Sure, God made man, heaven and the earth, but has never been
overbearing. He has from the beginning built a democratic structure with
freedom of expression, rule of law and human rights as fulcrum of that
structure. He has allowed man to decide on how to go about life. You remember
how He placed all animals before Adam, our progenitor to allot names to them.
You should also remember how He gave Adam the opportunity to call Eve whatever
he had desired to call her. Romantically, Adam called Eve ``The bone of my
bone’’. Even though their relationship nosedived after they had fed from the
forbidden fruit, woman would forever remain man’s missing rib. I do not intend
to bore you with biblical narratives, but the above analogies were cited to
kick start the conversation of why the doctrine of naming a child remains
divine. My name is indeed special, the name which is undoubtedly heavenly
orchestrated was given to me in splendour and in royalty. It has served as a
key that unlocks doors for me. In fact, God, unknowingly to my parents
deposited rare talent, courage and ability to forecast happenings in our World.
Most of my friends, associates, statesmen and women including presidents of
countries have uniformly described me as ``Woman Moses’’. I have not viewed
these opinions as mere accolades and praises most people pay to be bestowed
with in award ceremonies, rather I see this as an additional toga of leadership
and audacity demonstrated by Moses while leading Israelites to the promise
We are created in royalty, we are cladded in priesthood with
thrones to rule, however a lot of the people out of sheer ignorance continue to
serve as servants in kingdoms they should be ruling. I have for long discovered
mine and as a Queen I rule my world in knowledge, love and mercy. I devote
quality times to search for hidden treasure that can impact the society
My kind of Queen steps out in royal robe
with the right attitude and formula serve as resolution application to unlock
the greatness in you. Followers should love to be with their leaders and not
love to hate them to the point of wishing them dead. The leaders have for
pecuniary motive not lived by their names well enough, thereby providing the
window for such curses.
I belong to the school of thought that
encourages the challenge of beliefs or establishment. I have encouraged people,
especially the young ones to develop the habit of interrogating issues first
before jumping into the arena with an erroneous mind set. Such tactful approach
has always resulted in new concepts, principles and philosophies that can stand
the test of time. For example, I have predicted years ago that a major kingdom,
a known world alignment would disintegrate and I came up with a concept paper
titled ``Resolution and Brexit Repositioning: Queen AMA Flow Quadrant’’.
The 25 page study paper clearly proposed a
number of options to solving a puzzle. It was a clear instance of a visionary
Queen who gave a prototype solution to Britain’s stability after deciding to
quit the European Union (EU). The ongoing Brexit negotiation remains a defining
moment for a kingdom which has been in existence since 1535, 483 years. The
negotiation is still drawing solutions from contributors from across United
Kingdom, Europe and America including mine, a Black British African, proudly so
to the dynamics of social-economic change desired by one of my country,
Britain. An intellectually stimulating discourse cooking the body of knowledge
to a culinary height. A definition which has so many answers and can be
dismissed for the ambiguity. However, when a term or definition has so many
sides just like there are two sides to a coin, only those with capacity are
called to make the difference.
You must defend your name, you must believe
that you have a kingdom, you must desist from been hired as a servant with so
much yoke when actually you are princes, princesses, kings and Queens. There is
so much in a name. Your name defines the totality of your being. When you are
comfortable with your name, the society would be comfortable with you, but
before that happens you would have to build an incorruptible character of moral
rectitude and integrity. END
Amalonye Josephine Esther Kachikwu is famously known worldwide in Christendom,
Muslim and Jewish nations as the Queen of Inspiration amongst others. She is
fondly called Queen Ama by lovers of humanity.
is the woman the world has been waiting for settlement and justice.
March 30th, Queen Ama is UN ambassador of God, who wears so many hats and has
many titles. QUEEN, World Leader of Leaders, World Settlement (Justice) Leader,
World Peace Leader, Prophetess, Politician, Preacher, Ultimate Coach, World
Conservationist (Environmentalist) and Nations’ Consultant. She is the founder
and President of Food for Thought Global Legacy Organisation www.queenama.com. She has spearheaded popular
initiatives such as: Macro-Micro Greatness Programme (MMGP), Soul
Revival-Transformation Programme (SRTP), Mission to Nations (MN), Mission to
Churches (MC) and Nature Woman Green Project (NWGP). She has pioneered against
animal testing and has paved the way using herself for her future cosmetic line
and others.
Amalonye Josephine Esther KACHIKWU is the first black female to head global
change from a shit hole which has impacted many nations. A holy call to return
to basics.
Ama has assisted different nations during turbulent times. As part of an
emergency relief from the aftermath of the volcanic ash eruptions in India
spiced water was being used by the people for recovery and revival. A brand-new
invention called osmotic miracle water formulated by Queen Ama which has been
used in many places. Apart from her being a strong pillar of support for the
Indians at that time; who summoned her for prayers and protection. The
Iranians, Egyptians, Australians, Middle Eastern, Africans and Asians have not
been left out in tapping into her rich wisdom and spirituality: her brain power
and depth of knowledge in directing world affairs.
has devised very popular frameworks and strategies to end war and for equitable
distribution of wealth known as “CEASE FIRE and RESPECT”. She has contributed
to new meanings-inspired words and has pioneered numerous thoughts and
proverbs. She is the author of an award winning, creative-extraordinaire and
widely accepted book titled “THE ULTIMATE JOURNEY TO GREATNESS.
has also come up with brand new inventions and innovations from fashion, sports
(FIFA world-cup initiatives), food and nutrition, home improvement, well-being,
cosmetology, science, technology, engineering, theatrical stage performance
(cinema), television, religion and political reforms.
independent as a radical individual, a frank and fearless communicator, mass
media powerhouse and a societal mould breaker. Intimately personal in her
charismatic healing of personal dilemmas, rigorously clear in testing political
and economic ideas for the reality they would create;
is gifted with intelligence and is multitalented. She has received numerous
academic awards, and graduated with a first-class honours degree in Economics
and Development Studies. She holds a Master’s degree in Environmental and
Resource Economics from University College London. She is the Professor of the
World and has come up with fine lines bridging the gap between humanity and
beyond this present world.
is heaven’s living proof of ultimate freedom and Godly strength. A global
female icon, revolutionary thinker and communicator. She has been given the
grace to transform, liberate, and empower lives. As an ambassador of God to the
nations, her mission is to help others find their original identity and purpose
ultimately to fulfil their powerful destinies.
Ama is the author of numerous leadership, spiritual and personal development
publications. She is highly respected and sought after for her depth of wisdom,
experiences, and extensive knowledge, which she has acquired from her dramatic
spiritual journey. More so, from her extensive intercontinental travels, and
active involvement in the lives of thousands of people all over the world
through her online platform, outreach, events, coaching and community
activities she regularly participates in.
can follow Queen Ama's Tweets on:
Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.