankincense, myrr and renditions of a heartfelt praise.

Memories recovered remembering her day.
birth, mission, passion and living Queen Mary Mushroom.

Happy Birthday Queen Mary Mother of Jesus-Christ. 

Author of Ultimate Journey to Greatness from Amazon online and other book shops online :
Ambassador Amalaonye Josephine Kachikwu (Queen Ama) 

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Sunday 31 July 2022

Winter Hits Abuja

The weather these days have taking a wild turn with countries not prepared for it.
Global warming and irresponsible industry behaviour is responsible for them.

In Abuja, this morning on Sunday 31st 2022 the atmosphere was laced with winter fragments and nolonger sunshine city.

Most houses in Abuja are not prepared for winter like heating and fire place.

Some forgot themselves and had their air conditioning on throughout the night believing it will be hot.

These sort of behaviour of not being compliant to zero emissions targets can lead to warming, displacement (loss of homes) and unexpected death.

At least, 10 people die in open water during UK’s searing heatwave reported by Independent UK news. 

"At least 10 people have died after getting into difficulty in water during the unprecedented heatwave currently gripping the UK.

A boy aged just 13 was the youngest person to lose his life in recent days and one charity warned that the toll may climb as schools break up for the summer holidays.

The record-breaking temperatures have prompted the declaration of the UK’s first-ever national heat emergency.

With temperatures hitting 40C in England for the first time in history on Tuesday, the Met Office had also put in place its first “red” alert for heat. It warned of “significantly more people visiting coastal areas, lakes and rivers, leading to an increased risk of water safety incidents”.

Emma Louise Powell, 24, became the first known victim of the spate of drowning incidents in recent days, after she and two fellow paddleboarders got into difficulties at the popular beauty spot of Conqy Morfa, in north Wales, on Thursday.

All three were rescued from the water in a major operation by the emergency services, but Ms Louise Powell, from the Llandudno area, died in the early hours of Friday.

Her family described her as “a beautiful young lady, who was adventurous and had a free spirit”, adding: “She will remain in our hearts for the rest of our lives.”

Saturday saw the death of a 16-year-old boy, named as Kalen Waugh, who drowned in Salford Quays while swimming with friends. New Park Academy in Eccles described him as a “cheeky chappy” and “a clever lad who would have done fantastically well”.

A 37-year-old man also died in hospital having being reportedly being pulled from the water at Brighton beach after suffering a medical incident, and the body of a 50-year-old man was found in the Ardsley Reservoir near Wakefield following a 24-hour search.

On Sunday, 13-year-old Robert Hattersley died in the River Tyne near Ovingham. His family said: “It is impossible to put into words the heartbreak we are feeling – Robert was so kind and loving. We are absolutely devastated by what has happened.

“He brought a smile to so many people’s faces and he will be missed by absolutely everyone who knew and loved him.”

In Moray, a 51-year-old man, named locally as Stuart Bailey died after his kayak capsized on the River Spey. He was described by “heartbroken” friends and family on Facebook as a “great guy” who “will be dearly missed. ". 

I am an Environmental and Resource Economist. You can consult with me. My email address is

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

You can follow on Instagram QueenAma_original
You can follow twitter Ama@FFTGLOBALLEGACY

Advertise with us. 

Saturday 30 July 2022

Beyonce Goes Naked after Singing about it.

Freedom is not nakedness. 

Women are increasingly going top less all for cheap fame which is transient and destroy values. 

"Beyonce poses nude wearing nothing but silver jewellery and silver heels as she sat on a glittery horse. Whether it is real or not such image should not break the Internet for a cheap attention seeker."

We know that Jesus-Christ of Nazareth has the horse as a Victor. 

Beyonce has taken sometime holy to make it common trampling on it. 

How can you go topless and cover part of your genitals on a horse? Who has the horse if not Jesus-Christ of Nazareth?

This cheap art of getting attention from a crowd is not necessarily making news headlines because our daughters and men do not find such attractive. It is an image of a woman  Beyonce who needs urgent psychiatric evaluation. She is American and has followership for the wrong reasons who do not love her. The last time Beyonce wanted people to worship her in Los Angeles and fire broke out which she could not stop. Since you are a deity why could you not stop the fire in LA after you used the media to show you are a fake Queen. America is a country of first principles according to the first president, George Washington. 

Beyonce it is time to resign from your cheap stardom we are tired of your indecent dressing. 

According to Beyonce in one of her songs. 

"Nasty put some clothes on. You are looking stank.  Nasty What is your problem? You should be ashamed."

This is a picture of Queen Ama Kachikwu on a camel gracefully dressed up. She is a UN Peace Ambassador and has a PHD in Decision making (Administration) from US Theological University USA/ AFRICA. 
A singer and musician who has released songs making waves in Nigeria and other parts of the world. 

1. Abundance of grace 
2. My Dagger 
3. Connect Me
4. Aryah-higher 

Jennifer Hudson is another celebrity star in America who dares not go naked in public. 
Tasha cobbs sings like an angel and will dare not go outside topless covering barely her vagina. Queen Latifah will dare not go outside bragging about nakedness showing people her vagina and boobs. 

Dr Shade Olukoya will not be showing even her boobs and vagina in public. 

Nakedness is meant for inside your bedroom. Beyonce is taking advantage of cheap stardom troubling the destiny of many people through an indecent dressing on a horse representing a King.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.
You can follow us on Instagram QueenAma_original. 

Author of Write Up: Jamie Lionel
Telephone Number : +447890125673

Thursday 9 June 2022

GIA Media services Limited Logos

GIA Media Services Limited is a world class public relations and marketing communication devoted to strategy and solutions. We help businesses and government triple their sizes by looking at better and innovative options.

We are a conglomerate providing consulting and coaching, real estate management, health solutions, and media services. A one stop shop to address your needs and bring you to that point of fulfillment.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Thursday 13 January 2022

Amalaonye Josephine Kachikwu receives FIN WOMEN RISING STAR AWARD

Amalaonye Josephine Kachikwu receives FIN WOMEN RISING STAR AWARD in recognition for her leadership and service.This special Recognition Honorary Award serves to acknowledge your outstanding leadership as a young woman, making a significant impact in your enviro

nment by empowering others and being an exemplary leader.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Monday 4 October 2021



Wednesday 5 May 2021


Sunday 4 October 2020


QUEEN AMA FOOD FOR THOUGHT: IDEALISM versus FAKES: When a society gets bigger there is a greater task. You will meet with many distraction on the fake ideals. If you are equipped enough you c...

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.


QUEEN AMA FOOD FOR THOUGHT: IDEALISM versus FAKES: When a society gets bigger there is a greater task. You will meet with many distraction on the fake ideals. If you are equipped enough you c...

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.


When a society gets bigger there is a greater task. You will meet with many distraction on the fake ideals. If you are equipped enough you can identify these requirements although very difficult. 

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Wednesday 23 September 2020

I Believe in me by Queen Ama

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Monday 29 October 2018


The greatest lie ever told is not necessarily age but love. Thus, many of us for the sake of attention would constantly lie about love. I went on a journey to understand how the true world was created and it was founded on something. I have been trying to understand how the law of specificity comes into force is about truly knowing what you want. It is either yes or no and nothing else.  The very nature of the true world is such and has been made so.

A favourite verse from Ultimate Journey to Greatness, “There is no competition for you when in the will of God for you”. Sometimes, you find you are competing with yourself making up other people’s words or statements. A child could do that when he begins to throw back words at you. 

There is no diplomacy when it comes to what you have always loved there is no amount of lies to cover it up.

The sadness of continuing in what was never meant to be is the age.

Members of Queen Ama food for thought we have been on this journey for years.

Are you guilty of professing love to one you do not love? 

I want you to access the conditions of your heart some of you are absolutely frustrated and unhappy by now.

There is no amount of exchange you perform the tortoise can never be a Lion. The Lion with its size and glory allows certain things in the Jungle because of the end. What is the end? What is the beginning?

I wish you all a pleasant fourth Quarter.

What do you seek in the heart of your heart if you keep telling lies about it I can assure you it would never come to you. You can be the richest person in the Universe and it would still not come to you.

The last time I spoke about Natura on my personal page: with over two thousand friends. Uncountable followers through private media.


I wish you truly all had permission to study it since we are all kings and queens.

Simplicity is not stupidity but being yourself. 

Why are you called a name since we are all kings and queens? 

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.