Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Purpose and Vision

Food For Thought~ It drives both Men and Women: not only purpose, but ability to see far into the future a destined path you have been "called and chosen" to pursue with all your strength.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Original Destiny

Food For Thought~ Untimely Death of one's destiny is not far from one who cannot see beyond what the physical eyes are biologically programmed to see. Vision is the watchword for this month of October. What can you see right now beyond the physical eyes? Grab it and claim it! Faith is activated right now! You are doing it! Congratulations!

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

There Is No Limit For You.

Food For Thought: There Is No Limit For You.

Powers and forces of darkness can delay your breakthrough, but when God arises on your behalf then something has to change. I see new beginnings that would disgrace your enemies and put that envious rivalry into perpetual darkness. It is a new beginning and its a new season. Fresh anointing is coming your way. It is a season of kindness and prosperity. Hey Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a new season.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.


Food For Thought: Restoration!

You would carry a fresh look in the physical when God restores you in the spiritual realm. It is called the natural spell bound look. Recognizable from afar is that face that needs not pay for publicity. For those of you who still doubt if there is a God, here is what he has done for me. My youth has been renewed after years of stagnancy and being in the wilderness. The powerful God of Queen Ama changed her face and body overnight.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Wealth Accumulation

Food For Thought~ When wealth of any kind has been given to you; it does not give you advantage over anyone. You are mandated to share as nothing truly belongs to you. We are all custodians. Africa Listen!

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Resource Curse Hypothesis

Food For Thoughts~ Do you know how it feels to be independent for 52 years as a Nation to manage your God given renewable and non-renewable resources, but yet have nothing to show for it. Perhaps, whoever came up with the resource-curse hypothesis was right.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Is 52 Years of Independence, True Freedom?

Dear citizens of Nigeria,

I congratulate you all for 52 years of Independence.

We wanted freedom from the colonial masters and God granted us that request in 1960.

We are 52 today: Funny how time flies for a nation blessed with renewable and non-renewable resources and truly has achievements to show for it.

Most, important is a compulsory celebration for peace, equality, true growth, liberation and empowerment of women, united families, communities and independent nation. These are true marks of celebration for a truly Independent 52 year old nation.

We are scattered across the globe; some are good ambassadors of the country and others help to give the country a bad name through fraud and other illegal activities. Most, important, I congratulate men and women who have truly assisted with the global positioning of Nigeria over the past 52 years of Independence.

You have all heard the saying, "a fool at 40 is a fool forever". A man or woman who lacks wisdom at 40 could be considered foolish and may never crossover to the side of wisdom, if not checked in good time. Proverbs 4:7 states; Wisdom is the principal thing and with all your getting get understanding.

"Independence”, according to the Oxford dictionary means; to be free from outside control not subject to another's authority. It means self-governing.

Other definitions of independence you may find: not depending on another for livelihood or subsistence, capable of thinking for oneself.

Where are we as a nation based on these definitions given by the Oxford dictionary?

Are we independent yet? Although, documented we got our independence 52 years ago.

We are walking the same road as Lehman Brothers, United States 4th largest investment bank responsible for the Global financial crisis in 2007 -2012 and the worst one since the Great Depression of the 1930,s.

Lehman brothers made rich by increasing its financial burden through illiquid assets, but not liquid enough to meet their daily operational needs. Thus, Lehman brother a top investment firm holding over holding over $600 billion in assets filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. One of the largest bankruptcy filing in the history of United States. 

The unwise management of Lehman brothers made poor judgement and focused on bad assets that would make them very rich to the detriment of the external world forgetting time has a way of testing and revealing your true inner state.

Lehman brother founded in 1850, Montgomery Alabama was no longer in existence by 2008. Many employees whose destinies were tied to the daily operations of Lehman brothers, left the worldwide investment firm with nothing to show for it.

One would have thought being able to stand the test of time in business is an opportunity to remain and maintain market share. After 162 years of operation, Lehman brother said its last goodbye to the whole world leaving them with an indelible Mark.

Lehman brother: famous for its wealth and bonus given to staffs who made their balance sheet double in size had gone far into the land of no return. Nobody could bail them out of the financial mess they deliberately went into out of sheer greed, poor judgement and lack of truthful investment values. They gathered illiquid assets that could not be sold to anybody, but themselves. The reward was a great balance sheet that everyone could respect and adore.

Eventually, not even the government of the United States of America could stop the death of the 4th largest investment bank as at 2008.

The worldwide impact of Lehman brother’s weak investment decisions is still being felt even after their death in 2008. Economies are still struggling to come out of the financial crisis. 

Nigeria we have been independent for 52 years; have been managing our resources recklessly; implementing weak investment decisions just like Lehman brother.

We are all responsible for an on-going blunder, and if not corrected in time would lead to a divided nation. A defunct Nigeria is neither impossible nor far from the future, if we do nothing to keep our motherland. The heartbeat of our nation is fast dwindling and in no time the eyes of our nation would be shut permanently never to open again just like Lehman brother.

There are true prophets and prophetess; God issues out warning through them to advice his people . These messages are likened to alarm bells, but many listen for a short period waiting for the loud noise to stop. They go back to the old ways of backwardness through stealing, oppression, manipulation and corruption once those alarm bells can no longer be heard.

Funny enough; it is not everyone with eyes and ears that make good use of them. Thus, A Man or Woman clinically deaf and dumb has nothing to feel bad about. 

The importance of any alarm bell is not the unpleasant-incessant noise it makes, but the immediate actions required from authorities, government, private firms, learning institutions, Individuals, families and communities.

We have all failed to heed the warning signals for years. The punishment for disobedience, lack of depth and opportunity to gather quick wealth at the expense of the poor that only a few can utilize are here.

A 52 year old man is not a young man, but a mature adult with the ability to think and make decisions that would move families and communities forward.

We are talking 52 years of Independence. Where are we as individuals, family, society, community and independent nation?

Mr President, Jonathan Ebele Goodluck the destinies of every Nigerian both within and outside the country lie in your hands.

Today, I am asking with all due respect, who is your source?.

Is it by chance you became president? What is happening in your Government? Why is the resource- curse hypothesis applicable in our nation? Why is the gap between the poor and rich widening? Why are many still lacking basic primary school Education? Why can Boko Haram not be silenced? Why is corruption still eating up the fabric of the nation like a canker worm? Why are the young dying mysteriously?

Why is the divorce rate increasing at an alarming rate? Why is there hunger and starvation with the fertile soils in the Northern, Western, Southern and Eastern Nigeria?

Mr President you must answer your full name, Jonathan, Ebele Goodluck during your Tenor. A gift from God; who taps into his mercy daily should not bring badluck to the nation.

The citizens must benefit from your Government. You have work to do, but it is only the true living God that would empower you and have mercy on you.

Jonathan Ebele Goodluck you need to change your leadership strategy quickly before it is too late. The clock is ticking fast and not in your favour.

Hear the word of the Lord!

Author: Amalaonye Josephine Kachikwu
© Copy Right October 1st, 2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Queen Ama is a living vision of freedom and womanly strength which cannot be denied. Witness the globalised 21st century personified Spiritual, hot, spicy, loving, female and totally African.
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Food For Thought: Failure

Families, Societies and Nations working against the will of God would surely fail. The true glory of a nation would be hidden when false gods facilitate their underdevelopment.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Happy Day

Photo: Food For Thought~ Ho happy day! Ho Happy Happy Day! 
When my first love found me: It was never the same.
I have a true friend: he picks me up when I fall, he wakes me up when I thought life was over. Sometimes, I find food in my fridge, but he just puts it there.
He gives me hope through love: when hate and jealously surrounds me. 
Oh what a perfect friend: I find I keep him so close with holiness. Holy! Holy! Keep Holy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, What a perfect friend. Keep him close by: I need him every second, minute and hour. 
Life is hopeless without him. 
Oh what a perfect friend: I find I keep him so close with holiness. Holy! Holy! Keep Holy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. 
What a perfect friend. Keep him close by: I need him every second, minute and hour.

Food For Thought~

 Ho happy day! Ho Happy Happy Day!
When my first love found me: It was never the same.
I have a true friend: he picks me up when I fall, he wakes me up when I thought life was over. Sometimes, I find food in my fridge, but he just puts it there.
He gives me hope through love: when hate and jealously surrounds me.
Oh what a perfect friend: I find I keep him so close with holiness. Holy! Holy! Keep Holy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, What a perfect friend. Keep him close by: I need him every second, minute and hour.
Life is hopeless without him.
Oh what a perfect friend: I find I keep him so close with holiness. Holy! Holy! Keep Holy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
What a perfect friend. Keep him close by: I need him every second, minute and hour.
Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved. "A Tribute To Nelson Mandela ". Food For Thought Publications. No part of this program and the associated materials may be reproduced, presented, published or leveraged in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the written consent of the author. Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Food For Thought: Negativism!

Food For Thought: Negativism!

I could not have given you a better advice this week, but to reject every negative talk and thoughts from your head and heart.You would go far this week with your goals provided you silence negativism around you. Hey friends just stay positive and light up your environment with determination and persistence. You can do it.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012


Food For Thought~ Joseph in the holy bible was sold by his jealous brothers into slavery, yet rose to become the most powerful man in Egypt next to Pharoah. Look at the word, "rose" and could Joseph have risen into that position if he was not prepared. "All things work together for good for those who are lovers of Joseph's God".

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012


Food For Thought~ The fact and truth you were born to do it does not stop you from practicing. Practice equals perfection in no time.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

The Power of Words.

Food For Thought~ Do you know one of the key things that matter in life? What comes out of your mouth, and most important is the way it is said. Your heart needs to be set free to produce words that would either move your life and others forward or backward.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Monday, 24 September 2012

What Can Sustain Quantity?

Those who come to God for only miracles would be gone as soon as they see manifestations of their needs in the physical.

Abraham in the bible moved the heavens; a lasting covenant between him and God was only made possible by being a true friend. He wanted just a child, but God made a barren man a father of many nations. God gave him a son, Isaac meaning laughter. Abraham definitely got more than he could ever think of at an old age. 

Solomon had the privilege of making a personal request directly to God, but he asked for the immaterial called wisdom; however he was granted the material things of life In abundance such as wealth. Solomon surpassed all the kings of the earth not only in wealth, but also in wisdom.

Solomon first asked for wisdom which moved the heavens. 1kings 3: 10 -12 states, "Yahweh was pleased that Solomon had made this request. And he told him, " Because you have requested this rather than long-life or wealth or even vengeance on your enemies; indeed because you have asked for yourself understanding to discern what is right. I shall grant you your request. I now give you a wise and discerning mind such as no one has had before you nor anyone after you shall ever have. I will also give you what you have not asked for, both wealth and fame; and no king shall be your equal during your lifetime."

Solomon wanted quality to keep quantity; he knew without quality, quantity would diminish overtime. 

This is the main problem we have In Africa and most parts of the world. Some of our leaders; first not called by the ultimate source of life and death have misplaced needs and priorities.  It takes quality to govern people whose fulfillment of destinies are directly dependent upon your Leadership and Governance.

Nelson Mandela is another great leader who displayed Solomon,s kind of selfless attitude. Thus, you would see him enjoying long life with many leaders across the globe wanting to associate themselves with him. 

Success, which is another mark of quality strongly attracts, but failure repels. 

Nelson Mandela had the ability for forgiveness and reconciliation. He integrated the black and White race in South Africa. How powerful considering apartheid destroyed and enslaved many blacks in South Africa making the whites well off. 

When you genuinely desire quality in no time sustained abundance would come to you in various areas measured by length of time; long life, prosperity, health, peace and joy.

The heart is what moves heaven and not the head. 

The head a seedbed for quantity whilst the heart a pedestal for quality. Every human being on the surface of the earth needs both the head and heart core instruments of life to function and be productive. You cannot pursue Quantity and sustain it without quality.

It is no surprise a Man is judged by what comes from his heart. 

God deliberately tests our hearts, knows our secrets and understands our thoughts. Psalm 17 vs 3 states, "You have probed my heart, searched me at night, tested me by fire, and you seen no wickedness in me." 

How many of us can confidently proclaim these words of the psalmist.

Jesus- Christ made it clear in the scriptures; "you would know a sound tree by it's fruit. If you have a rotten tree , it's fruit will be rotten." The word, sound describes quality; a tree cannot produce one good fruit if it is not sound. How much more producing edible fruit in quantity. 

Everything sustainable starts and ends with quality.

It is written in Matthew 12 vs 34, "for the mouth speaks of what fills the heart". This is why God would test the heart and not the head. The heart is the seed bed for quality, which sustains increase of any kind called quantity.

God truly everywhere, knows all; Psalm 139 vs 1-4; O Lord you know me: you have scrutinized me. You know when I sit and when I rise; beforehand you discern my thoughts. You observe my activities and times of rest; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is formed in my mouth, you know what it is all about."

God knows what you need before you even kneel by your bedside or in your closet to pray for those who genuinely communicate with him in love and respect.
We should seek first with all our heart those immaterial things that would make heaven rejoice giving us full dominion here on Earth. We definitely all need some degree of wisdom to have full authority here on Earth as God had instructed us from the beginning. It is quality that moves heaven, which is a true reflection of your heart; therein lies compassion, obedience, true love, forgiveness, repentance, humility and service.

Firstly, Solomon was moved by service, and love emanating from the heart as he cared genuinely about the people he was going to govern. Thus, he requested for an understanding mind in governing the chosen people of God that he may be able to discern between good and evil. A further humble statement from Solomon, "For who is able to govern this multitude of people of yours"? 

Solomon knew quality was required of him to move God's children forward without it quantity would be far from him and the people he was called to Lead considering their number. Furthermore, fulfillment would develop legs running far from his leadership.

What does God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob call you? Does heaven see you as a friend for only miracles or signs and wonders? 

According to Ralph Waldo Emmerson, "The only reward for virtue is virtue; the only way to have a friend is to be one".

You cannot be a deep friend of God if vice is what surrounds you. God cannot be your true friend if you are not a true friend by walking in his ways and obeying his commands. This is what it means to have a quality relationship with anyone.

Nigeria I am speaking to you right now quantity may increase Gross Domestic Product (GDP); making a few men rich, but quality is what would ensure equality, peace, health and eradicate poverty, and diseases. Quality are seen in virtues that cannot be bought with money such as printing new 5,000 Naira notes in Nigeria. 

The only way forward is to get rid of those idols, which give you wealth overnight. Increasing the material things of life without the immaterial such as wisdom, discipline, true love, compassion, patience and obedience required to sustain them would never get us well positioned on a global map.

Growth measured by sudden increase in material wealth, which cannot be sustained overtime is not true Growth. It is superficial and artificial growth that would not lead to any tangible form of development. 

Africa let us wipe off the tears of poverty, diseases, famine, injustice, corruption, unemployment, inequality by pursuing quality to sustain quantity.

Africa it is truly time for Quality and not Quantity. Let us strive for quality and watch a material change that would benefit men and women all across the continent.

Quality sustains Quantity. 
If our destiny is not tied to quality leadership of a country where we reside why do we have leadership in the first place?
Leadership called by God; obedient to instructions and source of call will facilitate the fulfillment of the destiny of the people they are called to lead.
It is a leader who understands the importance of quality that would submit to the instructions of a supreme authority.
Choose your leaders carefully and you did not be struggling with getting the basic and compulsory amenities of life.
Sustained quantity would not be an issue for those who deal kindly in quality.
Why are you here on Earth?
Many young men and women have lost their lives just before their prime because they chose quantity without quality. They lacked the depth to sustain and keep the wealth they got through the wrong means.
What use would be increase of any kind when it cannot be sustained overtime. Now, we are talking quality, which come with values.
True Growth does not necessarily lie in increase in quantity, but rather in quality to sustain increase overtime.
Where quality; love, peace, joy and patience abide in homes you will find happy, stable and united families. The height of it is a community together with love and peace.
Nations where quality is the bedrock, leadership would last and its citizens would be fulfilled.
True Wisdom, which is quality lies in when, how, and what you do to accumulate wealth. It applies to Individuals, Communities and Nations.
Africa it is truly time for Quality and not Quantity.

Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love. Copyright © 2012 All rights reserved. "Mission". Food For Thought Publications. No part of this program and the associated materials may be reproduced, presented, published or leveraged in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the written consent of the author. Queen Ama is a living vision of freedom and womanly strength which cannot be denied. Witness the globalised 21st century personified Spiritual, hot, spicy, loving, female and totally African.

Friday, 21 September 2012

My Worst Fears.

Fear should not be entertained when dependent on faith to take you to the next level. What do you believe in and can it save you when you need it most? Try it out!

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Thursday, 20 September 2012


Food For Thought~ If our destiny is not tied to the leadership of a country where we reside why do we have leadership in the first place?

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Living Life to the Fullest.

A food for thought~ Living life to the fullest here on earth is a big dress rehearsal for eternity. Get ready for eternity!

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Called and Chosen.

Food For Thought~ When God calls you and anoints you to lead a nation you do not need to pay anyone to assume that role. Your obedience and submission to the ultimate source who has called you is what would determine your success in that position.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Saturday, 15 September 2012


Food For Thought: You must be broken for an appointed time. It is the Lord who humbles a Man and he uses people to do it. Therefore, let no Man start boasting about humbling another Man. There is no greatness without humility.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012


Food For Thought: Greatness!

I met with a humble man of God who has published over 250 books. He is arguably the most published Man of God in Africa. Dr Daniel Olukoya's gift has truly made a way for him. A Man with humble beginnings has indeed maintained his humility. Most of his books are best sellers and million copies sold with overwhelming demands over all the world. A Teacher, an Evangelist, a Pastor, a Prophet, an Apostle of the word has shown that a Man's gift would make a way for him provided he walks with God.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.


Food For Thought: Greatness!

You may seek to attain greatness thinking it has to do with wealth accumulation. However, humility is a key component of greatness. Those who have successfully and patiently cooked the soup of greatness understand a key ingredient called humility cannot be taken out of it.
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012


Food For Thought~ There are many cultures, languages and people, but we are all one. "United we stand, divided we fall."

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Problems and Solutions

Food For Thought~ It does not matter what the enemies have called your problem. When God steps in it loses the fake identity. I dare encourage someone to believe like never before.

What have you called your problems and solutions?

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

What Are You Standing For?

Food For Thought~ The moment you begin to compromise on your values you lose out on every other thing you are standing up for.

If you would ever stand in life what would it be?

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Envy: Woman

Women who have no confidence in themselves would find it extremely difficult to accept or see other women shine. The spirit of the crawling crab, which is there to frustrate and hinder others from doing what you cannot do needs to die completely in Women especially within the family unit.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.


Food For Thought~ When a leader has been chosen by the ultimate source to liberate a nation it pays not to be enslaved by their former habits, which led them into captivity in the first place.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012


Food For Thought~ The worst performance come from leaders who are not called by God or the people they want to lead at all cost. They are not prepared for the roles they find themselves through manipulation and death is often the reward of such persons. Check it out!
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Strong Woman

Food For Thought~ The strong woman of Africa was there thinking her abilities were just good enough for the bedroom not knowing she was destined to wear the crown of presidency in Nigeria come 2015 with the men trailing behind her.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Wilderness Experience

Food For Thought~ Those who go where things are so easy can never hold on to anything good for a longtime. Strategic suffering is an added advantage for those who understand if does not kill you it only makes you stronger.
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Your Voice

Woman your time has come stop living in the shadow of your illustrious husband. You have a voice and make it heard in a respectful way.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Africa:True Independence

Food For thought~ True independence would be far from some countries whilst womanhood remains un-emancipated. — inLondon.

Photo: Food For thought~ True independence would be far from some countries whilst  womanhood remains un-emancipated.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

God: Author of Creativity

Enough is enough for those who think creativity belongs to the devil, I see a new dimension completely different from what it is right now in that field. Your nakedness would not sell anymore, but deep content analyzing the root cause of matters. Cover your shameless act, think deeply so that true solutions would bring liberation.
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Monday, 3 September 2012

The World and Evil

Food For Thought~ The world is not dangerous because of the people who do evil, but because evil is accepted as a way of life. Thus, encouraging everyone to join in the race to outdo one another in evil.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

True Love

Food For Thought: Love of others or self?

The one who loves will patiently wait for the improvement of others. He does not complain always. Love of self is destructive; it ends up in misery and loneliness. Do you love others or only yourself?

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Friday, 17 August 2012


Food For Thought: Integrity!

It is quite easy to pronounce, but difficult to maintain for so many who do not keep to their words. However, marriages; businesses; communities are breaking up by the second because of integrity issues. Eloquence and poems are not enough to sustain a marriage. You must check the character of a person before marriage and not just what they say because they may not keep to it. What is my name? Integrity!

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

The Power of Forgiveness.

Photo: Food For Thought~  Who can ignore "The power of forgiveness"? It heals deep wound from arrows fired by a ferocious archer. Forgive someone today and watch another supernatural being receive those darts on your behalf. I love you All!

Food For Thought~ Who can ignore "The power of forgiveness"? It heals deep wound from arrows fired by a ferocious archer. Forgive someone today and watch another supernatural being receive those darts on your behalf. I love you All!

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.


Food For Thought: Every vision is for an appointed time. Sometimes, people may run with your vision before the appointed time. I call it the counterfeit. Why? It is not the original and not the appointed time. You must wait for the appointed time for your business, marriage, healing and restoration. Impatience would surely cause you pain. I love you all.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012


Food For Thought~ When you are in need of any kind of miracle do not lean on your own understanding. You must leave out human logic and begin to truly trust and obey the ultimate source of wisdom.
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.


Food For Thought~ When you are in need of any kind of miracle do not lean on your own understanding. You must leave out human logic and begin to truly trust and obey the ultimate source of wisdom.
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Sunday, 12 August 2012

New Beginnings

Food For Thought: New Beginnings!

It is not called new beginnings because you start all over again. It is called new beginnings because you now meet with deep change that would change your world. Your world is your mindset and ways of doing things. We all need new beginnings this week. I love you all.

Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.