Friday, 28 December 2012
A Hopeless Fight With Human Flesh and Blood.
We can call down fire from above to consume all our enemies in human flesh and blood, but the greatest man or woman is one who behaves like Jesus-Christ able to forgive those who have deeply offended you.
Ephesians 6-12 from the Christian bible states: "Remember we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places and powers in high places". NLT version states we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.
When you understand the above scripture it makes no sense to hate your mother, sister or brother for trying to destroy you or making successive failed attempts from preventing you from fulfilling your destiny. You deal with those powers behind them and arresting those powers in the spiritual realm. You understand the mandatory command: Honour your father and mother so that your days will be long. This still applies regardless of the negative circumstances even though your parents or siblings might have crocodile scales in the spiritual realm or move into animals to attack you in the spiritual realm.
I remember praying for a girl in Church with other prayer warriors. The prayer got quite intense and she stood with a good posture. Then suddenly something prompted me I stretched out the palm of my five fingers facing upwards and the whole length of my hands came out fiercely from a far distance towards her instantly, and she fell. I did not touch her or push her with my physical hands, but she staggered instantly and fell. Do you now understand that powers had caged her, and there was a release, not by mere physical fight with her flesh? I went home and pondered could my hand be a hand of fire, but not necessary physical fire that can be seen with the naked eyes, but spiritual power and authority. We need to understand things of the spiritual and work less with our flesh. Then the almighty God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel will move mightily on our behalf.
Let me give another clear illustration from the bible. A prophet of God from Judah following a command of Yahweh had arrived at Bethel while Jeroboam the king of Israel was standing and burning incense. The prophet of God shouted , cursing the altar, 'O altar of, altar , thus says Yahweh: There shall be born to the family of David a son by name of Josiah. He shall sacrifice on you the priests of the high places who burn incense on you; and human bones shall be burned on you. The prophet of God also gave a sign as a proof the message was from God. 'The altar shall shall be torn down and the ashes on it shall be scattered.'
When king Jeroboam heard him cursing the altar of Bethel and also indirectly telling him Josiah would succeed the throne. He stretched out his hand from the altar and said, 'arrest him!'. Immediately the hand which King Jeroboam pointed out against the man dried up and he could not draw it back. The altar itself crumbled and the ashes on it were scattered, according to the sign that had been given. Immediately the king said to the man of God, 'entreat the favour of Yahweh your God and pray for me so that my hand be restored.' The man of God entreated Yahweh and the king's hand was restored as it had been.
The prophet of God with the spirit of forgiveness simply said a short prayer. He had the authority to bind powers, principalities, wicked spirits on earth and heaven would respond accordingly. Likewise he had the same authority to loose any power, principalities on earth and heaven would respond accordingly.
I want you to say this prayer for those seeking more spiritual power and authority. You must repent of all sin before you say the prayer point below.
1. Father in the name of Jesus-Christ assist me to be totally broken in the area concerning human flesh and blood. Help me soar up with wings as an eagle in the spiritual realm and let their be instant manifestation of your power through me when I need to act as you have commanded me. Amen
2. Lord Jesus empower me so that whatever I bind here on Earth would be bound in heaven and whatever I loose on earth is loosed in heaven in Jesus mighty name. Amen
3. Heavenly father, may I not be carried away boasting that demons, principalities, powers and wicked spirits are subject to me, but let my name be written in the book of life. Amen.
I love you all and look forward to starting 2013 with you all with renewed hope, love, joy and on a bigger platform. Amen.
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.
Food For Thought,

Sunday, 16 December 2012
Beautiful World
Food For Thought: Despite all the wickedness in this beautiful world, I am so grateful to be alive. I have been given another chance to make my own life right and impact others through changes first in my life.
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.
Food For Thought,

Woman of Courage! Woman of the Hour!
Queen Ama's Food For Thought: Woman of Courage! Woman of the Hour!: She Died To Liberate Future American Youths The woman of courage, Woman of the hour: Victoria Soto who died in Connecticut shootings...
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For ThoughtWelcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For ThoughtWelcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.

Woman of Courage! Woman of the Hour!
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She Died To Liberate Future American Youths |
The woman of courage, Woman of the hour: Victoria Soto who died in Connecticut shootings to protect her own pupils in cupboards at the Sandy Hook Elementary School is a true Heroine.
I would love to acknowledge her here on my public fan page for 1 WEEK for what she did and what she represents. You will be remembered in my new book titled, 'The Fear Called Greatness'. I would stamp your name all over the place.
Your story is what I have been looking for in recent times and in reality to tell myself and the world to emulate on greatness and true love.
Victoria Soto gave up her life like Jesus-Christ for others to become better and live. She has finished her mission here on Earth at 27 and making history like Jesus-Christ, Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King.
Victoria Soto has demonstrated greatness and true love.
My fans and I would all celebrate her for true Greatness and an idea of selfless service for ushering greatness into our own lives. Most important, getting rid of the fear, which hinders greatness in our life of true service and love to humanity. A life of service and love; a life of being selfless and giving out your all to make others better, stronger, healthier and fulfilled.
She has left a reminder for me to be bold and courageous living a selfless life and be ready to take bullets if it requires making other lives better who have not concluded their assignment here on Earth.
My old man, once said to us, 'If you move forward you die If you move backwards you die. Why don't you go forward and die a heroine'?You have gone forward and died to liberate our future youths in America like a true heroine.
You have acknowledged the words of my old man like a true daughter of his.
I wonder if you heard when my father confidently said that wise statement to his 15 children.
You make me wonder if you are not part of us making us 16 children. Laughs!
Many claim angels are white birds with wide flapping wings, but you came and stayed in human form just to save the lives of the young ones in Sandy Hook Elementary School.
You staged a momentary scene of silence asking the ones you truly loved to stay quiet in a cupboard for a few seconds while you took bullets on their behalf now ceasing that momentary seconds of silence. You gave up that power over the children to stay first in the cupboard, which was big enough for you to quickly slide into and save your own life.
Yes! Victoria Soto, the ones you truly loved heard that sound of freedom, love and hope after a momentary period of silence.
They heard you screeching below to the ground with a pool of blood liberating them.
You are true heroine; You brought tears of hope to my eyes touching my most precious part of womanhood and re-awakening it. You have awakened my senses that I have not even started.
You have taught as a true teacher it is not about me and my immediate family, but about the external community, larger society and united nation.
Victoria Soto, you have given me the most current inspiration to continue with my assignment here on Earth. You have given me a message for my people back home in Africa that I would not rest until I see change in my country, Nigeria. You have given me hope that the few years on Earth is not worth living If I do not have a true legacy of freedom, hope and unity to leave behind for everyone.
You have now decreed and declared a moment of silence for everyone to think about and retrace their steps.
Victoria Soto you are a true Queen; a world heroine and forever you will be celebrated even among generations yet unborn.
Many parents would remember you forever saying this, 'She's a heroine-She saved my child'.
Many lose their lives for nothing adding no value, but you lost your life for something.
Victoria I wonder what heaven looks like, but you know best as you did get there before many of us.
I wish you a safe flight and bon voyage to the safest place.
We love you and would miss you, but then again you left a gift of freedom, peace, hope and love for many including me.
We love you and may your soul rest in peace.
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Copyright © 2012 Ama Kachikwu All rights reserved. "The Fear Called Greatness". Food For Thought Publications. No part of this program and the associated materials may be reproduced, presented, published or leveraged in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the written consent of the author.
Queen Ama is a living vision of freedom and womanly strength which cannot be denied. Witness the globalised 21st century personified Spiritual, hot, spicy, loving, female and totally African.

Saturday, 15 December 2012
Fake Communities, Societies and Families.
A fake community, society and weak nation is one where people keep guns in their houses to protect themselves from the next door neighbors. Queen Ama.
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.
Food For Thought,

Fake Communities, Societies and Families.
A fake community, society and weak nation is one where people keep guns in their houses to protect themselves from the next door neighbors. Queen Ama.
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.
Food For Thought,

Thursday, 13 December 2012
Fear: The Enemy of The Finish Line of Greatness.
We are all created from greatness; your genes say so because the ultimate source is greatness himself. However, when you begin to walk in fullness of your purpose that is not what throws the enemy off course because he knows we can start, but not finish it. When you start anything good and cannot finish it, it is as worthless as not starting in the first place.
The action that we must strive for, which the enemy hates is the conclusion of your assignment here on Earth. As in the case of Nehemiah in the Bible who was given the task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. The enemies who wanted the ruins to remain and the city to stay without a fortified wall had planned to trip his feet and scare him away from the conclusion of his assignment.
It is not starting your purpose that earns you the crown. The enemy of your greatness, which is fear knows and would come through men like you and I to scare you off your place and position of God-given assignment where you are destined to arise and shine.
Nehemiah now engaged with the task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem where its people who had returned from exile where living in the midst of great poverty and shame.
The enemies of the finish line of greatness learned he had rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem. There was no hole left in it, although the doors had not been set up yet. Nehemiah had started a crucial God-given assignment. He was about concluding the task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, and it was just left for the doors to be added.
Then Sanballat and Gesham, enemies of the finish line of greatness sent Nehemiah a message saying, ‘Come and let us meet together in one of the villages in the plain of Ono.’ They intended to do Nehemiah harm; but Nehemiah sent messengers to them, saying, ‘I am much occupied in an extremely valuable work, I cannot come down to meet you, for the work would stop if I left it.’
They invited Nehemiah four times, but he gave them the same answer every time. Then Sanballat invited Nehemiah a fifth time and this time fabricating accusations. Sanballath said, ‘Do you know the news that circulates among those who are not Jews? Gashmu says that you and the Jews are planning to rebel, and that is why you are rebuilding the wall. And you also wish to become their king, and have already chosen prophets to proclaim you king of Jerusalem. The king shall know of this, so come that the two of us may talk.’
Nehemiah made it clear there was nothing true in what Sanballat said: ‘You have invented this story was his reply. Nehemiah had the spirit of discernment and was able to identify the enemy of the finish line of greatness. ‘For they all wanted to frighten us, saying: ‘Let us discourage them that they may not finish the work.’
The enemies of the finish line of greatness would try to distract you. They tried everything to distract Nehemiah from finishing the good work of completing the walls of Jerusalem because they did not want the city to be fortified. They had interest in making sure the city of Jerusalem remained unfortified and the walls in ruin. The Jews had just returned from exile and their survivors were living in the midst of great poverty and shame. The wall of Jerusalem was broken down and its gates burned. The enemies of the finish line of greatness understand what is at stake, if you conclude your God given assignment.
Nehemiah on the contrary worked with greater strength. Then he went to Shemaiah, son of Delaiah, son of Mehetabel since he could not leave his house. He said to me, ‘Let us meet together in the House of God, within the sanctuary, and then close its doors, for they are coming to kill you, to strike you this very night.’ Nehemiah with the strong spirit of discernment answered him, ‘Should a man like me flee? Why should a man like me seek sanctuary to save my life? I will not go was Nehemiah’s reply. He understood then that Semaiah had not been sent by God but that Tobiah and Sanballat had brought him to frighten him. In hiding in the Sanctuary, Nehemiah said would have led him into committing an offense, that would damage his reputation, and put him to shame.
You must guide the finish line of greatness with all your strength, persistence, courage and faith. You must hold the finish line of greatness in your mind as that is where the battle takes place for you not to conclude your assignment here on Earth. This is where you are told I am too fat not to pass through this door; I do not have the looks to become a model; I am not qualified for the position I seek; I am a failure as there is nothing I have ever started that I finished. The last part of being a failure and not concluding your assignment is what the enemy truly wants you to believe. Prior thoughts are preconceived notions formed within you towards arriving at the point where you believe you cannot make it in whatever your assignment in life.
When working on your God-given assignments the enemy of the finish line of greatness would use mockery and insults; threat of attack; psychological warfare and accusations to force you into sin and prevent the conclusion of your assignment as they did with Nehemiah.
The time you should never give up is when the enemy of the finish line steps in to prevent you from doing so. You should never give up as you are closer than you think. Whenever you have thoughts of quitting get a rethink of how you started and where you hoped to arrive. When you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand. Therefore, friends do not give up yet as that is the language of the enemy to steal, destroy and terminate your assignment here on Earth. I want you all to be courageous like Nehemiah.
In the book of Nehemiah 6:15-16KJV states, ' So the wall was finished in the twenty and fifth day of the month Elul, in fifty and two days. And it came to pass, that when all our enemies heard thereof, and all the heathen that were about us saw these things, they were much cast down in their own eyes: for they perceived that this work was wrought of our God.
You can imagine how Nehemiah felt after completion of his God given assignment. He was fulfilled, excited and declared him to be a true son of God.
It is almost the end of 2012 and the enemy of your finish line would scare many people away from entering 2013 through depression, poverty, sorrow, accident, untimely death, evil imaginations, diseases and betrayal.
I see many people including ministers, pastors, prophets, prophetess, coaches, politicians, teachers, doctors, nurses, lawyers and evangelists who are not meant to be where they are currently operating in life, although they see it as preparation. Many people now engage in trades the enemy of the finish line has designed for them because of fear. Many have started their true purpose, but the enemy of the finish line waging war on completion of the project. Many viable projects are hanging in dark ungodly environments and thus implementation seems far.
It is the enemy of the finish line at work, and you must deal with them and put them to shame like Nehemiah with prayer, perseverance, courage, determination, strength and faith.
The enemy of the finish line hates to hear you say, "It is finished like Jesus- Christ. They would frustrate your project, marriage, finances, health, ministry and career. The enemy of the finish line loves to use delay tactics to discourage you from your God given assignments and start pursuing man-made assignments, which does not take you to the promised land. The enemy of the finish line causes costly distractions, which can crumble your project, if you are not prayerful.
The current minister of finance in Nigeria, Ngozi Okonjo Iweala just like Nehemiah has been given a God given assignment to rebuild the finance walls of Nigeria, bring back stability into the economy and reduce corruption.
However the minister and family members, are dealing with fear right now, the enemy of the finish line of greatness. The notorious Kidnappers in Nigeria abducted her 82-year-old mother Prof. Kanene Okonjo at their family home in Ogwashi uku, Delta state. They are demanding a whopping $1 billion ransom. Are these not fearful distractions to prevent her from concluding her assignment as the current minister of finance or scare her away a second time and never to return to Nigeria again. You can imagine the psychological warfare; accusations; paying of ransom they are using on her and family to relinquish conclusion of her assignment as the finance minister of Nigeria.
However the minister and family members, are dealing with fear right now, the enemy of the finish line of greatness. The notorious Kidnappers in Nigeria abducted her 82-year-old mother Prof. Kanene Okonjo at their family home in Ogwashi uku, Delta state. They are demanding a whopping $1 billion ransom. Are these not fearful distractions to prevent her from concluding her assignment as the current minister of finance or scare her away a second time and never to return to Nigeria again. You can imagine the psychological warfare; accusations; paying of ransom they are using on her and family to relinquish conclusion of her assignment as the finance minister of Nigeria.
I want you all to say these prayer points especially those almost giving up and almost at the finish line of 2012. However, you must repent from all sins before you take these prayer points. Welcome Jesus-Christ into your life and ask him to take total control of every department of your life.
Every power and principality behind the enemy manipulating the finish line and wants me to fail at the edge of my breakthrough, which earns me the crown fall and die in Jesus name.
Every activity of the enemy of the finish line encouraging fear in my life: I command you by the ultimate power in the name of Jesus leave right now and never return in Jesus name. Amen
Every activity of the enemy of the finish line be amputated by the word of God in Jesus Name.
Congratulations, if you have given your life to Jesus-Christ and concluded the prayer points.
Copyright © 2012 Ama Kachikwu All rights reserved. "The Fear Called Greatness". Food For Thought Publications. No part of this program and the associated materials may be reproduced, presented, published or leveraged in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the written consent of the author.
Queen Ama is a living vision of freedom and womanly strength which cannot be denied. Witness the globalised 21st century personified Spiritual, hot, spicy, loving, female and totally African.

Saturday, 8 December 2012
Why Power In The Hands of Southerners From Nigeria Has Failed The Nation?
Many claim today's Power in the hands of Southerners from Nigeria has failed the nation.
We Southerners are highly competitive and have no respect for authority called and chosen by God. You will even see this harmful competition among family members. You would see this trend on face-book. People already members of a meaningful group anointed by God now leave forming another group of almost the same purpose. What is the motive behind a new group on face-book of similar purpose? We believe we have something better to state; I have to be the leader as I am more qualified to start a new discussion group. I can also write and speak well, let me showcase my skills.
We Southerners are highly competitive and have no respect for authority called and chosen by God. You will even see this harmful competition among family members. You would see this trend on face-book. People already members of a meaningful group anointed by God now leave forming another group of almost the same purpose. What is the motive behind a new group on face-book of similar purpose? We believe we have something better to state; I have to be the leader as I am more qualified to start a new discussion group. I can also write and speak well, let me showcase my skills.
Do you think inspiration, motivation and things that pertain to humanity such as leadership is all about research and speaking from your head as opposed from your heart? Do you think you need to go to school to become a leader? Far from it!
We must seriously dig deeper from the surface as therein lies the truth. Gold can never be found on the surface. It is time to launch out into the deep before we can make meaningful sense of what we ought to know by now. We must study the characteristics of those 'called and chosen' into leadership positions by God . There is something greater than schooling, which is empowerment and liberation by the spirit of God.
The holy spirit teaches you all that you need to know concerning things of the world; It gives you solution to deep rooted problems. It would give you direction on a daily basis.
It is for this reason when you have the privilege of interviewing those called and chosen into leadership positions by God they cannot even explain how they got there in the first place. It is for this reason the wise ones are now totally dependent on him for direction and guidance. The foolish ones go their own way forgetting they have not called and chosen themselves.
Dear brothers and sister have you not heard the saying that 'too many cooks spoil the broth'. When you have too many people try to take charge at a task, the end product might be ruined. Sometimes, you see people soliciting for Leadership at all cost. Please ask King David where he was when called and chosen by God. The same God who called and chose him directed a well-respected prophet to go and anoint him to lead his people. Do you know Samuel was also called and chosen by God?
This is why many are already failing in ventures fuelled by negative competition, jealousy and pride? When the aftermath of such is dealing with many of us, we start blaming our leaders for our lawlessness, pride and Jealousy.
The Northerners from Nigeria understand the importance of family and community even with marrying several wives and having so many children. They do not try to fight or control their leader, but rather honor and respect him. When You fight leadership called and chosen by God you are fighting God and would suffer severely for it. When too many voices are speaking it is called destructive noise and can burst the ear drum. The result of too many voices wanting leadership equivalent to fame is a chaotic and disorderly nation.
Boko Haram is clearly political, and the uncircumcised leader of that group would be destroyed by a woman in no time. It is all directed to topple the leadership of the country and for the Northerners to take over.
A statement of this length is enough for the wise.
Have a fantastic weekend.
© 2012 Ama Kachikwu All Rights Reserved.
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.
Queen Ama is a living vision of freedom and womanly strength which cannot be denied. Witness the globalised 21st century personified Spiritual, hot, spicy, loving, female and totally African.
© 2012 Ama Kachikwu All Rights Reserved.
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.
Queen Ama is a living vision of freedom and womanly strength which cannot be denied. Witness the globalised 21st century personified Spiritual, hot, spicy, loving, female and totally African.

Friday, 7 December 2012
Motherhood: A Curse or Blessing?
What a disappointment? What a disaster? What a disgrace?
Motherhood in Africa decaying fast! Motherhood in Africa losing its values! Motherhood in Africa now a headspring of destruction for their children rather character moulders. Motherhood now centred on misplaced priorities and greed.
Nowadays, You see a mother with married children wanting to look 16 by all means exposing her boobs meant for her husband for the world to see. You see a 40 year old mother almost looking like a call girl. Some outfits that mothers put on are abominable all in the name of couture. Some, even belong to all kinds of occultic groups using their children for all kinds of ritual in order to acquire wealth and top positions at all cost. Many are not finding it difficult to cheat on their husbands.
What is Motherhood? It is a life of sacrifice, yet many are not willing to make any meaningful sacrifice for their children's life to be anything or better. What is motherhood? The state of being a mother; The qualities of a mother: selfless, compassionate, patient, loving, humble, calm, spiritual, reliable, and industrious. etc
Why go through the rigorous exercise of giving birth to a child, and supplied the ovum that unites with a sperm which grows into a child delivered after 9 months or fewer? Why bother having children when you hate them and want them dead spiritually and physically? Why bother bringing children into the world for destruction? Why bother having children when you want another woman to fulfill the social role of raising them, and there is nothing wrong with you physically, mentally and otherwise?
I ask the same question by Louisa May Alcott, 'What do girls do who haven't any mothers to help them through their troubles?'
A Mother should be involved in helping her child through life's troubles as nobody is best positioned to do this other than a mother. It is a different ball game altogether if the mother of a child is dead physically, spiritually, financially, socially, mentally and culturally. Then it is a no-brainer that a charitable woman steps into the role and assumes the role of a new mother.
According to Jessica Lange, 'The natural state of motherhood is unselfishness. When you become a mother, you are no longer the center of your own universe. You relinquish that position to your children'.
In the quest for wealth and positions within the society, many now sacrifice the destinies of some of their children and generations yet unborn. Some even encourage their children to go into prostitution and theft. Some encourage child slavery and would not want anything good for their children. Some would sacrifice the life of their most talented and gifted child all in the name of wealth and God forsaken positions.
Somerset Maugham was right to state, ' Few misfortunes can befall a boy which bring worse consequences than to have a really affectionate mother'. Children would get to that stage where they now feel they know more than you and would sometimes challenge your authority. This is an important place where many mothers deepen their qualities: showing love when we shouldn't be giving love in the first place because of badly behaved children. It is that love that transforms a child who has gone into fraud, prostitution or armed-robbery out of no fault of yours.
Where is motherhood in Africa and across the globe headed? This is not what God meant when he said a Child should have an earthly guardian called a mother and father. It is a pity! Motherhood in Africa and across the globe needs complete deliverance. We need to act fast because the center cannot hold anymore. Motherhood now stinks and needs cleansing before it is too late.
I want to encourage all good mothers out there in the world to continue in their excellent job as in no time you would reap the fruit of your reward. It is a thing of joy to be a good mother. How gracious and honorable to see those kids become teenagers, adults and eventually ambassadors of good upbringing.
I just want to use this opportunity to thank my mother for those good old days of being a selfless and a true mother.
The crown of motherhood is to see your children become greater than you.
Successful motherhood is the ability to unite your children teaching them true love and killing every form of negative competition among them.
Motherhood is a heart of true love and forgiveness.
Motherhood is the spring of life for any family to thrive here on Earth.
Motherhood is stripping oneself physically to protect your children spiritually enabling the germination of the seed of greatness within them.
The only covenant a mother must go into is one with the source of light, which involves seeking the kingdom of God first, and every other thing will be added unto you.
Motherhood is far more valuable and worth far more than rubies.
Motherhood does good to her children and not evil.
Motherhood is what makes any family stand tall in the community, society and nation.
Motherhood should be a blessing and not a curse.
Wherever you have failed in your duties as a mother you can retrace your steps.
Oh God my father, deliver motherhood from decadence In Jesus name.
One Love Mothers,
I wish all a merry Christmas and prosperous 2013 in advance.
Queen Ama
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When Your daughter is Your Best Friend at '21' Then You Are Not Doing Badly as a Mother. |
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Active Involvement in the Church by all Mothers Should be a Spiritual Exercise and not a Religious Exercise. |
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Positions Within The Society By Mothers Should Influence Your Family Positively and Not Pull Them Backwards. |
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Motherhood is What Makes Any Family Stand Tall in the Community, Society and Nation. |
© 2012 Ama Kachikwu All Rights Reserved.
Welcome To Queen Ama's Food For Thought Welcome Friends!, to an intellectual debate intimately set within the reality of Queen Ama’s glamorous aspirational world of contemporary thinking, political analysis and her infectious love of life and love.
Queen Ama is a living vision of freedom and womanly strength which cannot be denied. Witness the globalised 21st century personified Spiritual, hot, spicy, loving, female and totally African.
Family and Culture,

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