Different people have asked me if am American. Heaven would give you signs about your true originality and your soul mate too. The last time I connected and I was told my race: Multi-Cultural Ascent, First Orientical (Ancient of Days). Ascent is the height I have come and the transformation in the process.
When heaven is giving you revelations about your true identity they also reveal your bone of bone and flesh of flesh if you must get married too. You would sound like the person and behave like them too. You share so many things in common and even nature would confirm it too. Spiritual people around you would also be shown too. When Mary was pregnant with Jesus-Christ, the baby in Elizabeth's womb leaped for joy. Luke 1:41KJV
Read (Esther 1 and 2):
Mordecai saw Esther's future too and gave her the mentorship she needed to arrive at her place of promise. Vashti an imitator who lacked originality saw Esther and knew she was the King's original wife and she left the scene. Vashti knew how she met her husband through magic of the moment before he was ever crowned king. What is fake would not last and you cannot hide behind camera and glamorous outfits. Vashti knew something significant was amiss in the King's life and she knew many secrets too. Heaven had rejected Vashti because of the promise. Deliverance from heaven is a blessing that cannot be taken for granted and when it arrives you would see the stars, sun and moon applaud it. The day Esther was paraded in the presence of the King there was peace in that Land and things changed for the best.
Many of us get the signs we need for our next level but we are surrounded by magicians: dream amputators and emptiers. Mary was lucky to have a true friend in Elizabeth who saw her destiny too. Joseph was a spiritual man who saw his promise too and acted upon it without sentiments. Mordecai was a great man who saw his promise too.
My Prophetic and Queenly Counsel:
Delay is not denial and that glory heaven has released for you cannot be hidden anymore.
When heaven gives you another chance it would make everything new for you.
Do not jump at the first opportunity you see because you are tired of waiting. Promise is something significant if you understand where it is coming from and where it would lead you. Your promise could attract criticism too because of envy.
I love you all,
Queen Ama
Welcome to Queen Ama's artistry world of contemporary thinking, spirituality, miracles, purpose, passion, greatness, success, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.