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Diva holds her daughters’ hand Cindy who had constantly cried her eyes out; Cindy you will have to keep this child and go back to school.
A 16 year old catholic seminary student on a Journey to becoming a nun announces a disturbing, but the happy news she has just been put in the family way by 40 year Abdul capable of being her Father.
Cindy informed Abdul who emphatically denied responsibility for her pregnancy. I am a married man with my American woman expecting a baby anytime from now. Abdul uncontrollably sobbing, Cindy I have a whole family (2 Girls and 1 boy), and expecting another boy. Please Cindy, I do not need another baby why can one not abort this pregnancy and we can travel the world together in the future
. My wife and people picked me up just when I had no food to eat and clothes to wear. How do I bring this shame upon my family?

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Cindy so flustered had just heard for the first time Abdul is married. Tears in torrents ran down her eyes filling a bucket as she remembered the true love one thought she had experienced. Far from it; Cindy was another victim of destruction.
I am catholic, and abortion is murder. Oh my father as cindy cried and she remembered how she met Abdul in a splendid funeral ceremony where her father was committed to mother earth. Cindy unknowingly had just been betrothed to Abdul by her eldest brother who dined with Abdul in secret places.
The headmistress, Mrs Whoopi assumed the role of Cindy’s father who had long passed on informing all the girls Cindy was a disgrace and would not be returning back to school to corrupt the other children. Cindy is too young to have children and would probably die from Childbirth she confirmed to her friends.
Cindy returned back to school with a bouncing baby boy in her hands and her mum fully supportive. Mrs Whoopi can you ask Cindy’s classmates I did like to have a conversation with them regarding my daughter.
Cindy is a sweet girl, from a Christian home and loves GOD, but she has made a mistake. She could not have died from childbirth; here, is the handsome man smiling at you and beautiful Cindy who would be joining all soon to return to her normal routine.
Mrs Whoopi had her back to the scene as the children took turns to play with the little boy yawning by now. She silently prayed in her heart, “Dear God I need a boy and cannot wait any longer 10 years of childlessness".
Awhh Cindy; glad you made it back to school as we thought you were long gone to the underworld the girls spewed out.
This unequivocally confirmed Diva’s sixth sense. How right she was accurately discerning the adverse buzz going on about her daughter in college and the town where they lived.
It was a sizeable hit for the news network; Queen Ama had just done a terrific vox pop collating information from the town Cindy grew up.
Queen Ama's vox pop!
Who do you blame when a married man explicitly denies responsibility for a child from a woman who is not his wife?
who is not his wife? If the child is his,he should take responsibility.whether wife OR NO WIFE AND DEPENDS ON THE WOMAN.SOME SINGLE MOTHERS PLAY god .
Thursday at 5:49pm
Both parties are to blame. Why would you as a lady date a married man in the first place? A man who is deceiving the woman he married and made a covenant with to be with you? And you really feel a man like that will make a responsible, godly father to your child? You think you can 'take' him from his wife and be happy? You really think he will honour you? You must be joking! And why should a married man deliberately destroy his life and future by cheating on his family?
In any case, the deed has been done so they should both take responsibility for their actions. They should jointly take care of that child because he's just an innocent victim.
Thursday at 6:02pm ·
Yes another very innocent victim. How does he face his wife and children with such ground breaking news? How does the woman react to another woman who is likely to share in the inheritance she has worked hard to acquire for years? Does her husband marry the other woman because of the child? We are not too far from polygamy?
Thursday at 6:14pm
Women are at a disadvntgeous position in our society. Everyone would naturally blame the woman.
Thursday at 6:56pm
Yes most people would blame the woman in a society where gender inequality is not seen as an injustice.
What if the woman had just heard for the first time when she broke the good news of her pregnancy to the man that he was married?
Most men go about without their rings and lie about their marital status.
Thursday at 7:21pm
Grace, that is why I advise people to never settle for less. It is unwise to subjugate your happiness for a pseudo-relationship, so to speak. Believe God for the best and you WILL get it. You can have whatever you believe. If you keep saying, 'all men are dogs, all women are liars and thieves', well your reality will NEVER be different from that for you will keep attracting such people into your life. God never said an enviable, happy married life is not possible. So why should I believe it is not? You either believe God's truth, or man-made lies. YOU WILL HAVE WHAT YOU SAY AND BELIEVE. Be watchful, for your life follows your words. Your life is your consciousness objectified! Don't build your life or expectations on the basis of what has happened to others. Yes, you can learn from them but you don't know why they are the way they are. And you are not the same as them. I tell you, YOU WILL HAVE WHAT YOU SAY.
Thursday at 7:10pm
lol d woman who aint his wife lol
Thursday at 6:59pm
Ama do you think it is possible for a real godly person to fall into such trap? Okay not trying to get too spiritual, but is it really possible for a lady full of discernment and God's leading to fall into the hands of a guy like that?
You said what if the woman found out after getting pregnant? That suggests she got pregnant out of wedlock. Now, would a person really walking with God fall into such? I doubt it!
Thursday at 7:38pm
Arinola is very possible, Samson fell into Delilah's trap. What another anointed man of GOD. How you restructure your life afterwards is that big comeback. I do not pray for anyone to be a victim of enchantment, charms, hexes and curses. It is terrible!
Thursday at 7:47pm
Here, is what took place between Mother and Daughter just "Behind the Scenes".
Diva her mum, softly taps Cindy fast asleep at an ungodly hour when most men expected to be at rest are freely roaming. Oh mum, but I am still sleeping she snapped. My daughter, how could you bring shame to the family in such manner? Cindy wide awake by now ready to provide answers for what she had done.
Mum, I am exceedingly sorry, and it just happened in a split second. Cindy so tell me this is not true. Mum, I saw a red stain on the bed linen. Then I knew I had not only just lost my virginity. Diva calmly reminding her daughter but I warned when you first saw your menstrual period.
I know one prefers to swallow whole food, especially when hungry. The only way you can enjoy this food now is closing that access point. Friends, the "food for thought" are not unreasonable.
- It is unlucky enough people are in trouble and trying to get out. Why make it worse, reminding one of their appalling conditions or spreading the word?
- The added pain from spreading such information and the process at which one does it is no different from killing a Man. The resultant effect is the stench coming forth from the cadaver.
- The moment one opens ones mouth to distribute other people’s shocking report, you are just as the Lion waiting to guzzle your next victim. One can not just shut up ones mouth until one gets its target whole.
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- The lion certainly looks better with the mouth closed.
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- Mrs Whoopi disclosing such information in a sarcastic manner obviously did not lead her into any trouble. Perhaps Julian Assange of wikileaks has been charged for spying because he got paid for revealing shocking news and scandals. That information has not assisted in peace but rather led to the destruction of confidence. What is the essence?
- Many have been enslaved in burial ceremonies, but need to understand the proverb "let the dead bury the dead".
- Diva is a Queen and extraordinarily difficult to find mothers who will support their children in that fashion. Quite simply, she gave Cindy another chance to live without losing her dignity.
A Miracle Transformation.
Ho yeah Cindy has just discovered it.
Who are your sisters? I mean real sisters ready to stay on the front-line and take bullets on your behalf; celebrating with you when happy, not afraid knowing your personality shines through ; not judgemental when you reveal your dirty secrets; appreciative of your animated and kind self. That is so right! Sister act is that shining light igniting a miracle transformation; and leading you to your destination knowing people truly love and want to see you at the top.
Happy Christmas in advance and a prosperous new year to all who have sowed into a man without destroying it this year 2010.
Labels: "Who are Your Sisters?", " Wikileaks", "Miracle Transformation"
Lion is no doubt the king of the jungle.There is so much to learn from Lion. One important thing we can learn is that a Lion does not ask for permission to get his meal....so is life struggle. Keep pushing untill the world makes a way for you and is ready to listen! This is pretty much the same for those of us who have blamed the Nigerian leadership and the elders for not giving the youths a chance to get involved in governance. We do not need permission to make a change. We must keep pushing untill we achieve the desired result. Have been inspired by this update on Lion wish i could write more. Thanks Ama K!!
ReplyDeletewell what an intriguing story....am happy for Cindy being able to pick up the pieces of her life and having the courage to face her worst fears,most women would not have done what she did in such a difficult situation,as for Abdul i would say that cowardice doesn't pay as he wasn't man enough to face his responsibilities,but he was man enough to plant an unnecessary seed in an innocent girl,success in life is not based upon how robust your bank account is,or how many houses you have,but how well you were able to rebuild you life in a situation of total defeat!roseline....